Powertap Troubleshooting
My powertap went nuts on me during my race rehearsal on Saturday- started giving values about 2x normal for about 30 min, then went normal again, and then stopped giving readings at all. I hoped it was a battery issue, but swapped that out last night and no readings today. Ideas? I have to drop it off for Tri Bike Transport tomorrow, so not much time to troubleshoot.
First re-calibrate the unit. The 910XT does this and your calibration reading should read somewhere around 505 - 510.
Second, use the Power Agent software to do a firmware update. Take the cap off of the hub, plug it into a micro wire and connect other end to the computer USB with software up. From there you tell it to do a firmware update.
Call Saris customer service if you need help doing this and can't find the manual.
518 is still in the ball park.
Check and make sure you did not put the battery in backwards.
Do a firmware update once the unit is working.
That should do it.