2015 Placid Camp Roll Call & Overview Info
Folks --
Camp is looming!! I hope you are as excited as I am...it’s going to be a blast!
This email has all the logistical information you will need to be ready for the weekend, including:
_ A preparation checklist including gear recommendations.
_ A full camp agenda.
_ Lodging instructions if you need them.
_ Links to maps, cue sheets and GPS file downloads.
_ Coach Contact Information.
_ Local Store info, etc.
_ A waiver to print, sign and bring.
Please review the attached files. If required you can download them via the links below as well:
> Camp Checklist: https://app.box.com/shared/static/s...g75rix.pdf
> Camp Info: https://app.box.com/shared/static/z...p3re9h.pdf
Campers, please check your inboxes for additional lodging info!
See you next week,
Coach Patrick
Coach, I believe I filled out the shirt / emergency contact info. If I have not, please let me know.
See ya next week.
Safe travels everyone.