Lower abdomen pain
I picked up my core workouts after Boise 70.3 and hurt my lower abdomen on the right side. I took two weeks off but it doesn't seem to have helped. I hurts whem I run and aches for days after a run. It doesn't hurt to flex but is very painful when sitting up from a sitting or prone position. Any advice would be helpful. Starting to get worried as I have IM florida IM November
I used to do a lot of core work where you hold your feet out in front of you off the ground until I tore or strained something a few years back in my lower abs. Hurt some while running and was sore after. Also remember it hurting while sitting up as you describe.. Really hurt while laying in bed and moving my feet around under slight pressure from the blankets. I don't remember it stopping me completely from training but it did take a good 4-5 months for it to go away completely. That, that wasn't 4-5 months of not training, but just that little annoying spot (not "very painful") of pain in my lower abs. Never went to the DRs. BTW, I still don't do certain core work that puts a lot of pressure on the lower abs. Love just the basic plank.
"Very painful" still after a few weeks off may warrant a trip to the DRs office just to rule out anything more serious.