Lauren Duensing Micro Thread
Nice to talk to you today.
As a follow up.
Here were the 2 questions:
My 1/2 marathon is not this weekend but May 2. What should I do to prepare the next two weeks? I assume I should still transition to swim camp but add running?
My ideal schedule:
Monday run (medium)
Tuesday bike to work ( 27 miles. 1600 climbing), recovery ride home at end of day from public transit = 7 miles. Also can do core
Wednesday Swim and Run
Thursday bike to work ( 27 miles. 1600 climbing), recovery ride home at end of day from public transit = 7 miles. Also can do core
Friday (long run)
Saturday (Bike and Swim), later, swim, bike, run. I can do all 3 now every Sat if you want.
Sunday: Rest
This = 2 swims a week, 3 runs a week, 3 bikes a week, 2 cores
I was just taking the workouts that you have lined up and moving them around but still doing all of them. Is that OK?
Thank you!
Lauren Duensing
I say that you continue running this week....this Friday can be an 8 miler, so during the week I could see a tempo run (max 20' at Half Marathon Pace) up to 60' on Monday, an Easy run on Wed that has a few strides at the end (45' total) and a nice 30' brick off the bike on Sat.
Next week is 45' on Mon and Wed, both mostly easy. Include 3 x 3' at Half Marathon Pace in each run, with 2' of jogging after each. Bikes are normal that week, including spin to work in the AM on Thursday. Friday off...then race weekend with a nice ride on Sunday.
If your race is Sun, then Friday off and Sat can be an easy spin of up to 2 hours, no flash!!!
I will connect with you re the schedule laters!
Pinging you again on my ideal training schedule for IM Canada. I have my HM this weekend (SAT) and 60 mile race (SUN) and will drop in training plan for IM then.
Here are my questions again:
My ideal schedule:
Monday run (medium)
Tuesday bike to work ( 27 miles. 1600 climbing), recovery ride home at end of day from public transit = 7 miles. Also can do core
Wednesday Swim and Run
Thursday bike to work ( 27 miles. 1600 climbing), recovery ride home at end of day from public transit = 7 miles. Also can do core
Friday (long run)
Saturday (Bike and Swim), later, swim, bike, run. I can do all 3 now every Sat if you want.
Sunday: Rest
This = 2 swims a week, 3 runs a week, 3 bikes a week, 2 cores
I was just taking the workouts that you have lined up and moving them around but still doing all of them. Is that OK?
Thanks. Lauren D
At two swims a week, we are really just maintaining the status quo -- you aren't really building fitness. So that's okay until say early or mid-June at which point three swims is recommended.
I think you'll really be enjoying those rest Sundays!!
Hello. Just finished my Half Marathon - had my best pace ever. Super pleased with a 1:59 and 3rd place. (9 min mile pace)
Now I am looking at the Thursday run - why so slow? That would be an 11:40 pace - molasses. Or maybe I need to adjust my zones?
Here is what it says:
Progressive race run:
MS: 60' or 6 miles (whichever first) @ z1/LRP/Easy, then 15' @ z2/MP/Steady, 15' final push at best possible effort.
Coach Notes: Progressive Pace Run
We start at z1/LRP/Easy, which is your goal pace on race day (get used to it!). This is 6 miles for a Full, then we build into z2/MP/Steady for the main part of the workout (duration depends on how long it takes you to run the first 6 and how much time is required for the final push) to raise the effort level as things will get hard on race day.
I sent above in a message box and Mariah asked me to send it via the micro thread. OK - I think I am getting it. I found the intro on pace running - and you want us running at the pace realistically we will run after the swim/bike. I may need a little help with my zones - as it said to run 11:40 for Z1, where a nice jog for me was 10:45 - 11ish, Z2 was 10 ish (too much a jump?), and then for the last 15 I went to a 9:30 pace.
Thank you - I appreciate any extra feedback.
Again, GREAT work in that half!!!
OK. Got it. I will and thanks.
I will adjust my bike zones as well based on the 60 miler I just did.
It felt great to get the practice tri done.!! . We are away with friends, so I was able to do an open water swim (1.5 miles), and then a 50 miles lolly gag bike (couldn't push too hard with company - but 4,000 climbing), then a 5.6 mile run, a good recovery drink, followed by a better recovery drink, chilled wine!
My heart rates, based on the 60 mile ride I did two weeks ago, seem really low. I am usually pushing 155 - 160 on a Z5 push up a hill, 148 ish on z4. my average HR was 144 on that 60 mile ride = Z5 HR 148 Recently I did a 40 mile ride - 5600 climbing, avg HR was 140. Do my bikes zones seem correct?
The bottom of my feet hurt when I run. Not the shoe, but the cement. I purchased a gel insert - but it just seems past 5 miles my feet start to hurt from impact. Any tips?
Thank you.
I see we have run and bike tests this week. No need to respond on my question on bike zones. I will see where I am after the test.
As far as the feet - to be more specific - it is the balls of my feet, like I have jumped too high and landed on cement barefoot. A slapping tired feeling. I know I had that last year during the marathon in the IM.
For the calf, I suggest you to some toe raises, off the edge of a step (stand on heels, lower / raise toes) like 4x a day....that should help!!
Lauren Duensing
Monday - Wednesday:
Pack, get excited, eat healthy and lean
Travel to Canada
Head to Village first thing to pick up rental wheels. Either pick up wheels then, or Friday if necessary
Eat Healthy and lean
Pick up wheels if did not do this Thursday
Swim 30 minutes
Drive the course noting the grades and turns as recommended in the webinar
Ride the part recommended in the webinar
Eat Healthy and lean
Drop off bags and bike, helmet on bike
T1 bag
8 salted caramel GU
8 salt tabs
arm warmers
bike shoes
bike socks
tylenol (last year I got a migraine on the bike. I am not going to get a mirgraine this year.
T2 bag
running shoes
run socks
running shorts
bib belt
run fanny pack with 5 GU and 5 salt pills
Go back to house,
stay off my feet
go to bed by 8:00
Goal Times:
Swim 1:20, bike 6:30 Run: 4:35 Transitions 3:30
Get up at 4:00
Apple sauce, banana and protein mix, gatorade
0430 Race Day Outfit: dress in bike swim kit with warm clothes for later
Swim bag, goggles, wet suit, cap, swim cap, 2 gatorades botthles to go on bike and fill drink bottle.
450 Leave house w/Family –Walk with family the 2 miles from Village to T1. Unless EN community says I should be on the shuttle and family can walk and meet up with me there.
545 Body Marking, Check Tires, Fill drink bottle,. Drop special needs bags. 0620 Don wetsuit, drop morning clothes bag.Apply suntan lotion and body glide neck
6:15 use bathroom, put wetsuit on
0635 Make way to beach.
Race Execution:
Swim: Target 1;20
Seed at 1:20
Get going and push through any panicky discomfort. You did awesome last year in a windstorm white capped water in Coeur D’Alene! Get your breath and space and lean into it.
Bouey on the left, enjoy being sandwiched between two swimmers as this provided you comfort last year. Breathe every 3 strokes, if feeling strong, switch to a 4 stroke breathe, 3 stroke breathe pattern.
One goggle out, long pulls, body floating on the water.
Remember this is the refreshing part of the day. Enjoy!
Transition 1: Target 3:30
Unzip out of the water, be prepared for the strippers. Run to bag, grab shoes and socks, and place gu and salt in pockets
Place arm warmers in pocket
Fast walk run to bike
Put socks and shoes on, helmet, run to mount line.
Thank volunteers
Bike: Target 6:30
(note to Patrick: my last 3 big rides = 90 plus miles, 6500 elevation. Average HR = 138 (cool day) , 137, and 141 (hot day). I think my zones are off so this is what made sense to me. What do you think?
Skip first station use rack fluids - take gatorade from then on out.
first 30 minutes, heart rate 135 - 140 (Z2)
Remainder of ride, 140 - 145 (Z3) with exception of climbing heartrate pops on climbs
drink 1.5 bottles an hour
GU every 45 min
salt tab every hour
Transition 2:
hand bike and helmet to volunteers
change in tent into run shorts. They will feel really good!
put socks and shoes on and hat on
clip fanny pack and bib belt on
thank volunteers
Run: Target 4:35 (average 10:30 pace)
11 - 11:30 miles first hour heart rate 140 - 145
heart rate 150 for next 2.5 hours. (10 - 10:30 pace)
last hour, whatever I have left.
small steps, lean forward, stretch toes
I do not plan on walking until needed. I did not walk during long runs - so I would like to keep with that.
Gatorade in fanny pack when needed.
GU every 45
Salt tab every hour
Ice down my front
If need be, coke towards the end
Make my family proud. Tomorrow (day after IronMan) Mike and I will celebrate 30 years of marriage and travel for 2 weeks! Woot woot!!
1) IF you are riding on Friday, then keep it to 1 hour, and IM watts / effort...aka, easy.
2) For the bike, look at your long ride HR for the first 2 hours..that's what we want as your early target...over time, it will roll you earn 138 in your long rides b/c first 2 hours were like 125 and last 2 hours were like get it down as close as you can (might only be 128 for example) as quickly as you can out of T1, then be as steady as you can.
I pronounce thee ready!!!!
I will write a full race report shortly. I have some specific questions now looking at my Garmin. I will say - I executed my plan and I feel really good about that. place: 21 Swim: 01:34:17 Bike: 7:06:51 run: 05:14:48 14:10:51 . This is basically the same as last time - but harder course and weather, so I am pleased.
My average heart rate on bike was 135, run 134. Both below what I expected. So those long descents really provided rest on the bike. On the run - I hit my wall at mile 14. Last time on my first IM, it was mile 3. This is huge improvement. And - I still did my best to stay to my plan but I could not seem to move fast enough to get my HR up to plan. My quads were shot.
My questions. Why were my quads shot and what should / could I do? One thought. I did not realize that they would not be passing out bottles on the run. Super dumb of me. So I had not done the cup test. Maybe I was not getting enough fluids? When this happens and your in pain, is this the suck it up and force your body to move fast?
Appreciate your thoughts...
What were you expecting for AHR on Bike and Run? You were steady (good) but we'd like you to be a bit higher on the run (it's weight bearing vs bike). Like 5-8 beats higher.
That said, the cold can sap your energy and mess up early fueling, so that might have been an issue. I find that race day quad stuff (tired like you ran long the day before kind of tired) is a function of one of two things:
(1) not running your natural gait (tight hips / glutes off the bike) so maybe make a note to stretch a bit every hour on the bike?
(2) not enough carbs on the bike / fueling was low. What was your calorie plan and how did you actually execute it?
OK. So Sunday will be 2 weeks since IMCanada...we have been on vacation and I have kind of just been doing a little of this and that before I drop into training for IMChoo. Just now realized there was a post training plan. Whoops.
But yikes, went for a 90 minute run at about 8 days post Ironman (I probably was not supposed to do that?!?) and it felt great! This was my second run. Then boom, my calf like locked up. Hugely painful. Cramp? Did I snap something? I walked for 10 minutes then slowly made my way back in a run crawl. I have been icing it for 4 days and decided to run today (treadmill.)
Same thing. However I was able to work through it if you will - by changing my position and gate. Felt like I was running through a cramp, or a knot the size of a plum was stuck in my calve. But now even walking hurts. It feels as if my right calve, lower left towards inner ankle is SUPER tight. When I try to lift my toes up - that is when it hurts. Like the rubber band won't stretch.
Biking and swimming don't trigger it.
What should I do coach? and when do I drop into my training plan?
Thank you!
So, you can't run right now...not worth it. And you don't need to....YOU JUST DID AN IRONMAN!!!! So that's good. The bad is you could be in trouble if we don't get healthy and quick. I say that you plan on swim/bike for two weeks (you can go to 4 bikes a week on Tue/Th/Sa/Sun), and swim M/W/F. I'd keep it simple and steady, no flash, for the next two weeks...then you can drop back into the IM plan for the final few weeks...
In the meantime, head over to and dig up the calf videos and get to work 2x a day..there's some type of a strain/restriction in there and it will take time. Bonus if you can get to an ART provider to help you accelerate the recovery path!
Thank you, and will do. I will do the calve exercises AND get to an ART specialist.
I confess not knowing what TSR means and thus looked in the abbreviations - still don't know. Training Stress Recovery? Anyway - I have read all 4 weeks for the post IronMan workout plan. Yup. I blew it. Sad thing is I am Miss obedient when it comes to doing what my coach tells me...I just was in a fog post Ironman and on vacation I decided to do what I always do on vacation - run. Lesson learned.
FYI - I am getting these "Support E-mails (#1, #2) for Choo, but I don't recall getting any for Canada? It would be helpful to know if I am missing something (you noted I should have received 18 e-mails about the TSR plan....)
Thank you for your patience with me!
Humbled, icing calve,
You get those support emails when you are part of the race if you were part of Canada's group, you should have gotten them...please advise as if you were part of that group, then we might have some issues on our end.
You aren't doomed...learning often requires inflection points. This is yours, let's use it to leapfrog ahead!