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Mount St. Helens Ride - 6 Jun 15


I know a bunch of us are in the PNW, so wanted to see if anyone else was interested in doing a Mount St. Helens ride on 6 Jun as our 300 minute ride for the day; might take a bit longer.  I will likely be leaving from the Mount St. Helens visitor center and riding the Spirit Lake Hwy (HWY 504) to the Johnston Ridge Obsevatory and back.  I think the ride is right around 90 miles with around 6200' of elevation gain.  If you google "Tour de Blast" there are some elevation maps ect there.  Looks like it is mostly climbing or descending throughout:o) 

Let me know if anyone is interested and we can work out some deets...figure out some drop points for fuel/water, etc.



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