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2015 - 6 Months out... what's up??

Hi fellow IM MD peeps,

We're a long way out, but I thought I'd reach out to see how everyone is doing and what your season plans are leading up to IM MD.  Unlike many prior years where I raced a lot, I've realized I'm just too busy and would rather get solid EN training in, so at this point, I've got Vineman 70.3 and IM MD on the books, and that's it for multisport!  I am doing some crazy crap the next two weekends - EN double blashphemy - Boston 2 Big Sur... 2 marathons, 2 coasts, 6 days.  I had a really, really off year last year, ie, nothing but a February mary, then major life got in the way.  So... since running is my first love, I needed a major league run goal to get the mojo going again.  

I'm really, really looking forward to getting back on the bike and finally back in the pool in 2 weeks!!  It's been... gulp... I think 6 months since I've swum.  Can you tell that's my weakest link??   

How about the rest of you... what's on the race docket this summer?  Can't wait to meet you all in Cambridge in 6 months, and look so forward to sharing the group mojo on this journey.

Your fearless (and swimless for now) Race Captain - Julie 


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    Hi Fellow IMMD'ers! Hope everyone's training is going well. I need a little pep talk to get back in gear following my HIM in VA on May 9. The end of April and May were very hectic at home (moved, lots of family commitments) and at work (multiple 13 hour days) and I have been playing catch up for the last two weeks - I thought this week was going to get things back on track, I got in my workout yesterday but then this morning I woke up with pink eye and feeling run down and really tired. I feel like my body is telling to me to catch my breath but I feel like my workouts have not been consistent enough in the last 3 weeks and IMMD is going to close in fast. I just can't seem to find the rhythm again. Any advice on getting the mojo back on track?

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    Hi Sarah! Someone finally replied to this thread... yeah!! The very valid reason for that is IM MD is still very far away and therefore, we really shouldn't be thinking about it (or training for it quite yet)... a good thing for your mojo issue. There's too much risk of burn-out if you start IM training right now. I think the EN guidance is generally don't think about "training for IM xyz" til ~12 weeks out. Do you have any other races between now and IM MD to focus on instead?

    Also, considering you just completed a 1/2 IM a little over 2 weeks ago, I think your body is definitely telling you something, and I would listen to it. I really wouldn't worry about lack of mojo at this time; you've got plenty of time! I am the Queen of losing and then finding my mojo. Believe me, it always returns. Give it another week or two, and itmw, just do what sounds fun. Your 1/2 IM base will serve you well when you jump back in.

    Thanks for reaching out! I'm sure this forum will start to heat up over the next month.
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    Thanks Julie, that's just what I needed to hear. I am doing the run leg of a HIM relay in Williamsburg on June 14 - should be really fun and am hoping for a PR in the half marathon.  My teammates are REALLY good so I feel a little pressure to perform well. However,  I am going to give my self the next 2 weeks to aim for getting in all the workouts WITHOUT adding stress etc., if I need to rest/take care of life I will with the goal of getting things in order over this time.  After the next 2 weeks I will hit the reset button and get back down to work.  As this is my first IM it has been interesting to me the reactions/support or lack there of I have received from people.  My tri/bike friends and many of close friends are very supportive and think it is a really cool endeavor., even my 6 year old thinks it is awesome and reminds to train!  Others, especially some of extended family and colleagues are quick with the "wow, seems like a lot maybe you should quit" or "are you sure you are not stressing yourself too much".  Sometimes those comments creep into my positive internal monologue.  I don't think they get that this is how I clear my head and manage my stress - not add to it, most of the time anyway.  But even when getting the workouts scheduled is a little stressful, it is a good stress, it is making the time for myself that everyone tells you to do!  Just have ignore the less than supportive comments!

    Good luck with the training everyone!  Can't wait to meet you in October.

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    Sarah- I totally agree with Julie on this! It's waaaaaaaaay too soon to be stressing yourself out over the workload and race. I'd actually encourage you to take a complete week off from anything structured and give yourself a real mental and physical break. Maybe just keep up the run so you are ready for Williamsburg Half. Otherwise, everything else can wait a week.

    I'll be doing Raleigh 70.3 this weekend and then I'm taking a complete week off from all things triathlon. Hubby and I are going to the mountains and will do some hiking and backpacking together. No bikes, no goggles, no running shoes. Just enjoying nature and life. That way when I return I'll be ready to hit the "Get Faster" plan with some enthusiasm.

    PS- I'm always amazed by folks with little children who are able to do this balancing act. You folks rock!

    PPS- Not sure what plan you are following right now, but if you will be following the "Get Faster" plan in June (as I imagine you will), I'd encourage you to hop into that forum (after your week off ) and start posting your trials and tribulations there- that should also help you get some Mojo and encouragement! I'll see ya there in a few weeks.
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    Thanks Nemo! Hope you are enjoying your week off! I think we actually finished right next to each other at Kinetic...noticed your name in the results. Wish I had known it was you on the run, it got hot out there! I am getting back in the swing of things, finally getting over this 10 illness. I for sure lost some ground fitness wise over the last few weeks but felt the mojo coming back on my run today. Thanks again everyone for the pep talk!
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    Thanks Nemo! Hope you are enjoying your week off! I think we actually finished right next to each other at Kinetic...noticed your name in the results. Wish I had known it was you on the run, it got hot out there! I am getting back in the swing of things, finally getting over this 10 illness. I for sure lost some ground fitness wise over the last few weeks but felt the mojo coming back on my run today. Thanks again everyone for the pep talk!
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    Just finished Challenge Williamsburg half. Sarah, how hot was that run course. geez. And I agree with everyone else...rest up, get healthy...plenty of time for IMMD prep. I find that whenever I hit the wall from a fitness stand point it is typically an outside factor that gets me i.e. work, family, life stress

    my main goal right now is to get to 100% healthy. I have a nagging knee issue that only seems to bother me when I'm not running or biking. go figure. It feels like IT band but its different. I'm thinking maybe some tendinitis. Anyways, I've been completely Off since crossing the finish line of my half and have an apt with the Dr. on Monday just to rule out anything more serious. And Man, that crazy hot Humid Half really took it out of me. been tired all week.

    I'm guarding against burning out with this build. My plans are to be really smart about what I do in July. keep it loose, change the schedule up a bit if I need to. Not place too much pressure on myself for the training. I've got some good fitness from the Half IM. August and September will be all in for sure.

    Here's to getting healthy, a wetsuit swim, and only tail winds for IMMD.
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