Patti's new running issues
I have a tendonitis in my right foot. going to doctor tomorrow. can I put off my big runs till next week? I think I have to anyway. didn't run this week at all
I had done a 15 miler last week and had no problem. tendonitis had set in prior to the run....
ran a 6 miler quick in new Newtons... 15 miler in the newtons too. I'm back in the hokas.... However problem started after san fran... just need help on plan. next week plenty of weekend time. this week three er shifts again.
did a ride today okay and was thinking of getting back into running slowly... thank goodness! not bad.... I should be back into it this week. after December I think I will have to get my feet fixed. I'll know more next week.
I'm better. the Stinson Hoka Lights are fun but the Newton gravity 4 has a metatarsal pad built in and a lower drop.... I love the Altras due to the wide shoe box and eccentric lacing. I wish Hoka with its awesome rocker bottom had a wide shoe box and a met pad and a zero or at most 2mm drop... but be that as it may.... it isn't going to make a big difference due to the nature of the issue.
The good news is that my foot is better. Ran in the Hokas last night for the 45 minute run and had minimal discomfort. I think I can make it from here on out though I'll keep my volume reasonable. I had taken a full week off running and that plus ice and compression socks helped.
((pain cream and aleve are my friends)
BTW, why are there two 40 minute runs for today? I assume a typo
That is a typo...what plan / week / level are you in? Thanks!
thanks, Patrick!
week 16
intermediate full IM
(Race is Lake Placid)
I have to do my Thursday long run on Saturday or Sunday as I work night shift every Thursday night. I can get a shorter run in on Thursday so I did my 40 minutes last night. Thought I was going to die! (serious fatigue with 96 degree temp and high humidity.... heat index of 109) I ran on soft surface (soccer filed at Zilker park) with my altras and was pain free
I love my shoes! I almost have as many as my husband now
did bike on Wednesday and was able to do 60 minutes of zone 3-4 (np of 133 and 136) with intervals of 5 minutes on and off followed by the 15 minutes at zone 4-5 (np of 167) with 3 minute rest in between. that might also be why I was fatigued. did my 60 minute swim on Thursday at noon as well. was fatigued for that as well so might all be due to post bike work out....