Tom's Macro Thread
Coach Rich
I have over a year until my HIM (2016 Princeton or Syracuse). I already have a half marathon planed in 2015 Sept and will look for one in early 2016 but, what about the bike? should I be looking for a bike race 50-60 miles or just plan a 60 mile ride on my own?
You'll be doing 60+ miles on your own in no time. You could go out this weekend I'm sure and do 60 miles. My point is that I don't think you really need to do "plan" to do a ride like that. It will happen on it's own easy enough. That said most people find they work much harder / go faster on a formal, organized ride so always good to check out the local ride calendar and put stuff like this on your schedule.
Coach Rich,
Is there issues with modifying the training plans to have a bike workout after a run workout?
I always seem to find that my legs recover much better if a bike workout follows a run workout. Let me know.
Are you talking about a bike workout, or an easy spin after a run to help with post-run recovery? If the later, my concern would be the additional admin time/hassle of changing into bike kit, finding a place to ride, etc, after a run. That said, I've often started and finished my long run at a pool and done a short post run swim to help with recover.
Short answer is if you've got a good handle on and can accommodate the additional admin cost, I don't really see anything wrong with an easy spin after a run.
I'm assuming I'm blessed here (since I'm a masochistic) but I live in the Lehigh Valley (outside of Allentown, Pa) where the hills are plentiful in all directions (literally!)
For interval training how do I accommodate them? I almost always max out the heart rate when I hit them (170bpm and higher).
I don't own a trainer so it's mainly outside (unless I duct into a spin class).
What's your thoughts?!
I live in a hilly area also and don't do the formal intervals as prescribed in the plans. Instead I use Strava to set up segments / courses that I ride regularly and I benchmark my efforts over time.
Sure, but it depends on the terrain you have available. I'm 30' late getting out the door to do 3x repeats of a 5k, 1100ft gain hill that I've been doing regularly for 10+ years.
Don't over think it. Find (safe) terrain that gives you an opportunity to do interval lengths at about what is prescribed in the plans. ^That^ hill above takes me anywhere from 18-22' depending on my fitness and weight. And I can do shorter intervals on the same hill. But my terrain is mine, yours is yours. Bottomline is that riding hills is very, very good.
I'm working through SC week 14 and I've been invited by some friends to do a 5k race on 4th of July. Is it an issue to do the race in place of my long run planned on that Sunday?
Move the Saturday ride to Sunday, Sunday run to Saturday, which you'll do as this 5k. Would like you to do some running on the front and back of this 5k (warmup, cool down) to get in the prescribed volume. Good luck!
Hey Coach Rich!
I've been looking over the NOS 2016 and I need some help here for over the course of the entire plan.
In my world Saturday is the family and SAU bankable day( my wife is gone early in the morning on Saturday. Her workout time
and you don't mess with that
) .
Is there anyway to rework this plan for more than 85-90% of the Saturdays are free?
Let me know.
Can you switch Friday (very light day) and Saturday around, doing Saturday on Friday and Friday on Saturday?
Yes, provided there is no issue with doing one in the AM and the other in the PM.
Also, I'm slammed on Wednesday evenings with Grad School Classes from 18:00-21:30hrs. Getting up early on these days are brutal!! is there any way to move this WKO to another day?
Coach I've been looking over the NOS 2016 Plan and given my schedule constraints this is what I've come up with:
Nomenclature: R30-strides; R60S-O'SteadyO' Run; R60H-O'HardO' Run; BT-Tuesday Bike; BR-Thursday Bike; BSAT-Saturday Bike
This seems to fit my schedule, pitfalls I foresee, will be the Friday morning Bike... to mitigate, I'll only do the MS on Thursday period (no extra).
Your proposed schedule looks fine. Good luck!
Hey Coach Rich, it looks very unlikely that i'll be breaking into the half iron distance this year...(unless the postman shows up on my door Christmas eve saying he found a letter in between the seat! and it's not an enrollment into the jelly of the month club
That being said, I'm dropping the Atlantic City 70.3
. In it's stead will be the usual Lehigh Valley Via Half Marathon (A Race).
Should I submit a new TSR?
When is that half marathon?
Via half marathon 9/11/2016
Hey Coach Rich!
Ok, so I likely have two scenarios now (give the Rev3 announcement)
Scenario 1:
Do the Via Half Marathon in Sept (9/11/16) instead of Ironman 70.3 AC
For this option, need to put something between the end of Get Faster to the Steelman Oly dist (figuring Short course weeks 17-20); then inserting the balanced half marathon beginner plan (weeks 8-12) ending on 9/11/16.
Scenario 2:
Do the Pocono Rev3 Half Distance (8/7/16) instead of the Steelman (Oly Dist - 8/7/16)
For this option, I envision that I would simply drop the get faster block and transition from the Short Course Beginner to EN Half Beg.
So, I would load up the EN half (starting w/ wk 11) on 5/30/16 to end 8/7/16, with the final race rehearsal week of 7/11/16.
Please let me know. Thanks!