Patti's Alcatraz
so I know this weekend I can do a long ride on Sunday. Working on Saturday (12 hour shift) so only one long bike. This coming week though may be more difficult.
question: should I do a long ride before going off to Alcatraz this coming week, like on Wednesday? or should I hit it when I come back? (traveling to San Francisco on Thursday) I've been dong a hilly ride as long as possible before the rain hits in the afternoon but longest so far is just 70 miles
Escape from Alcatraz is all about having fun. Not interested in podium or whatever.... just enjoying a bucket list experience.
due to rain and work I have been starting to do 120 minutes instead of 75 minutes on my indoor rides on Wednesday. I can only do a long ride once a weekend. Mondays are the day I can do the Zone 5 push.
training this week before alcatraz? thoughts?
BTW, I'm in the intermediate plan for Lake placid if that helps