Saddle Cleaning Advise
Here's a gross question. How do you get the urine odor out of a lycra covered gel saddle (ISM Typhoon)? Yes, I had to "go" during bike segment of White Lake HIM and could not wait for the next porta potty. Now the saddle and my shoe have a subtle peculiar odor, even after soaking and washing in woolite.
Drink a lot of fluid and piss on it more. Seriously though, probably good old soap and warm water with multiple cycles of rinsing. Id stay away from anything caustic...hate to have your saddle disintegrate mid Ironman.
Soak shoes/ saddle/ whatever in a bucket of water and add a detergent/ odor remover. Since I scuba dive and the wetsuit can develop the same problem, I use the stuff sold in dive stores -Mirazyme. I have also used the cleaner to remove the smell of pet urine from carpeting, available at any petstore. I let them soak for 24 hours then rinse well and allow to air dry completely. If there is any lingering odor, I repeat, but once is usually enough.
... or you could just leave well enough alone, secure in the knowledge that no one will ever steal your bike, once your territory has been marked.
What Michelle said. The pet enzyme cleaner works like a charm for post-race shoes and saddle pee smell. It's available at any pet store, and a large bottle will get you through at least a few seasons of RRs and long course racing!
I've also heard thta freezing the items overnight works, but I can't bring myself to put my pee shoes next to the frozen berries and ice cubes, so i have no direct testamonial on this.
Especially Al's comment!
If all else fails, soak it in a vinegar solution, and then rinse, rinse, rinse.
x2 what Greg said but first of all go on an all-nighter on the Guinness and have a large Indian meal - then spray again! All you need is a different smell right?!
I started an entry titled "Smelly Saddles, Shoes, Wetsuit?"
Thanks all,
Applied some of the Woolite product today and look forward to smelling like roses.