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Week 14 IMC

Thread for Week 14. Another crucial week..let's getter done


  • Dragging my old bones into this week ... I got a lot of hard, hard work done last week but I really felt it this morning. Today is also my yearly "moment of reckoning" where i do a midterm review of where my numbers are at mid-season this year vs last year. I'm blaming any declines on being distracted by the situation in the Middle East.
  • Last week was the peak of my annual work demands - being offsite with a national mountain bike conference I was in charge of. I missed workouts - but Tuesday before the conference pulled run PRs on 400 m, mile and 1/2 mile. Good 11 mile run following conference (Sunday) and rad mountain biking in between. All I could do.

    Clear schedule here on out looking forward to getting it all done.

    Dave, thank you for the tips and more. Re-reading and re-readng.
  • My legs are still pretty sore today....

  • What a difference a day (and a nap makes).  I skipped the swim yesterday (just could not drag myself to the pool again) and took a 2hr nap instead.  The run last night was the best I've had in weeks somehow!  I overran my Z4 intervals and one of the Z2 miles....without even realizing I was doing it.  HR was not as high as usual is either, so I guess I'm getting a little fitter/faster on the run.  

    As much as I feel like a wus sometimes, I think I just need a little more recovery than some of you.  I'm just making sure I feel reasonably well before starting a workout and paying a little more attention to my "mojo".  We always hear about "listening to your body", but I think sometimes I don't do that.  

    I definitely got into "overtraining" in prep for my first IM last year and ended up sick, unable to hit Z4 run or bike intervals and had to back off.  Trying to find the balance between enough stress/fatigue to stimulate more fitness without overdoing it.  Tracking my resting HR and it's been steady too.  

  • IM Intermediate wk 14 sun ride is listed as 90'?  Is that right?  

  • Jeff - for what it's worth, this week, or next, are the weeks that I typically crack in any of my IM buildups. I actually note it on my schedule, cuz' it's as sure a thing as death and taxes. The upside, of course, is some supercompensation that occurs when you back off, and feeling insane-strong for those last 4 weeks (taper is a different story). No doubt about it ... this is when the work you have done starts to accumulate. At least the grind is relatively brief!
  • @ Jeff - yes I believe the 90' is correct....that's in anticipation of "camp" week coming @ us....last yr I hit 21 hrs of training by end of camp week....yes you're doing the right thing monitoring your body....better to show up slightly undertrained and UNINJURED vs. following the plan into a brick wall

    I've had crazy travel week....I managed a couple 30' runs on hotel TM for early in the week....last nite come home from CA and had a great long run...nailed all the z2/z3 intervals and legs feeling good this a.m.....ready for an ows tonite and long ride sat
  • Frustrating week.  I missed the long run on Thursday due to inability to get out of bed (a chronic problem for me) and a long, long day at work.  Plus, my trochanteric bursitis issue flared up again earlier in the week and it hurts most in the AM, leading me to turn the alarm off...

    But, got in a long swim today (>4K meters, but Garmin definitely missed some laps so who knows!) and the sat pre-ride run tonight.  It's getting so freaking hot here in South Texas that I just HAVE to start my Sat ride at first light.  

    Hope to push the long run to sunday...which should be interesting on post-long-bike legs.  

    I'm not doing camp week next week, but rather the weekend after.  

  • Finally on the mend. This week was a much better week then the last 2. Still coughing out the last of the congestion and don't feel I'm at 100% strength but hit most of my workouts this week. Only could knock out 12 of the planned 16 miles on Thursday. Saturday did nearly 5 hours biking at .68% IF which was improved over the .65% IF that I could muster last Saturday when I was still pretty sick. Today rode 63 miles in the Tour de Cure Anchorage (here for business travel).

    Lauren--Yes it is plain gatorade on the course. Same calories roughly as Gatorade Endurance or Powerbar Perform but not nearly the amount of Na+ and other electrolytes. I still need to do the math but is definitely going to be more Salt Caps on race day. I've been training with the Gatorade Endurance all year thinking that would also apply to IMC but sounds like it is just the US races having Gatorade Endurance this year.
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