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Race day logistics

Bike shoes can be left attached to bike prerace. First time i have seen that. Even if you can't put on shoes while riding, less moving parts. Go to mount line, snap off the shoes, put on.

Do not have to wear race number for bike.

I am asking ironman to open transition at 5 am ( currently 530 am). For those of us that want to start near 640 am, 530 is too late. There is a walk to get to swim start.


  • It's good to see the shoe option.

    The no bib on bike thing started in 2013. So that's not a new thing.

    I doubt they will open transition any earlier as I'm certain that's an agreement WTC made with The Woodlands Township, police, etc, as there would have to be a police presence for traffic control purposes. It could happen but not sure with just a month to go if that's something they want to fret about.
  • Hey Robin,

    The shoes on the bike is a great thing.  With my sunglasses also on my bike, it turned T1 into helmet + arm warmers. For TX, it probably just means helmet, the simplicity of which can save you a minute over last year if you can find a vol to pack and stow your wetsuit/speedsuit.

    I agree with Bob that 5:30 is probably set in stone.  I too would want to start the swim early, so here's what I would do:  I would be at T1 at 5:00. There will probably already be a line, but it'll probably be long by 5:15 or :20.  I'd just stretch, sip some Gatorade, and wear my iPod to tune out the noise. Once in, you can easily pump up your tires, turn on electronics and load hydration/nutrition in 10 minutes (probably more like 5).  If you walk, it'll take 15 minutes max, putting you at the lake well before 6:00, with at least 45 minutes to get in line, warm-up, etc.  Or do like Simmons and I did last year - get a ride.  It's a 3-minute drive with no traffic, other than the couple of thousand walking athletes we passed.  If you coordinate it well, you could be at the swim start before 5:45. If it's overkill and no one shows up until 6:10, oh well.  You're going to be awake anyways; might as well play it safe.

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