Confused: Thursday LR and Pre Ride Runs.
I know this has been ask/answered a thousand times but the forum search function isn't working, so here goes.
I know the prescribe durations for the long run in HIM and IM plans is your total run time. My confusion is the MS takes up the total duration so there's no time for a warm up. For example: 100 min; MS: 60' @ Z2/MP, 35' @ Z3/HMP, 5' final push at best possible effort. If I do a warm up, then my LR becomes 110' or do I warm up within the first 1-2 miles and ease into Z2 effort?
While I'm here, one more question. What is the purpose of the 30' run before the Sat and Sun Rides and how many min/hours before my ride is it best to do the run?
Thanks Team!
(1) Rumor has it RnP sometimes actually make "mistakes", meaning things don't add up. For a specific workout where that seems to happen, hit up Coach P in the Micro forum for guidance.
(2) Try these two links for the background and answer to your other question:
On the first question, I can tell you what I do. I warm up about 5 mins in Z1 then go through the MS and end up with a little more than the total Al eludes...
Regarding the second question, the goal of the pre- ride run is to ensure you get enough weekly run volume but, it is done before the bike so that you don't have to try to hit the zones on tired legs post bike......hard to teach your legs/nervous system to run fast when they are tired.
When I do the pre-ride run, I finish the run, get a drink, and I am off on the bike leg before my body has a chance to really cool down.
All good stuff above and a more complete explanation of our pre-ride runs here in the wiki.