Swapping training days - IM plan
The IM plan has a swim and run on Tuesday followed by a Bike/run brick on Wednesday. I have been considering swapping those mainly so I can do a Wednesday swim with my local tri group. I seems to swim faster and better with the group and honestly as an adult onset swimmer swims are just mentally really hard and when training for the HIM, I found more often than not when I swam alone, I cut it short or sometimes did not do it at all.
The potential issue with the swap of the workouts is Tuesday has a swim + a a quality run with Z4 work, moving that to Wednesday might compromise the Thursday long run? Though there are programs like Hansons where they have tempo workout the day before an LR and as when marathon training I have done ten milers day before a long run.
Any opinions or thoughts on this?
This whole game has to be fun if it is going to stick and it sounds like making that group swim adds a bit of fun to the work of training for you.
Try it for a few weeks and you'll know pretty quickly if it is costing you on the other workouts. You just have to be hones with yourself if you notice that other areas are suffering or getting dropped.
I usually do Monday as written, then move Tuesday's swim to Wednesday, and on Thursday after the long run, I swim a steady 2 km.
While this works for me, YMMV.
I also move things around a bit. Z4 work day before Long run is not the best scenario. Possibly move it to Monday, but that may be rough given the weekend volume fatigue.
One thing I do often is Bike on Tues and Thurs with swim/run on Wed and Long run on Sunday after Sat Long bike..........anyway you cut it, IM training is, well, tough......