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Week 13 IMC

Thread for us to use for Week 13

Not sure about your training schedule but for me it indicates Thursday  long run is 2 hours, Saturday is 5 hour bike and Sunday 3 hour bike.  Let's get 'er done.  For those that tested last week, you get to try out your new zones this week.

I'm hoping to be over my flu and have a solid week this week.


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    Got the monday swim done....not enough time for the optional 3rd set.  Then did Tuesday's run tonight and extended it to the optional 1 hour version, since I missed the Sunday bike.  Felt good.  Trying to get more sleep.  So I'm going to bed now....

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    Aiming to make this a perfect week after lots of gaffes last week. Let's see how far I can push this.
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    Hey Hey IMC peeps!

    Just checking in after a pretty big week with a camp at IMCDA on one end and and IMC on the other. 

    The IMCDA camp didn't go that well with thunder an lightning on one of the ride days though I did get an 18 miler in.   I overcooked my RR ride there - was just seeing if I could hold a higher than prescribed wattage and no, I can't do that and run!  

    In Whistler I did get 2 x 105 done followed by a long run on the third day and I'm feeling great about that. I'll take that execution target back to IMCDA for the race.  

    Yesterday just did yoga and today only a swim. Back at it tomorrow.  


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    Mon/Tues done according to plan...for a change....for some reason I find Tues the hardest....I do the z4 intervals and jump right into the pool....that 1st 1000 yds or so is painful....especially after a hard swim on Mon....anyway my schedule is looking good for the rest of the week

    @ Jeff - i saw your post last week about high temps....WOW...not sure I could handle long rides while in the 90's
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    Our local tri club had a 30k TT last nite so I juggled the wko's this week to partake....it's a fairly flat course around Grand Island but the winds are fickle....us older/MOP guys aim for sub 50 minutes while the young studs are mid 40's....for me it's a great place to gage true FTP since the effort is close to 60 min....my Np last nite matched up within 2 watts of my 5/10/20 x .95 test 2 weeks ago....and my HR was spot on to the last test as well.....so I've got solid #'s to work with for the next 6 weeks.... for the record my data from last nite was .... time = 50:16, FTP = 192, & ave HR = 136....this was my best time from the last couple years....my FTP used to be 220 ish....but that was on my old bike & old power meter (old = PT vs. new = Stages)....looking forward to my 1st OWS tonite and long ride Sat & long run Sun
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    Got the 2x15' Z4 done on trainer Wed.  Long run last night went well except for recurrence of trochanteric bursitis problems ( at least I think that's what it is).  Had to stop about every 1.25 miles and stretch ITB.  It would go away for about 1/2 mile and then return.  Repeat over and over.  A little sore still this AM.  Anyone have any experience with this?  This is the wrong time to have to take a week or two off to rest it.
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    I am on day 12 of a pretty serious viral respiratory illness. Missed doing the testing & long Sat bike last week, missed the long run this week. Been to the doctor twice and am not getting better very quickly. Trying not to stress too much about missing the workouts. Keep telling myself that I have a strong base built, I first got to get better and there are still several weeks. Been very difficult for me mentally. Hoping to try the long bike in the morning even if it means ignoring the power numbers and just getting the time in the saddle.

    Keep getting it done.

    Make sure you read Jenn Edwards post on Gatorade and not Gatorade Endurance being on the course. That means extra salt supplements beyond what you already had planned are a must.
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    Busy weekend....fri nice tempo run + ows cut short due to thunder....sat b 85 mi...5:34...sun long run 2:07 + 1.5 mi ows....next week jumbled due to travel...carrying some fatigue but feeling pretty good overall
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    Successful but tiring weekend for me.  It's getting hot here in South Texas and that definitely affected the last hour or two of Sat long ride.  Just had trouble holding watts and got in a really bad mood!  Road temp per Garmin was 99 when I finished (although actual temp was around 90).  Not sure what I'm going to do on the RR ride/runs....if I start at the crack of dawn, I'll be running at mid-day in the blazing sun....would have to find some shade.  If I start mid-afternoon, I'll be able to run after dark, but the first few hours on the bike will be scorching.  Trainer?.....no....I think not.  

    Long run on Thursday went well from pacing standpoint, but the trochanteric bursitis flared up again.  Stopped and stretched it for ~30" every mile, which helped for a little while.

    3800m swim on Friday.  Best that has felt all year.  Had to stop every 1K to check phone (on call), but tried to kept those <30".  25m pool is definitely better than 25yds for these long set deals.  </p>

    82 hilly miles (4K ft climbing) in 5:05 on Saturday.  2:30 at 0.76 and then the rest trying to hold 0.7.  Usually not difficult, but the last hour was.  Neck is still not used to >3hours, but only the last hour was really difficult on the neck.  Opted out of the run, after feeling like crap all afternoon, so I did the Sat run this AM, but 1mi Z3 instead of Z4 (hip still doesn't like Z4 pace).  

    44 mile ABP tonight, felt surprisingly fresh and strong, after ~10' of working out some stiffness.  Finished up 44 miles in 2:30 with 2200ft climbing. 

    Looking forward to a day off the legs.  

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    I am on the mend....I think. Got 5 hours of biking in yesterday morning...only .65IF so not at all what was called for but just proud I got out. Tried to make up my long run today but felt like I was breathing thru a straw even after using the inhaler they gave me and just couldn't make it more than a mile. Going to try and drop back into the schedule tomorrow but this has been the most frustrating 2 weeks of IM training the last few years because of my horrible viral respiratory flu thing. Wouldn't wish this upon my enemy.
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