2015 Core Diet Webinar Notes...
Team, once again Jesse Kropelnicki from The Core Diet (www.corediet.com, and EN partner) dropped by to give us a refresher course on his nutrition recommendations.
Super useful, for sure, but I wanted to post a few notes I took during the call and wanted to encourage other listeners to do this same.
FYI, the webinar is hosted in the Nutrition Section of the Wiki here, you can also find a link to the 2012 webinar we did as well.
Before I begin, watching / listening is mandatory if you want to be good at long course / endurance racing. You will learn tons.
So, my notes, in no particular order, aka What Stuck in My Head:
- Creating a Nutrition Plan is important, but practicing it until it's second nature — and your gut is used to it — is critical. I personally have followed my race plan in training (only adjusting fluids down when in the OutSeason®, etc) for three years.
- Know the products you are using -- different sources of carbs and different nutrition / electrolyte combinations will create very different nutritional outcomes.
- Do a sweat test so you know what's what...no more guessing.
- Last week to race, exceed early fluid goals for racing. If your plan is 2 bottles an hour, practice 3 for your final few rides.
- Start with another carb source vs just Gatorade Endurance. He recommends Ironman Perform by Powerbar; my plan for Texas 2015 is to start with 3 bottles of this on my bike before transitioning to the GE on the course.
- Beet Juice (the nitrates in it) really only helps responders, but worth a shot in case you are a responder. Loading protocol is 8oz to 16oz a day starting 5 days pre race, finishing with 8oz at 15' pre race.
So, what other notes did you have?
The line about comparing training your gut to training for an Ironman was perfect. You can train your gut to accept different types/amounts of nutrition.
I practice my race nutrition constantly as well, however, one thing i don't practice regularly is nutrition the 36 hours before a race. We have long rides in the IM plans every Saturday, so really, that is an opportunity to practice pre-race nutrition as well. That is something i am going to focus on this year.
2. Need fluids, sodium, some potassium and carbs on race day
3. Red Bull not recommended, unless at the end of the marathon and add sodium to it
4. Eat banana if hands tingle
5. If you feel good, eat & drink instead of pushing the pace
1. The PowerBar PowerGel is by far the best bang for your buck if using gels. It has the highest level of carbs and sodium compared to other brands.
2. A prerace meal of unsweetened applesauce, a banana, a shot of whey protein and 1 bottle of sports drink timed 2.5-3.5 hours before the race depending on the distance.
3. PowerBar Perform and EFS both contain three carbohydrate sources which may be more palatable, whereas Gatorade is a sucrose (table sugar), dextrose mix which makes it much sweeter.
In general I agree with everything in the Core Diet Webinar and a great follow up to the first one..... I think the most important take away is to use this as a guideline , adjust , adapt, what works for you! For instance I'm not a fan of the applesauce breakfast (although I may try it again or a hybrid ) also prefer clif bars over power bars... Other than that I practice training , pre-race, and race fueling on the core diet structure....
I was going back over the slides and I see two bullets in "Race Fueling Execution" that seem to conflict each other or don't add up...25g CHO every 30-45' would not satisfy the Avg Hourly CHO? Which is the right one? Thoughts?
· Race Fueling Execution
o 25g CHO every 30-45’
o Avg hourly CHO intake should be 5/8 (.63) body weight (about 110g for me @ 175lbs)