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Week 17 IMC

Quiet week last week on the thread. Assuming that must just mean not much time for posting between all the training and sleeping (with a little of our full time job thrown in).

Welcome to week 17. Only 2 big weeks of training to go before we start to turn it down a little as race day approaches.

We've got our longest training run, the race rehearsal run on Thursday. Hope that goes great for all of you.

And this weekend another big bike volume weekend.

How is everyone feeling?


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    Feeling good!

    I am also weirded out. I am done training and wish the race was next week, but at the same time I wish there was more time and can't believe how soon the race is. This is a common pre-IM feeling for me, so I take it as a good omen.

    I am doing another "camp weekend" this weekend because my family and I are spending the weekend in San Diego. There will be a big group there which means I likely be able to duck out quite a bit without being missed too much. Sad that I just said that, but I am ok with it.

    One trick - The final 4 weeks I always make a calendar with every workout and key milestone (like, drop of bike, get supplies, recon course, whatever). I find it comforting to see every detail of the last month on a single page. YMMV.

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    I had family reunion last week so wko's were short/sweet like the OS....did get my long run and caught up on some much needed sleep....came back refreshed and ready hit it hard for last couple weeks...

    this week my schedule looks good to hit all the wko's....if only the weather would cooperate....plenty of rain/thunderstorms on the horizon....rr long run will be a good test....thinking I'll run from my house and end up @ a local pond for a cool down swim ....maybe 2 long bikes this holiday wkend

    +1 on Dino comments.....seems strange to be so close to the end but wishing for more long rides...good idea on the calendar
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    -I hit 'race weight' this morning, and I'm heading into a bigger week of volume (cold rain had interrupted my plans to go big last weekend). Canada Day is tomorrow, so I have from Wed-Sun to train hard and rest harder. I will have pasta this weekend and it will be beautiful.

    -Dino, you've described the state of mind that comes 4 weeks out perfectly.

    -New LG m-2 kit should arrive thursday/friday, and I'm excited to see what the fit is like on my non-winter frame - I originally tested it in January when I was 7% heavier and much more insulated.

    -My mental trick from now until race day is to chase Tom Evans (former pro in BC; won FLA and CDA a few times). He's in my age group, and while I don't know if he's ACTUALLY racing Whistler, I've decided he's my whip when I'm feeling tired or wanting to back off a little. Last night, wanting to stop at 4' into a 8' interval ... I think "Tom Evans is probably doing his last intervals." At this time in the season, I need my mental games!
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    HI everyone:

    I have been traveling and did not hit my long rides this past weekend. I am looking forward to the volume this week, as well as the long run. I liked the "train hard and rest harder" comment by Dave. I felt really trained and ready after camp weekend, I feel a little sloshy after travel and a few big wedding dinners. So this week is my train hard again. That is my mental state.

    I have been spending time envisioning the race. What it will "feel" like on those climbs, and what my legs will feel like when I start to run. Been thinking about that last climb, and those first 6 miles on the run. I think Dave said that 20 mile climb and the first 6 miles on the run make or break the entire race. So I have been thinking a lot about just those 26 miles. I am anxious to start writing the race plan and wonder when all of you will do that?

    My feet have been better with new shoes. My feet still seem "tired" after 9 miles. I have been practicing exercising my toes, and the running position EN talks about in the video and instructions.

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    Thanks everyone for chiming in. Helps to validate how we are all feeling. I find myself wishing the race was this weekend for one thinking I'm ready but also wanting to be done putting in such hours. I find myself very tired and I'm listening to my body and trying to get as much rest as I can. I needed to shift my long run to Wednesday versus today so knocked out my 18 miles yesterday morning. First 15 felt really good and the last 3 found myself counting every tenth mile until it was done. Been wearing my MIO HR monitor a lot to help refine my HR limits I'll set for race day not knowing what climbing, heat, race mojo, etc will do to my pacing.

    I'm off of work Friday given the holiday weekend so thinking of getting an extra couple hour bike ride over the next 3 days as I missed last weekend due to a backpacking trip with my son (SAU + Rest).

    Hope you all nailed your long runs today
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    Nailed the long run yesterday .....rolling 16.2mi...3:04....finished @ a friends pond.....30 min recovery swim @ sunset.....headed to my fav swim hole shortly for my 2.4 .....long rides scheduled for sat/sun and the weather looks good for a change

    +1 on carrying fatigue....one more tough week
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    Wow. My training with a different coach/plan last year was so different then with EN. Much more interval focussed and not as much volume. I think I only road more then 5 hours once and never did more then 12 miles (2 hours) on a run.

    That being said, I feel so much better trained but +2 on carrying fatigue and burnout. My 6 hour ride that I have done twice now (camp week and yesterday) with 6500 elevation seems so daunting to have to do it yet one more time next week during RR. Looking into another swim and ride location so I can look forward to a change of scenery. We shall see.

    My run was good - 16.8 miles in 3 hours, both rides this weekend tough, but good to get done. Looking forward to having this week behind me so the volume will decrease.

    I don't have a lot to say other then I am tired and glad I did Coeur D'Alene last year (windy) verses this year - 102 degrees (I heard 108 as well...)
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    Big week ... 3x100 mi bike, 50-something running, and 5hrs swimming. Something like five or six Oreo mc flurries.
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    Posted By Dave Tallo on 05 Jul 2015 10:50 PM

    Big week ... 3x100 mi bike, 50-something running, and 5hrs swimming. Something like five or six Oreo mc flurries.


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