Rich's 2015 Micro Thread
Hi Coach - I hope 2015 has been good to you!
I tweaked my hamstring in January, then FUBAR'd it in February. Did zero run/bike through February March, and am trying to fit things back together now.
I'm running comfortably now - as long as I keep the pace down. The first couple rides on the bike felt like I had never been on a bike... no power AND no endurance. I didn't test... didn't want the strain on the leg as I restarted, I just targeted IM & HIM heart rates and let the power go where it would go.
I'm up to 40 mile rides with Power Endurance curves at about 80-85% percent of last year's levels. I can ride longer - but am treating these as ABP rides. Blue Ridge is coming quickly... My only goal right now is to survive!
I was planning to do a hills workout Wednesday and try to fit two longer rides in this weekend to build the plasma volume/cardio endurance, then recover. Will also do modified speed/strides Tuesday and a long run Thursday.
There isn't much time to play with - but it will work out. I appreciate your guidance.
I am glad you are in the mend...your plan is great but no need for a long run on Thursday...another session with strides would be solid.
Just make sire you have a ton of gears on the bike so you can handle the hills and still be happy!!!! Will be great to see you and Anna in Boone!
Good call on the no LR today coach... playoff hockey is in town. I will squeeze in some strides and then head down to the Joe and watch the Wings go up 3-1 in the series with Tampa Bay :-)
Blue Ridge Bounce!
Coach - I did a bike test today. My expectations were really low given the hamstring problems I've been working through (two months of no activity)... I was really shocked with the results! The results are slightly better / equal to my best test last year (FTP 250 / VO2 322, weight 73kg)!
Given this - with two+ weeks of training to prep for Raleigh, I'm thinking that I spend the remaining time focusing on longer, up-tempo Sat/Sun rides to build cardio endurance. Thoughts?
I was reading your Race Report and digging through your Strava post (I learn better from graphs), comparing your numbers to my numbers, and had a couple questions.
My HR numbers are typically really high compared to other folks. My current threshold running is a about 174-5, biking is just a few beats below that (avg the last 10 minutes of 20-minute test was 173). In a couple months, as Increase workload on VO2 intervals, those numbers will increase by 5-6 beats per minute.
When I do a hard ride, for example Sunday I did an ABP ride at IF 84% (Strava), my HR runs in the upper 150s. Looking at bike segments of my last two races, IMCoz avg HR was 157 (IF 0.72) and IMMT average HR was 159 (IF 0.76).
As you can see - your HR is way low compared to numbers that I ever see.
- Are you performing at a very low percentage of your max HR, or is your max HR just different than mine? Recently (90 days) that max that I have seen is 185. As the summer goes on, this will probably be in the low-mid 190s while doing intervals.
Second question - Strava shows your IF at 0.69!?! Did you ride a 4:44 at a 0.69 IF? I seriously have to build a stronger engine and lose some weight... good thing I signed up for Blue Ridge again next year!
Thanks and Congrats again!!
BUT, more important for you is figuring out what your Steady HR is for the long rides and runs and figuring out how you can get really, really good at making that number not move all day despite what happens to you.
Yes, my IF was .69...but that's because riding on a flat course is really really hard to get the numbers up. If I were in Placid, Wisconsin or Kona the number would be higher as a virtue of the terrain (as well as my HR). Even though it was a .69, I was fairly maxed out at 229 NP. I would have liked to ride closer to 245 NP (my target) but it was hard to do across the board...I probably left some time there but I don't think I would have run as well...
I basically rode my watts and checked my HR....ride 245ish...pedal pedal pedal, confirm HR still good...continue...HR not good? Back off a bit, etc...I was very wary of the heat, and glad I did the right thing by the time I started running!
Couple questions:
1. What gear configuration (chain ring & cassette) did you have for the rides?
2. What is your wheel/tire size (700c)?
3. What is your crank length (172.5)?
Following up on our discussion about running a couple weeks ago and how I should build for IMMT given the slow recovery from hamstring problems.
I am 7 weeks from IMMT. Training is good so far:
I am using HR for all runs. Trying to keep adding volume without raising the HR. Without the injury, I would be busting out strides and intervals at I/R pace. I've never had a healthy IM Marathon - this one is a close as I've come - and I am really hoping to come in at 4 hrs.
Can I get there with low intensity volume?
Should I ramp run volume or try to add in some longer intervals (1-2 mile at higher intensity, but maybe low enough not to flare up hamstring)?
I really, really want to see the run improvement.
Please and Thank you!
So speed comes from weight loss, better bike pacing, and incredible nutrition all day. Those bikes MUST have top-notch nutrition. If they do, you'll be in a great place for IMMT. I think the IMMT course is very run friendly, esp since you know it's a matter of getting there in a great place to run, running really smart, then seeing just how long you can push for the final bit -- is it a mile? Two miles?
Going in to the last few weeks of training, I am switching the swim over to open water volume to get my swim fitness where it needs to be.
My questions are really about Bike & Run.
1) Yes to IM Adv Workouts but don’t be upset / mad or judgmental if you can’t hit an exact FTP number. Consider these “best effort” intervals vs an exact target…the true FTP will be hard to come by. Long rides are a great determinant, as is past race performance. So I’d look at your 2014 tremblant then your last few long rides. Note NP and also the Avg HR…you can test a slight higher NP in your Race Sim…but also keep an eye on the HR…rested you should be able to get in a few more watts at a reasonable HR, but remember RR speed is all about steady watts, super aero and great fueling. No need to test.
2) Best chance for overall run performance is continued 40mi per week focus until the end of the month. Long runs don’t need to be much longer than 2 hours really, as that “extra” time is the fatigue that gets you. I don’t see the need for you to push the run here for intensity as you are healthy and putting in great volume, both incredible predictors of race speed. If you want to “plus up” you could plan a big run week where you shoot for like 50 miles (just a bit of a stretch beyond your regular miles) but you only bike like 6 hours that week (1 x 1.5, 1 x 4.5) and swim like 2x. That would be next week…
3) Just make sure the sodium is all there with SCaps…you’ll need it, and great insurance. The hard part about Scratch on race day is that you can’t really concentrate it. So that’s a shit ton of bottles to carry. I guess you could have the mini packets and bike open, dump in aerobottle and add water, but that’s hard to shake up, etc. That will be your biggest challenge….
Remember to be safe and heads up as you ride / run out there!
Things are not going as expected and I need a little guidance. The day after writing my last post, I was on a run and "rolled" my foot, re-aggravating a previous injury. Stopped running immediately, lots of ice and no running for a week; now I have started to run again. It is now two weeks since my epic camp week - I managed ≈20 last week before getting hurt and am on 15 this week... problem is I think I forgot how to run!
My heart rate is all over the place. My body is rebelling. What should be an easy, enjoyable run has my HR skyrocketing and my body rebelling.
I haven't hit the panic button yet, but things are strange. To give you an example, I did a 3-hour run July 9 ( and my HR started around 140, averaging 151 and maxing at 162. NGP 8:53/mi.
Today I went 10 miles after a relatively easy 1.7 mi swim, HR started at 150, averaged 161 and maxed at 174 with NGP 8:54 ( Today felt INSANELY hard. I cold not get the HR down.
An clue what is going on with me?
Should I put the 3-hour run off a week (on the schedule for Thursday) and spend this week forcing low HR with long slow runs to get my volume back up around 40?
Am I missing something?
Please and Thank You!
7-23 Update - I decided to go ahead with the long run (
I'm happy with the performance - it was 86º at the start and 80º at the finish. I think I did a reasonable job with hydration - 84 oz of Skratch. I didn't suffer as much as my HR (below) indicates, but it was harder than the 18 mile run where my average was 151. Compared to the 18-mile run two weeks ago, my pace was faster today (8:28 vs 8:44), it was hotter today (86º - 80º vs 75 - 70) and my HR was nearly 10 beats per minute higher today for each split.
I could not hold the HR down. Just like the other recent runs, it started climbing from the start. Do you think it is the heat?
I felt very confident that I was heading to the race with a plan to start running with a HR around 140-145 then let it climb to 150-155 after 4-6 miles and hold it there until mile 18ish. Based on all my recent runs - this won't happen.
I still have the same questions:
- Any clue why HR is getting higher? Apart from Temperature, is this an effect of missing my normal runs for a week?
- From here on out, should I get back to slow runs forcing HR to stay low? Or should I just deal with it being high?
Thanks again!
My guess is that your time off triggered some loss of running fluency, and the heat doesn’t help. But you are also absorbing that big week….my guess is that you’ll be back to “normal” assuming the heat plays along with you…by the end of this week.
Given the proximity of your race, you have to stick with the “right” HR that works for you, even if that means a lower pace. This is your IM HR Zone (that low 150s avg, 140s to start) that you’ll want to replicate on race day, so it’s important to lock it in. It’s a tough transition to go from “training hard” to “training race-specifically” but it’s critical to be ready for the big day!
Please keep me posted!
In all my previous races, I feel that I have been somewhat "over rested" (this is a concept that my kids would never understand!). What I mean by that is that the "edge" seemed to be not quite as sharp as it was on the workouts where, although I was tired, my body felt ready to hammer once it warmed up.
Having been slowed a little with my foot, I actually feel really fresh right now. RR2 is Saturday, but notwithstanding that I've added some bike volume this week. I rode a 94 mile JRA (0.55 - 0.6 IF) with Pat yesterday and will ride 80ish Sunday with John Henault. Following that, I think the bike is done and am thinking to hit the scheduled rides next week and race week.
I feel the running has lagged a little. Between the week off and the subsequent extreme temperatures, it has been difficult to get it peaked. If the race was today, I wouldn't worry. But with two more weeks, I think I need to work a little to keep the edge from dulling. I was thinking that I will continue to push the volume through next week through shorter, more frequent runs, but to keep the intensity low, the terrain flat /safe and the duration under two hours. Together with the reduced bike volume, I think that I can be fully recovered with the final taper week.
What are your thoughts? Thank you!
Here is a link to the race report:
1. What did your sweat test say you needed per hour on the bike for fluid? I assume 11 bottles is 11x24 oz or 264 oz, aka avg of 2 bottles per hour?
2. What was your hourly sodium in take on the bike?
3. Did you eat a banana in T2?
4. What was your food target for the run? I don't see mention of food in your analysis until the part where you get to 1/2 way and say you couldn't eat. Does that mean you didn't eat for 1/2 the marathon?
Lots of good stuff to learn...excited!!!
1. I did the sweat test last season, but on a normal temperature day (reasonable humidity, mid 60s - 70s), 20 oz per hour. My ability to tolerate the fluids is about double that. On cool temperature days, I have to force the one bottle. 11 bottles is 11 x 22 oz (20 oz water and 2 oz from my feeder system)... that is - I think the water bottles on the course are 20 oz? if they are 24 oz, then it is 11 x 26. my average was very close to 2 bottles per hour.
2. The bike was Skratch Raspberry to drinks and my blueberry/chocolate/coconut rice cakes.
- 2 bottles Skratch = 900mg from the Skratch
- 1 SaltStick w/Caffein = 190mg
- 1 Race Cake = 223mg (neglected to add this amount into my RR)
Total Sodium = 1313 mg / hour. Additionally, I loaded sodium the day before and race morning.
3. Run target is 250 calories / hour. Original plan:
- 2 bottles Skratch / hour = 20 oz water, 200 calories, 900 mg Sodium
- 1/2 pack Skratch chews / hour = 80 calories, 80mg Sodium
- 1 Saltstick per hr = 190mg Sodium
Hourly Totals on the Run while using my nutrition (3 x 20 oz total)
- Fluid: 40 oz / hr
- Calories: 280 kc
- Sodium: 1,170mg
After I had to switch because Skratch and SaltStick were ruined (as best I can figure it):
- 14 aid stations in 2:40 is about 5.25 per hr
- 4oz GE per stop: 21 oz per hour = 140 cal / hr, 525mg sodium / hr
- 4oz Coke per stop: 21 oz per hour = 245 cal / hr, 79 mg sodium / hr
- Sometimes water per stop: lets call it 50%, or 10 oz per hour
- 1/2 pack raspberry chews per hour = 80 cal / hour, 80 mg sodium / hr
Total Run: 40+ oz liquid per hour, 465 cal / hour, 874 mg sodium / hr
I was at nearly 2x planned calories. Additionally, the GE makes me nauseous, leading to the puking that started around mile 16.
3. No banana in T2. I had a rice cake in the T2 bag, but honestly I was feeling really good at that point and didn't eat it. I never supplement potassium. If my hands start shaking, I will grab a half banana and that fixes it, but in general feel like I get enough from all the other foods.
4. Food target was 250 cal/hour (above) plan was to drink it and munch the raspberry chews. This is what I had done on all long runs since July. Additionally, I tried to prepare for the eventuality of a hot race... I did all my runs in the afternoon and early evening while it was still hot. The Thursday runs were typically started around 3:30-4:00 and in the direct sunlight (no shade). The nutrition worked fine and I was better acclimated to heat than I normally am.
I think that: a) I probably missed/didn't get much at the first aid station when i discovered that my drink mix was ruined. The next aid station, I slammed as much as i could to try to make up for it, but the net effect was too much sweetness in my stomach, c) the sweetness started dehydrating me, d) as I dehydrated, everything hurt worse and I slowed more and dehydrated more, e) when I started puking it was the final straw.
I believe that I mismanaged this run. I made a rookie mistake because I wasn't prepared for something to go wrong with my drink mix and I didn't know how much of the other stuff to drink.
Feel Good = Eat
That's your run mantra in CHOO...
That, and don't ride .85 for 30 minutes in the middle of the bike...
Thanks Coach - I got the note and am working my way through the list. Gatorlytes already ordered, training plan updated and will do on the food. I really appreciate the help!
Technically... it was only 21 minutes at IF = 0.85...
And I was climbing really fast!
While making your suggested changes to my schedule, I realized that I had confused the dates / miscounted the weeks. I am currently on week 15 (which was labeled 16 on the plan) and I will be in EU week 16, unable to do anything really except run. I made all of your suggested changes to the plan, but had to improvise a little with respect to the travel. Here (below) it is with the changes & Improv - are you ok with it or more changes?
Please and thank you!
Did some analysis on HR and all my runs over 12 miles since MT have been about 4-5 beats higher than the season average. I looked at avg HR on Mile 1, Mile 2, Mile3, ... Mile x As the run gets longer, the ? gets smaller.
Also - using my BSXInsight LT tester (very cool device), it out my LT1 at 160 bpm and my LT2 at 170 bpm. These numbers jibe pretty well with what I am seeing now (runs that used to be in the 150-155 range are now in the 154-159 range).
I think that I need to use the recent numbers to pace CHOO. Rather than start at 145 and drift to mid+ 150s, I will try to hold 150 and stay in the 150s.
This also matches my bike HR - my last hour during RR2 had avg HR of 152.
Do you support this approach?
Please and Thank you!
Here are my first thoughts on getting to a new PR at IMFL...
My thinking....
1. I do not want to get injured/re-injured. If it hurts - I won't do it
2. Mentally - I think I have made the first transition. I have turned the page on CHOO. Honestly - I want to go home and run today (will not do it)... I want 10:59 or faster at IMFL. That has been my season long stretch goal. I understand about time goals and as long as I execute well I will be happy enough... But I am working my ass off to go fast. So I want to go fast.
3. I rode CHOO at NP 180 and that felt fine. I think that my 5:31 CHOO bike can become a 5:10-15 based on riding the same numbers on the IMFL bike course (BBS estimate). Running at CHOO was limited due to injury/restraint... Still I think my 4:34 run at CHOO (including 10 min of Portalet time) can easily be 15 minutes faster at Florida. CHOO is the toughest run course I have done. I need to nail the transitions and not fubar the swim and I change the 11:29 at CHOO to less than 659 minutes. That is what i am going to try to do.
4. So - I need to protect my bike. By that, I mean I cannot let FTP drop over the next 6 weeks. The formula that I have been following all year is working - I basically will jump right back in and keep it up as long as weather allows it. A couple really hard VO2 sessions at the start of the six week session helped with the that after IMMT.
5. Big picture, I am thinking that I need: 1. recovery/healing, 2. maintain or boost run, 3. form form form. #3 is important because it will help with #1. I was thinking to do a little rapm back to volume and to do some workouts at 5k-ish speed. Body is my guide - but I think that I really protected my run by the little bit of form-work that I did prior to IMCHOO.... better footwork means less stress on all runs.
6. Swimming is going to what it is - I need some serious work on form to improve. I can drill a little and build/maintain some swim fitness... but nothing else. Bad ROI to put much effort into swimming at this point. Winter project.
With that in mind...
Wk 1. Rest - Long but very easy ride Saturday / Easy recovery run Sunday (RECOVERY)
Wk 2. Normal Bike W (VO2)/Sa (long) /Su (ABP), Ease into running (25-30 miles - form), improve swim attitude, consolidate bike gains
Wk 3. Bike as above, 2/3 running (30-35 miles - form) , swim attitude, further consolidating bike gains
Wk 4. Bike W 2.5h, Long Saturday (race pace), rest Sunday @ 85%, long run week (40 miles), swim attitude,
Wk 5. Bike W 2.5h ABP, Saturday 3 hrs, Sunday rest, run (30-35) with emphasis on strides and footwork/form
Wk 6. race week
I am all ears...
Thank you,
The run -- I think you can do form without a lot of hard running. That said, you seem to be very good about not doing too much of the hard be very careful. Also, look at your run performance (not the injury part) and see if you can improve anything there as well.
All workout nutrition must be excellent and I would add in some recovery shakes like Endurox R4 to make sure that you have no gaps.
Ps - you can swim all you want...not that you want to...
The best laid plans of mice and men...
Following CHOO - I felt awesome. First couple recovery runs were awesome. First bike (last Saturday) started awesome... and then I crashed (literally - over the handle bars at 20+ ... stupid rider mistake). Nothing broken. Surprisingly manageable road rash. Power meter and HR monitor were dead - had 40 miles into an unreasonable wind to get home. Then it started pouring rain (seriously... not making this up).
I was seriously trashed when I got home. More than any race this year. Since then - I have done a couple small runs (and had bike repaired)...
So my original plan of a couple hard weeks followed by run focus going into IMFL has gone awry. I have basically been stretching, rolling (and eating) and waiting until my body feels "ready."
My instinct is to change my approach to IMFL prep. Take the remainder of this week to heal - maybe another easy run and get back on the bike Saturday. Then - tailor my training so that I build and go into Florida ramping up... trying to build a "mini peak."
Mostly - I guess I am looking for validation that I am "thinking about this intelligently" and not just "rationalizing being a slacker."