Daves Return to Run and IM buildup
I am on week 3 of return to running. Totaled 18' today (6x3(30)) from a program by Al Lyman. I am also on week 5/20 for IMCHOO. I am taking the run slowly as I have not run since last June and have had 2 meniscus surgeries (last August and December.) I run every other day, so on alternating Thursdays I run and on the odd Thursdays I do not. Trying to figure out what would be the best supplement for the long run days to help with the IM build? I have access to deep water running and have done that in the past. I have access to an elliptic machine and have also used that. Tomorrow I do not run but the plan has a 95' run. I could do either the DWR or Elliptic, or both, or something else, or I could get in extra biking? Next Thursday I have 100' and am scheduled for 6 x 4'(15") running plus walking to warmup and cool down (30-35' total). I could then add on another hour or so of alternative. And so it goes as I return to the run. Suggestions? Thanks for your help!
Right now I can see you running on Tues / Thur per Al Lyman's protocols (unless his plan is different). Rest of your week would be:
Mon - Swim + Deep Water Run
Tues - Al Lyman Run, Optional Swim
Wed - Bike Only
Thu - Al Lyman Run
Fri - Swim + Deep Water Run
Sat - Bike Only
Sun - Bike Only
There's no real running for fitness until 8/1, until then it's durability,etc. Not sure what your elliptical access is (have to drive to gym? If so not worth 15' of time)...so I think we'll save that for when we starting thinking of running as fitness...until then, feel free to post the plan you have so I can see more about the other days of the week, how it progresses, etc. Thanks!
Monday: 6/8 did 2x3"(1'), 3x2'(1')
Wed: 6/10 did 6 x 3'(30"
6/12: 4 x 4'(2")
6/14: 4 x 5'(30"
Next week: Week 4
Tue: 6/16: 4 x 6'(15")
Thur: 6/18: 5 x 4"(15")
Sat: 6/20: 4 x 8'(30")
Week 5:
Mon: 6/22: 2 x 10"(1')
Wed: 6/24: 2 x 10'(30")
Fri: 6/26: 15'(2'), 3 x 3'(30")
Sun 6/28: 5 x 5'(15")
Week 6 (last week)
Tue 6/30: 12'(1'), 5'
Thur 7/2: 20'(1'), 5'
Sat 7/4: 25' straight. (I am looking for a 5k that day, not to run fast but just to run for time and experience.)
I can check back with you on the build during july getting ready for 8/1. Also, I park at my gym for work so have easy access to pool, machines, weights, etc.