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IMTX - To Wet-suit or not to Wet-suit, that is the question

So I'm looking at the IMTX swim, and get a chance to actually swim this weekend IN Lake Woodlands.  The water temp right now is wet-suit legal (probably about 73°F).  I'm betting that the temp gets above 76.1°F on race-day next month.  But I'm betting it wont be above that 84°F (?) mark.  

I'm not a Kona candidate by any stretch of the imagination, but I dont want to over-heat.  My swim isn't awful, but it's moderately bad, and a wet-suit would probably take several minutes off my time.  

Based on all that I've got 2 questions:

1. Should I wear the wet-suit for the open water swim this weekend?  Maybe do 1 loop with it, and 1 loop without it (the course for this weekend is only 1.2 miles, with no swimming in the infamous canal)?

2. Should I just bite the bullet and plan to wear it on race-day too?  If I do this, what all do I need to watch out for?  Should I push a bit more gatorade before the race?


  • Hey Chris,
    I would say try the wetsuit. Of course weather always dictates on race day but I'm sure you have swam without one lots so get a little time in with the wetsuit.

    On another note, I want to say Thanks to everyone's good wishes while in Boston. My calves are a bit stiff, lots of stretching and recovery swim/rides the next few days. Texas is coming fast so for everyone play smart now! No hero's till May 16, 3 weeks of work left then race week.
  • Gosh right Ron! Where did the time go!
  • Chris....this is an annual question!  Hopefully when it moves to April, it'll be consistently "WS legal".  

    I did IMTX last year, and got a speed suit for this reason, thinking it would not be WS legal.  I too had NO chance at KQ or podium, but was concerned mostly about the added dehydration from swimming in a WS in relatively warm/not cold water.  I'm not a fast swimmer, but faster than MOP.  I would have used a speed suit (had it not surprisingly been WS legal for the first time last year!) to minimize dehydration.  That course has the potential/usually is so freaking hot/humid that I felt the lost minutes on the swim would come back to me later on the run if I be worth the trade-off.  Coach P cautioned about this very thing, in fact.  

    Since it was WS legal, I used a sleeveless.  Had a great swim (for me...1:07) and was glad I did not wear full-sleeved (although I know others did wear long sleeve and smoked me!).  

    In the end, it's your call....losing extra sweat vs. a few minutes gained.  I think it depends on your swimming endurance personally.  

  • I have always given the same advice about the IMTX swim. If you're not competing for Kona and/or podium and you're not one to overheat in the wetsuit (which is often more mental than physical), I see no reason why you wouldn't wear it. I would also consider the few minutes saved on the swim to be a secondary advantage. The biggest advantage is that swimming in a wetsuit is, well, pretty easy so you're far less taxed than swimming 2.4 miles without a wetsuit. That energy savings will pay dividends later in the day.
  • I'm a very mediocre swimmer and I'm also a heavy sweater with high salt content.  I chose to wear a wetsuit at Texas last year and I would do it again.  I felt more confident battling in the conditions, I didn't feel overheated nor did I suffer any effects from dehydration.  I believe if you have a solid nutrition and fueling plan for the race, and you execute it properly, you should not see noticeable effects from wearing a wetsuit unless the water and air temps are beyond the borderline that we're talking about here.  You have an awesome opportunity to play around with it this weekend to help you with your decision.  Good Luck!!!

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