Bike FTP Tests Outdoors
My next round of testing is coming up. I have been doing all of them indoors for the past several months.
As I move to outdoor riding, is it best to just keep testing indoors with a consistent test or is it better to take it outside so I have a more accurate number?
So, if the answer is outdoor: follow up questions from someone living in a hilly area where flat roads are available but usually heavier in traffic and sometimes hard to avoid a turnaround.
Is flat ideal? or can one pick a spot that gives you a gradual incline that ends on a super tough hill to boost your numbers at the end?
So, 15 minutes or so at 2% grade, ending on a mile hill that is an average of 9% grade for example.
Also, I tend to sit up on hills. Should I attempt to do the whole test in aero?
What Al said....
Test out doors and in aero position.......
Let us know how goes bro!
Thanks for your help and advice. I posted on Get Faster, but wanted to update you guys too. I decided to use a flat area near my home that works pretty good. I figure you don't want to have to make a U turn so I found an area that can give me enough flat (mostly nothing is flat here) distance to get in 20 minutes hard. The first mile is on a busy road with lots of trucks and stuff, probably helped me push a little too hard at the start to get off of that road.
My VO2 test was a slight bump from 352 to 356. I stayed aero for a good portion of that ride. Not as much on the FTP test.
FTP test, NP went from 301 to 312. or FTP of 286 to 296. Last test had been on my trainer. I did sit up for 50 % of the ride. Started doing it on a slight downhill to slow myself down and have some resistance.
Noticed my throat was a little sore after both tests. Must be the green stuff that is starting to pop up here in Wisconsin. Perfect day, little wind upper 60s.