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IMLP Week 15/5 - Absorbing CAMP fitness

BIG week last week for most!  So important you follow the post CAMP week schedule and let your body absorb all that volume you just put it through during the first part of the week as the schedule lays out.

Need all to be fresh and hungry come Friday and Saturday because we are in PRIME time for long bike weekends relative to our race date!

So PLEASE rest!! 




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    really DUMB question...
    is my training plan off by a week?
    i have the plan set to end on 7/26, it says "camp week" is this week, though the "camp" on site was last week and people seem to have done that schedule.. .someone enlighten me, please... :-)
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    Not dumb at all, Scott. Coch P had to Reschedule actual camp for availability, so it departed from the plan. His recommendation if you did camp week ending yesterday is to load up week 16(rest) then go back to 14, then back on schedule with 17. I hope that's clear.
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    I'm teetering on a fatigue cliff, so I am going to do the Old Standard EN RR#1 week. Already, though, it's getting modified. I got kicked out of the pool after 20 min due to lightning, so I'll do the rest of the swim tomorrow AM, split Tuesday's swim to Wed & Thurs. Tu and Wed are run and bike interval days, Thursday long run, Friday another swim, Sat RR# 1. I bet Sun will be a rest day, but I might throw in an easy recovery ride, and there will be 2 other runs somewhere in there.
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    If any of you are like me, waking up this morning was a little sluggish as I continue to absorb the weekend volume from chasing you guys all around the Placid countryside.

    Not a good idea to do nothing or sit at your desk all day.  Think about some type of active recovery, i.e., walking, spinning lightly, light swim etc.....something that gets the blood flowing a little bit without engaging too much effort.  This helps you heal faster than doing nothing at all and does wonders for your mental state.

    Keep moving forward all!

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    Thanks Shaughn. I plan to swim tonight. I am feeling good - all soreness gone.
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    2800M in the pool for me this morning as I had to get in to work early.  I can't decide if I'm doing my first RR this weekend or next weekend.  I have June 26-July 5th off work with the only possible commitment being meeting the in-laws at the lake for a couple days.

    I'm actually looking forward to the extra time sleeping in.

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    I am on my modified plan, I have loosely stayed in touch with all of you via email & Strava.

    Since returning from TOC, I had a bout of major back issues from the tri bike... I have been working through it by trying to do the following:

    1-stick to plan as much as possible which is a long ride on Saturday, a shorter (1-1.5 hr APB ride on sunday) followed up with an easy 1 hr+spin with my 13 yo daughter in the afternoon or a MTB adventure on Sunday Afternoon. I also do a Wednesday ride that is about 1:15 - 1:30 slower spin with my daughter, but we do climb 1500-2500 ft in that ride and I push hard on every climb(Z5).

    2-to promote weight loss (and a killer run) I have been extra focused on the run. Something Coach R once said to me at an IM was that you can easily increase weekly volume by adding 10% to your daily run (that's 4.5 - 6 minutes for daily runs and 13.5 mins for the long run) - last week I ran 46 miles never feeling beat up until Sunday. I took Monday off as I couldn't get to the pool and on Tuesday my legs were fresh... 

    3-my swim has sucked (it always does) but I had rotator cuff surgery in December, so it is painful.. I am now going to do a larger swim block of 3-4 wkos per week of 4000 yards or more until we hit the swim taper which is usually further down the sched than the bike/run taper

    4-super focused on diet, high protein, less carbs, lots of fat to burn. at this point, i can still drop 8-10 lbs between now & race day which will do more for me than 10 watts that I won't get between now and then.

    Modified camp weekend. I am divorced, have my kids on Thursday night and have to drive them to school around 715 Friday morning, so I will go out and do a 2 hourish ride at 5am, drive them to school, run an hour. in the afternoon I am meeting a buddy to do 3-4 hours of MTB at a great MTB mountain park nearby. Sunday will be a full on RR on the same course I used last year, 113 miles with 6600 ft of climbing.. Good to compare to last year's fitness, I think I am worse off this year for a number of reasons (shoulder surgery!)

    Sunday, I plan on running 2.5-3 hours. I like getting a long run in. this will be run to and from the Rockefeller State Park with at least an hour in there, good hills to/ from the park, constant up and down on the bridle paths within the park, a good hill back and then a constant upgrade for the last 3 miles home... 

    then, my father's day afternoon activity is to take my kids hiking on Breakneck Ridge, basically a steep hike/ rock scramble up around 1400 feet with lots of down & up on the backside to get back.. (I may go off the reservation and have a hamburger for Dad's day after that!)

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    I will be going with the training plan as scheduled this week since I wasn't at camp :-( But it works out since a local cycling club has a 200 mi ride, done in loops, scheduled for Sat!! Friday I have found people to ride with and I can run from my casa. Now if the weather cooperates it will be awesome!!

    I was fully prepared to work hard this week, but ended up cutting my swim short yesterday when it became difficult to breathe...turns out I have my first ever bladder infection! ARGH!!! I wish this upon no one!! EVER!! I took today off to let all the medications stream through my body! :-) If all is well, I will be doing the swim tomorrow.

    I do get to travel to Lake Placid next week. I am super excited to ride the course and see it!!! I am hoping the climbs are not as bad as I have created them to be in my mind :-)

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    I am absorbing all that hard work from IMLP camp! Was a little fatigue on the bike and run but got them done! I'll feel fantastic, then I climbing the stairs and my legs remind me that I am still recovering lol
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    My past six days have been tough, but reassuring.

    Friday, 15.2 mi run in 2:14. Instead of trying to hit the MP exactly, after the first six miles, I tried to work each successive mile a little harder. Especially the final four which were uphill on the 1-2% grade rail trail I was on.

    Saturday I drove to Denver/Boulder, dropped my son off at the airport and had a great dinner with life-long friends. In between, I had a two hour bike fit at Retül headquarters. It was pricey, and didn't really change very much in my basic position - saddle position, head tube spacers remained unchanged. But my elbows came out and up a fair amount. Seems I was just a bit too tight in my hip angle. I got high marks for two things: how low my head is between my shoulders, and how straight my knees are up and down while pedaling. I probably do need to replace my pedals, which are wobbly, and my stem, which is too long. The real key to the value though, came on the next day, and again on Wed, when I put the fit to a real life test with 11 hours of biking over those two days.

    Sunday, I did a 5 mile run in Washington Park near my friends' home, then drove back to Snowmass, stopping on the way to do a five-hour "Saturday Ride". A good test of the new position. I felt a bit more "efficient", if that makes any sense, in my legs, as well as having a bit less tension in my lower back. Monday, I intended to do a full 1.25 hour swim, but got kicked out of the pool when lightning started 25 minutes into the session. Oh well, I was tired anyway.

    Tuesday, I went to the pool in Aspen, where it turns out my Medicare plan, which includes Silver Sneakers, gets me in for free, compared to the $11 in Snowmass. And the pool has actual suction gutters. I finished Monday's session. I waited until the sun got less intense, then ran 5 miles in my neighborhood, which means it was mostly up and down, sometimes steeply so, and in rarified air. 

    The showery weather here is about to turn HOT, so I audibled the rest of the week, moving the RR to Wednesday (today) so I could have a chance of finishing the run without dying. My go-to RR route got altered a bit, as construction was plaguing my first out and back of 25 miles, which is at about 2% grade. Instead of that, I had to either back and forth in the valley several times. But I don't like to do duplicate loops on the RRs - they're boring enough as it is - and instead added a couple of climbs at the end. Made for a fun downhill into the finish, but overall about 3-4 miles shorter than I wanted. The construction snafu played into that as well. 

    The RR was very reassuring. Overall, I hit 2600 joule, 250 TSS, 5000' of elevation gain, 107.5 mi/5:58 hrs @ 0.65 overall. Considering the altitude, that fits in just fine with what I wanted to do. When I was not going downhill, my VI was 1.005-1.02. Downhills, though, are really tough to get that VI into the proper range. Coasting really messes with the average power, apparently 

    My average HR was 96, with a max of 112. This seems pretty low, compared to what I have done of the same basic course in years past. Either my heart is getting tired, it is getting bigger. Thinking about that, maybe the fit changes made my pedaling not stronger, but more effective and efficient, reflected in the lower HR. To chalk this theory out, reviewed my final RR for IM CDA last year, a year a a week ago. The weather was exactly the same per the temps recorded in the file; the elevation gain was the same. Last year, I had an NP of 127, with an average HR of 100. This year, my NP was 137, with the HR avg of 96. Ether I'm in way better shape, or the fit made a difference in what I was able to do.

    Nutrition on the bike: total fluids - 140 oz (24/hour), peed twice; Sodium - 3500 mg; calories - 1720 (280/hour); sources - Infinit, Gatorade Endurance, Shot Bloks, Perpetuem Solids, EFS Gel.

    It was high 60s-70s on the bike, sunny except for the hour between 4:30-5:30. The sun came out again for the run, and it got to 84F. I was on the rail trail, 1.5 mi down, 3 mi up then 1.5 back down, stopping in the middle at my car for a new fluid bottle. Overall time was 55:30, 9:15 pace, which is my LRP. My HR went steadily up (by design) from 106 to 122, for an average of 116. Fluid intake was 34 oz, 190 calories from Gatorade Endurance and a Shot Blok.

    My weight dropped from 143.4 to 142.4 over the course of the entire RR, a pretty fair result, I think.

    I'm gonna try a 75 min recovery ride up to the Maroon Bells tomorrow, as well as a 45 minute swim at the pool, which is at the base of the road to the Bells. Run intervals Friday, bike intervals Saturday with swims both days, then long run on Sunday. I'm beginning to feel pretty fit; I can almost see myself doing the race from here, just need a couple more weeks to get to proper form. My CTL is currently @ 120.

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    Like Mandy, I'm doing Camp Week this weekend. RR Plan is posted in the forum. Wednesday I did a FTP test after several days with my first power meter Garmin Vector 2S. I think the test went well. I was on flat to rolling terrain. Stats: NP - 243; AvgP - 242; Avg HR 148. This gives me a 231 FTP. I'll use this FTP for my race rehearsal. Here's my Garmin file: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/807329909.
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    In a perfect world we'd all be doing the same training/camp/etc on the same schedule ! Its great to see the individual's adapting to the dynamic situation called life...

    My camp is going to be the weened of June 28/29 (@IMLP) a full 2 weeks after the real camp or 1 week after the original.... I'll be wrapping up this week with the Patriotman HIM on Saturday... This will have given me 7 weeks of 11-15hrs/TSS 800-1000 per week with some good intensity and 3 races.... The following 3 weeks will be all about race specificity, fully expect these weeks in the 20hr/1200TSS range, before tapering the last 2 weeks.... At this point I can say I feel like I am lacking in long bikes...Not my ideal build for an IM but feel it will all come together in the next 3 weeks...I wanted to shake things up a bit this year and it feels like mission accomplished.... Still not sure how I feel about it... Its hard without a more specific structure but still may pay off in the end....Sidenote: is body comp.... Usually racing IM's @ target 120 , I'm just now hitting 123 , should be close , I am not going to starve myself just to hit. Will do my best to be disciplined but continue to fuel well for these up coming weeks!
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    This morning I had a 2:30 long run and just crashed and burned at 1:45.
    I'm going to go back out tonight and finish off the last :45.
    I thought I'd be good to go by now (after camp), but going out on an empty stomach probably didn't help.
    75 degrees with 90% humidity made it tough too.
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    @Don... Nothing wrong with doing a split run.... But why on earth would you go for a 2.5hr run on an empty stomach ? IMO You can play with that kinda stuff 2-3 months out but we are 5.5 weeks away.... That fuel is to help recover from yesterda/last week, this run , and start recovering after the run... Very important.... Before a 2 + hr run I will eat a normal b-fast 2hrs prior and then begin fueling immediately on the run with sports drink and also do a gel every 40min or so... If I dont have the time to wait 2hrs after b-fast I will just eat a smaller b-fast and fuel heavier during the run.... If you trying to lose weight for body comp its best done outside of the before/during/after window of a 2.5hr run!
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    What Tim said ...
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    @Tim, @Al ok, gotcha. I feel like a dumba$$. Should have known better. I wanted to get out early to get it done before the heat comes. I'll suck it up and get up at 4:30 or so to eat next time and fuel properly.
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    Don - you can also find things that you can run on quickly. I can eat oatmeal, banana and run 10 minutes later with no stomach problems. As the others have said, if you are jumping in on the long run without good fuel at the start, you want to get fuel asap when you start. Enjoy HOTLANTA!
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    Posted By tim cronk on 18 Jun 2015 05:06 AM

    ... This will have given me 7 weeks of 11-15hrs/TSS 800-1000 per week with some good intensity and 3 races.... 

    Wow! I've been doing 15-18 hours, and hitting 800-1150 TSS/week in that same time frame. You're smart, to not fall into the hours/volume trap. You're just going for quality. Does Strava have a ranking for TSS? That might produce a "fairer" ranking instead of the hours it uses.

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    @Al a quick math shows you have averaged 53-63 TSS per hour vs. my average of 69-77..... Sounds about right , as I add some volume in the coming weeks I expect to drop intensity averages quite a bit.... As you know slight differences in our pace/power/threshold settings could make for huge differences.... I currently have my swim pace set at my pool 1000yd TT test minus 5 seconds per 100yd to make up for wetsuit swims (if I didnt do this swims would be way over stated) FTP is set at test results/ power curve which is lower than past years but I'm still able to hit past power numbers , and lastly I use my estimated 10k pace for threshold on the run which is 7-8 sec slower than my tested 5k pace.... Also maybe left out from the original post to add into those weeks was a TT race, a HM race, and a couple FTP/ 5k tests.... Lots of intensity...

    FWIW and a fun reference... My last 3 big weeks in Tucson were between 22-30hrs per week where I averaged between 41-53 TSS points per hour.... Yep that 30 hr week with Dave I averaged 41 TSS points per hr!
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    Hope everyone is slowing getting rid of those CAMP willies......still felt a few of 'em this morning as I tried to rip my legs off:


    Swam only yesterday and did a modified brick Tuesday.

    HUGE wealth of information sharing below from Al and Tim......invaluable.....hope all are reading, absorbing and using it.  Ask questions as needed.

    My 6 week TSS / Hours history using valid vDOT and FTP baselines:

    My TSS/hour is little higher primarily because I do high intensity bikes on Tues/Thurs to help stimulate FTP baseline. and yes, by the end of most weeks, my eyeballs feel like they are sunk into the back of my head....

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    Lots of great stuff from the Jedi Masters.  I really like to see these kinds of analyses, and how they fit individuals.  

    I too am one of the regular schedule peeps and will do my long OWS today after work, followed by RR bike and run tomorrow at Acadia.  I really like the course there.  From the buttery smooth pavement, rolling hills, long climbs, long descents, and a 20 mile loop past my Honda parked by a bathroom and fountain.  I may even have rain for the first lap or 2.  Wont that be nice.

    So far this week....

    Monday got a solid EP+ run in and felt strong and in control.  

    Tuesday was the long pool swim that should have been followed with a run but after work and visiting with mom, I just didn't have the time/energy to make it happen.

    Wednesday was the FTP bike done as 4x10' @ 96% of my recent ad hoc FTP test instead of the 2x20' called for.  Followed that with a progressive TM run EP>>HMP.

    Fitness feels good, fatigue is low and managable so far.  No injuries.  Attitude strong and positive.


    So, just to add my $0.02 worth of TSS points to the mix this is what I have:

    Week Ending Hours TSS TSS/Hr
    6/14/2015 12:06 853 70.5 ad hoc FTP Test
    6/7/2015 11:16 811 72.0 2 Races 70.3 & Oly
    5/31/2015 9:59 683 68.4 Testing
    5/24/2015 10:54 792 72.7
    5/17/2015 13:32 921 68.1

    I have been trying very hard to get more training time in but this seems to be the limit for me. Between work, family and chores I just cant seem to make more time available.  Also, there are times when I do have some time but not the physical/mental energy to do a workout.  Usually it is on a 2 per day that a wko gets skipped.  Perhaps if I was to get them all in I'd push myself from just on the edge of fatigue to over the edge into 'I feel like crap-land'.

    Contemplating the weekly time and hourly TSS load, seems like once I get above 70/hr and 10 hours per week is when I start to really feel the work.  I am tend to sense that and back off, skipping workouts when I need to.  More importantly I believe I am in a good place on my trajectory to IMLP.  I expect to continue to push my ability to hold current effort levels for longer duration's with minimal increase in accumulated fatigue.  One big key for me is to avoid injury, not that I am injury prone, just that now is not the time to push too hard and screw up my race before I even get there.

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    In the coming weeks, I know that we eventually cap out the long run at 3 hours or 18 miles whatever comes first.
    But is anyone else capping out the 150 minute run? and if so what would you typically cap that out at?
    my thought was 16 to 17 miles?
    Prior to last weeks camp week I was at 15 miles for the 2 hour run....even though it would take me a couple minutes longer than the 2 hours listed in the plan.

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    First run since camp. I've had better. Legs tired, generally tired. Too much time in the car on Monday and Tuesday. Started to get some good sleep the last couple of nights. Shortened the run today. Will be back to fight tomorrow.
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    Make sure you get your bike it.  I got a major overhaul where they basically take my whole bike apart, clean, lube and even changed some bearing in my wheels which were old.  I've had this bike for 5 years and put quite a few miles on it.  I need some new pads for my aero bars which are on back order so get in so the new cables are stretched out and no issues for the final race rehearsal.

    Just a quick check in for me.  Got in some FTP work yesterday and really used the group to motivate me.  There was no way I was doing 2X20 so got on the bike with 10's in my head.  After an hour I had 4 of them in and got in 70'.  Honestly when I started I was only going to 2X10'.  I have not even downloaded the file yet but I know all 4 are in the 95-100 range and probably .97-.99 for 3 of the 4.

    I'm hoping the thunderstorms they are calling for this weekend don't materialize as I just got my bike tuned up and ready for the road.  If I have to I'll just do 5 hours on the trainer but would like to get outside.

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    Posted By John Bayone on 18 Jun 2015 11:37 AM

    In the coming weeks, I know that we eventually cap out the long run at 3 hours or 18 miles whatever comes first.

    But is anyone else capping out the 150 minute run? and if so what would you typically cap that out at?

    my thought was 16 to 17 miles?

    Prior to last weeks camp week I was at 15 miles for the 2 hour run....even though it would take me a couple minutes longer than the 2 hours listed in the plan. 

    Sounds like you can go 18 miles in less than 2.5 hours? A few years ago, when I could still do 18 (training) miles in 151 minutes, I would do the long runs as something like 15.X - 16.X - 17.X - 18 over weeks 13-17 (one week in there was shorter, IRRC) So my "150 minute run" was in the 17+ mile range, but more like 142-4 minutes.

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    Al, Thank you. I was hoping you would say that.
    Went 16 this week and will let that slowly build over the next few weeks.
    Felt pretty good and just trying to keep the first half of those as even as possible.

    Hope that everyone is doing well this week.
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    Lots of great work getting put up by the team. As a more junior member I really enjoy seeing everyone's approach, thought process and strategy; it's extremely helpful, thank you to all taking time to contribute detailed reports.

    I'm definitely a bit jealous of Al and Steve's beautiful training locations...droool.

    I got a Stages power meter a bit under 3 weeks ago. Haven't been able to get a good power test in. Quassy, then IMLP camp. This week was to be the week. Monday- rest, Tuesday- threshold mile run workout, 3700 yds before closing time at the pool. Wednesday wake up at 5 to drive to a hill to test, the hill is Sweet road around mile 4 of the Syracuse HIM course for those familiar. Got out there, pumped tires, nature calls, drive to a county park, back ready to go, quick warmup, now running late for work, need to clip time. Cross street to hill ready to go, begin.....tuuuuuurtle. Boom smash my right knee on pavement.

     Get up, swallow my dignity and walk back to the car. Ice my knee, pop 800mg of ibuprofen that night.

    Thursday my knee is feeling better. Really want my FTP so scratch the long run. Based on Quassy and the Camp I ran the calculator. Thinking with IF of 0.68 I could work the math backwards from what I had accomplished at distance to figure a goal FTP. I felt I could do 240 for the test, which would result a bit lower and make the math work. Targeted 280 for the VO2 max. Thunderstorms were threatening around Syracuse (not that rare).

    Got out to the course, warmed up and GOT IT DONE! (https://www.strava.com/activities/328332930/) 279 VO2 Max, 20 min was 241 Pavg. Now I have numbers in the bank, can confidently work off of, calculate IF, TSS. Very excited. Tuesday was emotionally crushing, 1.5 hrs of lost sleep to bike for 10 minutes and smash my knee. A successful test has turned my week around.Very excited for the long rides this weekend to know what power to target.

    Power is like a video game. I've finally unlocked demo mode for the full version! 

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    Awesome Charles! Glad you got it done!
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    Just read everyone's posts. Wow, I am always amazed at the detailed & helpful information that everyone provides. Writings from those WSMs is better than having Joe Friel in the house. My training has been increasing at a good and what I feel is a sustainable rate. Since April, I have been averaging 61.88 Tss per hour. Unfortunately, I can only add up my Training Stress Score and not add in the other stressors that also effect our training. I was just reminded of that by SS.The combination of training load and life really hit me last night. I was on the Thursday long run. I was aiming for 150 minutes of running. My course was a 6 mile loop so I could carry less and stop at my house to refuel. Everything was going along as I wanted. My legs & breathing felt good. It was pretty humid and by mile 10, my HR started climbing. I was drinking as I ran, but I don't think I was drinking enough. That showed when I stepped on the scales after. I had lost nearly 4 pounds. At mile 11, I started having some right knee pain. I was managing that. I stopped at my house just before mile 13 and grabbed some more liquid. I tried to stretch a bit and then headed back out. I tried to increase my pace and see if the knee pain would go away. That worked for about a mile. I was just under 15 miles when I had a calf spasm. It passed right away, but when I had the second cramp, I just stopped. I knew I had sweat a lot and I could feel it in my legs. I was obviously more dehydrated than I thought since I hit the wrong button on my watch and the workout time just kept running. So, I will be resting as much as life allows today. I will not be adding more Tss points to my chart.

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    Charles, Sorry to hear about your interaction with the Turtle...do your best to treat that so that any lingering pain or issue with that does not start to change your stride when running, which can only make that issue worse or cause pain some place else.

    Edwin, listen to what your body tells you and re hydrate, & recover. Hope that you are feeling better.
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