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Plan for 3-4 day's, 7-10 hours on the trainer

So I have 14 weeks to Lake Placid and here's my thought of the day.  Please give me feed back on the week or tell me I'm crazy being on a trainer this much. 

Background - I've typically struggled with the transition from the OS to the longer bike time.  Some of this has been my conditioning being suboptimal coming in to the OS, not being able to run much and not swimming.  Basically I've not managed the cumulative level of fatigue for IM training I just start to crumble.  I started the OS in a similar situation again this year but started swimming a bit in the OS, done one week swim camp, and still not doing much more that 20-30' (zn1-2) running 3X week.  I completed most OS bike workouts but weeks 13 and 14 of the OS were somewhat sporadic so I don't think recovery is an issue at the moment after week one of the swim camp.    

So to help my cycling out with this transition I thought I'd do 3 maybe 4 days of cycling at the end of the swim camp week two. The catch is this will pretty much all be done on the trainer.  Honestly 2 hours on the trainer does not even phase me, but I know after 3-4 hours it starts to be a grind.  I've done multiple 5-6 hour trainer rides back in 2004 and they are doable if needed but nothing I'd look forward to.  Part of the trainer decision is proper clothing for morning temperatures of 20-25F and a bike maintenance issue that I don't think I can get resolved by Thursday. 

I have Friday off which will allow for extra recovery and this got me thinking about some extra time on the bike.  I'm just thinking IM, IM+ pace 75-80% with maybe a few 80-85% intervals in there and could use some direction on this as well.  I'm totally avoiding FTP as I want some volume, multiple days in a row but don't want to crush myself for the start of the IM plan. 

I've read the bike week volume from the wiki and my week looks as follows:

Monday 30' run

Tuesday Swim 2000M

Wednesday Swim 2000M; 20-30' run

Thursday 1.5-2H - IM pace with 2-3X20 IM+ or 80-85, most riding in the .78-82 range.

Friday 3-4 H - IM pace with 4X20 IM+

Saturday 2 H same as Thursday or just IM+ pace depending on how I feel; 20-30' run (optional) -  I can do this run Thursday, Friday, Saturday or not al all. 

Sunday 0-2H - IM pace.  I'm not sure but I may just take the day completed off, sleep in and earn SAU's.

I have the next week to recover, swim and get in to the IM plan.

Thanks in advance.


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    Ok, I'll give this a shot. If it's stupid, someone will correct me or you can just disregard.

    Get creative to get the time. You want 5 hrs without going nuts, right? Try 1hr spinning with IM/HIM intervals, hop off the bike and do a 3' circuit of planks/pushups/bodysquats, then repeat. See where you break. 3 cycles? 4? can you survive 5? I've done this using 45' bike then the circuit and it REALLY helps. Mentally, and physically. IMO, you don't have to discriminate the types of workout clock ticking. Meaning start at 9am, finish at 12/1/2pm and don't worry about the whatever minutes that were spent beside the bike.

    5-6 hrs on the trainer doesn't sound cool to me, either. If it was the ONLY way, then maybe I could pull it off. First thing I would adjust would be breaking it into 2 rides. But, the above is a super trick to breaking the monotony.

    Obviously, this is not Plan A. IMLP will want you to be able to handle in a more traditional method. But, considering what you threw out there, this is a good way to lock yourself away in the Pain Cave, put in several hours, and not go insane by sitting on the saddle for six straight hours going nowhere.

    I know it's off topic b/c you asked about the bike/trainer, but, how's the running coming along? Been stretching it out any?
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    loud music and a well managed nutrition/fluid plan a must, also.
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    Gordon 14 weeks to IMLP.... I will finally get to meet you!

    You say that you struggle with the transition from OS to longer bike time but a 2 hr trainer session doesn't phase you.... Sounds like the weakness to be worked is longer than 2hrs.... I get the trainer/time/weather constraints for this time of year..... Can you restructure your planned days so that 2 of them are in the 3-4hr range ? I like to structure any rides under 3hrs to have as much ABP .80-.85 time as I can handle and then the remainder at IM .70-.75.... Any rides over 3hrs I like to flip that and do 75% of the ride in the IM .70-.75 range and then push the last 25% @ ABP .80-.85 range..... Outside I will ride those pretty steady with no recovery or rest intervals other than normal stops.... On the trainer I like to give myself a good 15-20min wu , structure any .80-.85 intervals in the 15-20min range , any .70-.75 intervals in the 25-30min range , with rests in the 5 min range...

    something like
    Thurs - 2hrs , 20min wu , 5 x 15' (5') @ .80-.85.... last 5' is cd..... favor the low side of the intensity your comfortable with..... thats only 75min ABP work
    Fri - 4hrs , 30 min wu , 5 x 25' (5') @ .70-.75 , 2 x 20' (5') @.80-.85 , 15min cd ..... your doing 3hrs of work just to get to where the magic happens , also favor the lower side of the intensity ranges but make sure those last couple intervals are the highest...
    Sat- 1hr easy recovery .5-.6....plus your 20-30min run easy
    Sun - Repeat Friday

    Those 4hr rides done in that manner on a trainer are not easy and many including me would argue they are more equal to a 5hr outside ride.... But they wont kill you or put you in a hole you can't recover from in the following week .
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    @ Chris - Yes thanks for the tips.  I have not really stretched out the run yet but will have to start in the next two weeks.

    @ Tim - There are a couple things I should clarify about the 2 hour trainer rides not phasing me.  This was more of a comment on the mental aspect I can do 1-2 hours on the trainer, punch the clock and have no issues doing this again and again.  I just did 1.5 last weekend (don't have the numbers right now) but 3X20 ~.8 and I felt good at the end and could have gone more. 

    Physically I seem to struggle with the intensity while stretching myself out on longer rides, for example the Saturday IM ride followed up by Sunday ABP can be difficult.  Some of this in years past has been nutrition not just during the ride but overall.  I believe I've figure this out with the core diet.  The weight loss/performance balance is an issue I also need to contend with.  I'll still be losing a couple lbs/week and if I lose more  this can show up in workouts causing low energy levels. 

    Finally, the very steady riding on the trainer does not equate to my outside riding.  That's is I typically feel better on the trainer vs. outside.  My VI outside is not horrible but any surges seem to take a lot out of me, as they should.  I find that each week I feel better for an additional 15-20 further in to the ride long rides, but if I tack on 1-2 hours extra I start to get pretty fatigued given all the other workouts. So my overall goal here is to stretch my ride time out and get some back to back to back riding days helping my muscular endurance on the bike. 

    Thanks for the comments and I like the recovery day on Saturday.  I'm looking forward to meeting you in LP.

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    First day in the books . I was up at 4:30 to get in a couple hours before work.   Two hours in the saddle, 75' ABP mostly .8.  My little yellow computer had a malfunction all I got was information while riding as there was a data error.  I'm hoping this is a battery issues because when I went to clear the memory for the device at the start it went blank for 20 minutes then came back on during the ride.

    @Chris I forgot to mention no music in my pain cave.  I could move something down there and may for the 4 hours tomorrow but I don't find it necessary for shorter OS rides. Even 2 hours this morning with my thoughts was not bad at all.   


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    You are a trainer T Rex!

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    Understand. While music is not necessary, it just makes my pain cave sessions more fun. Late into 20' z4 or any z5, I don't hear anything. But, stretches of long & steady, high z2 & low z3, I start visualizing things that keep me rolling. Might be finish lines, local roads, a favorite climb, sitting in a paceline, even a run after.

    Takes much discipline to do what you do.

    I agree with the above poster.
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    So for any sports fans following my antics, day 2 is in the books.  This was a tough but doable workout, the clock time was 4 hours with 13' throughout the ride for stretching, bathroom break and a drink refill.  The legs were not good and I felt them 45'-1h in to the ride.  This oddly went away at 2 hours when I stopped to refill, but did return for the final hour or so.  I don't think it was any worse or better I was just handling it mentally better in the last hour.

    5X25' (5')@ .7-.71 and then 2X20(5') at .81 &.82 (194 TSS).  This final 20' was hard and the HR was a 161 average for the 20' and a max of 167.  I believe I averaged around 165 for my last FTP test.  Let's just say I wanted to get off the bike after this but did the 15' cool down. 

    I believe this was exactly what I needed as I do experience the leg fatigue on back to back days in IM training.  I felt this on day one right as I was completing the last set at 115' in.  Today it came early on so I made sure to keep the intensity in the lower portion of the bandwidth suggested by Tim and I got the ride done.  I might have wasted a wish from a Genie to fast forward that last 10' minutes today, but just cranked it out.  The 4 day schedule will push me outside my current fitness level and today's workout was right on that edge of going from hard to very hard.  Well the last 10' was very hard.

    I need to tweak my nutrition a little 650mg sodium/h is not quite enough given my current weight.  The 380 cal/h kept my energy levels throughout the workout even with the high HR at the end.   

    Off to eat some food and have a nap before my wife gets home.

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    Wow Gordon. Just wow.
    I am looking forward to following you tomorrow and sunday.
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    Gordon, picture perfect very nice work ! Sounds like just what you needed ... Hard, but should be able to recover very fast.... One of the big things on a ride like that is the confidence it builds.... Just like a 2 x 20' @ Z4 , every single time you do one it seems like , how the hell am I gonna finish this , but somehow you do , and then the next time all you can think of is I did it before so I wont quit ..... Now whenever you think you maybe fading after 3hrs you know you can handle it and you will just do it !
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    Agree with the props from Joe and Tim. I'm in here watching, too.

    This block serves one purpose....to bust thru to the next level. Do whatever it takes. Here's a secret you already know- your head will want to stop before you body needs to stop. You are going at efforts that you can maintain. Take care of business. Stay in the moment. Pay attention to details (food/drink/seat position/scraping mud off of bottom of shoe/etc).

    Let's get through this.
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    @Tim, Chris and Joe thanks for the words of encouragement.  Beyond asking for the advice the 2nd most important reason for the thread was to hold myself accountable.  I don't know if I would have made it through the last 20' or even to the last hour if I did not have to post about it today.  Definitely a good confidence builder.


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    Good morning, G. Get to work, Gordon. Get your butt on that bike and start spinning those legs.
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    @Chris I slept in.  I got almost 10 hours last night and rolled out of bed at 8:13 this morning. 

    Some stretching and a quick granola bar then off to the bike for my 60' recovery ride @.53. 

    A couple notes my waking HR was 64, which I have not been tracking lately but is definitely high and is at least 4 beats if not 6 over my regular rested waking HR.  So going in to the ride I start, and after the 1st 15 minutes decide I need some intervals and start to put up in the .55-6 range.  The good news the HR responded and worked in to the  low 140's.  After 5' I realized that this was recovery ride and backed it off.  This day was just about getting the leg moving and more saddle time. 

    It was difficult just to noodle around at this intensity with no real structure for the 60', but I can tell my legs are fatigued and needed the rest day.  It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings with 75' of ABP on tap.  I still have to work in that 30' run and I'd like it to be earlier but I don't thing this will happen until around 4pm today. 


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    Post scrip on day 3 - I got in a 25' run z1 mostly on the treadmill due to freezing rain and snow.  I had hoped to get outside for this to break up the indoor training but it was not to be.

    Day 4 complete 122' with 5X15'(5) @ .8, .81, .81,.81 & .83.  Total ride .74 and 11.7 TSS.  Initially I woke up and felt much better than yesterday, still some fatigue but with another 9.5 hours of sleep.  I forgot to take my waking HR but the number I saw on my ride were down from yesterday even with more intensity. 

    When I first got on the bike I was thinking I don't feel to bad and was thinking about what it might feel like to extend this to 5 or 6 days.  I have no intentions of this as I need to get in to the IM plan, also after the 1st 15' @.8 I knew the legs were still tired.  I needed to focus on keeping the watts up throughout the ride if my mind wandered watts started dropping in to the 180's and 192 is where I needed to be. 

    Second note - In the past when I've gone out and done the sets at the upper limit (.85) it becomes very hard.  Utilizing the lower end of the z3 range was just the right amount of work given the time I logged allowing for a strong finish with a .83 last interval today. 

    Third note - For me the 4 hour ride was much harder than the both the 2 hour rides.  That last interval on Friday was very hard the rest was manageable.

    Fourth note - The recovery day bike of 60' was perfect to reset my body and allow for more work today.  I'm glad I backed off and just rode mostly in the .5-.55 range for the hour.

    Fifth note - Pushing my bike was always harder than pushing my run.  I think the 4 days in a row has challenged me to i) push through mentally on the bike ii) less can get more meaning I don't always have to go out at the upper limit of the zone and fizzle out early in to a ride iii) managing my fatigue early in a session is key, including not pushing as much in the rest intervals.

    There's probably a few other points but I have to go for lunch with my wife. 

    Total 4 day ride time was just 8 hours 53 minutes with a TSS of 444 and the one 25' run. 

    I'll try to follow up this thread with a post or two on my recovery, and adaptations moving in to the IM plan next week.

    Thanks again to all for the comments and encouragement and sorry if things don't make sense as I did not get a change to re-read it.  I'll come back and edit in a couple hours.


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