KimmyD's Micro Thread
Hi there! Day 1 of the IM plan and I already have a question!
So the IM Beg plan has a 3hr ride on Sat. There is a cancer charity ride on Sat. and I can either do 50 or 100. I was thinking of the 100 but then I saw 3hrs in the plan, and that is more like a 50mi ride for me. But with few organized century rides coming up, I have considered the 100 but don't want to start off the IM plan by overachieving... Also, I have only done two 60-ish mile rides so far so 100 might be a stretch at this point. But, I'm not going to be able to do the Sun. ABP ride so maybe doing longer on Sat. is a good idea. (I would def need to drop the pre-ride run on Sat. to do the 100 miler. Not sure how likely a run is after that either....) Sprint tri planned on Sun. (Only doing it to do it with my wife very slowly..)
And in general if I get opps like this, is it OK to extend Sat. ride and then skip Sun. ABP? (I'd still do the Sun. run since I'm one of those low vdot peeps)
Help me decide!
So this weekend there's a metric Century in Sunday I'd like to do. I was thinking of just flip-flopping Sat and Sunday. Does that make sense or should I do something different? Thanks!
I say you swim on Monday and do a short 30' run with strides. Tuesday is FTP ride and run. Wed/Thu are off. Friday is Swim + Run. Sat is as planned. Sunday is the long run from Thursday. Monday is off...and back at it! Happy travels!
Note when you run long on Sunday, Monday is a swim only day!
First question: I'm a bit concerned about my ability to hold a reasonable power target on race day. I'd like to get in more long rides (ie longer than 5 hrs as in the plan.). Since I'm moving to the Minimalist plan, any issue extending that Sat ride to 6+ hrs considering I'll likely be <68%? <br /> 2nd question- next Sunday (which will be the IM RR run Day for me) I have a sprint tri I'm doing the bike as a relay. Just 12 miles, but likely 35 mins or so at 95-100%. I can either do the long ride or run on the day before, and the other after the relay as I'll likely be done by 9:30-10. Any thoughts on what would be preferable?
1) I am dying to ask you what your sweat test said you needed to drink, as nutrition is hydration, then calories. But I am afraid as your description makes it seem like you are only thinking food not fluids.
Literally it walks you through how FLUIDS are your #1 priority for the race...calories come second. I don't know why you would soup up gatorade endurance with infinit -- infinIT is not meant to be used that way, and GE has plenty of calories. Then you choose Gu products even though we don't recommend them...and no mention of external salt pills. GIRLFRIEND GET YOURSELF TO THE NUTRITION PAGE ASAP.
2. Your IF drops on your rides b/c you are you should be targeting .7 (aka that NP) and let the IF fall where it does at the end. If you aim for .68 it will be .65 or lower...not worth it. That said, for your hilly rides you should really practice floating / shifting on the way up, then continuously pedaling the downhills until 32+ MPH....coasting on the downhills and not soft pedaling into the flats will cost you valuable time.
3. Your RRs are meant to be done on FLAT COURSES, not ones with 5500 ft of climbing. RRs are where you lock in HR and WATTS and practice your nutrition. See coach rich picking bike path vs mountains of death. Hilly courses are for non RR rides.
4. Yes to 6 hour rides, but only on FLAT COURSES. If you go hilly, you gotta keep it shorter, like 4-5 h as in the plan.
5. I suggest you do the RR run AFTER the race, but but but you will need to make many loops and stay super hydrated. If I find out you are doing 2.5 thimbles of GE mixed with Fruit Loops and Angel Dust I will go nutso.
I use Infinit because I like the protein in it and add GE for flavor as I don't love Infinit taste. GU is also for taste. Can't stand Powergels. I have never used salt or electrolytes but I can revisit after sweat test redo.
2. Got it.
3. Got it. Don't have to ask me twice to ride flat vs hilly. My only true RR was on the IMChoo course but will choose a flat one for next RR.
4. Got it.
5. Yup, I will hit the canal line trail and make sure I have access to car and fluids.
Thanks for the input!
there was much made of protein in year's past, but it has faded. protein does give a "satiated" feeling but that's not required when need fuel and hydration...honestly, I'd try just straight GE, with sweat test info, and see if you really bonk. You'd be in the super super super minority....
I've been on the Minimalist plan the past couple weeks because I can't get enough daylight now on thurs for the long runs. With the long weekend, I was thinking of trying to do the regular week 17 plan vs Minimalist with some tweaks. I have 1/2 day fri and Mon off. I was thinking run fri, OWS Saturday. Sat bike on Sunday and Sunday brick on Monday.
Thoughts? Thanks!
ps - thank goodness for back up powermeters!
Ps here's the link to the info I mentioned. It must assume I'm wearing a jet pack...
I say ride early then swim later (pull buoy mostly)'s all good.
That said, I only want first hour at .67/.68 ... The remainder of your 6 hours should be at .7 please!! Please remember our mantra -- MINIMAL COASTING!!!
(and yes, you will surprise yourself on race day)
or here
I rode on a rail trail so any of the cadence drops we talked about were either tight turns or road crossings. I kept it as steady as I could. My AP was 120 and NP was 126 so pretty good VI. I did have some 2nd half fade. I attribute that to the Gatorade that I bought vs. the GE that I'll be using on race day. (less sodium) Usually I finish my concoctions first then switch but I drank my first couple of bottles then the stuff I bought (cold) and then back to my stuff. That won't happen on race day obviously. I have been tweaking my nutrition since camp and still feel like it isn't 100% but it is what it is. Run was good except for some slow down on 1 mile due to major chaffing from getting caught in the rain on the bike then running in soggy bike shorts. Fun....
Ready to taper!
Don't these people know I have an Ironman coming up? Geez!
I say that you do the Sat bike, then run long on Sunday, Monday off.....if that won't work with the schedule, then I say Long run Sat, then the Sat bike on Sunday, just no intensity.
Swimming and resting this week is ok. If crazy you can get in a 30 to 40 minute steady Z2 run in there somewhere...
I have a bike race (Jamestown) planned in 2 weeks. It is a deferral from last year so no huge deal if I don't do it. I'd like to but life (moms surgery) and legs will dictate more than anything else. Assuming I do it, what should I be doing to "train"? All the hay is in the IM barn so to speak training wise but I'm sure there are some differences in IMCHOO vs Janestown. Lol. Weather looks crappy for next few days in CT so let's assume I start on Monday....
Not being able to race to your potential is actually pretty common in an IM, how you handle that situation is what defines you, not the time on that clock. Being able to process and evolve after each race is critical, so don't miss that chance here.
I don't know the distance, terrain or type of race...not familiar with Jamestown and am on a plane with no wifi as I type this. So I can't give you too much info other than to say your first 3 days of riding are really just getting loose and shaking things out. Then that weekend you could get in a longer ride of 90 to 120 mins with a bit of upper tempo at the end. But then it's really taper time in that last short with some harder pick ups as you wind things down.
IF you have more info on the race, please pass it along and I'll hit it as I continue to travel!
Congrats on the finish!
~ Coach P
Here's the Jamestown course:
It's 38 miles. Pretty flat with some little bumps.
I'll plan on getting in some miles on Sunday. Haven't been on the bike since IMChoo yet since it has pretty much been raining since I got back!!
Good luck in Kona! Can't wait to track you and the team!