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Week 9 / 20 - 12 to go

Alrighty... here we go!  

I scared myself yesterday driving home from Vineman 70.3.  Loaded up the IM plan and saw it was a test week (my favs... NOT!!)  I thought well, that's not going to happen the week after a 1/2 IM.  How pleasantly surprised I am today looking at this week and realizing yesterday of course I was looking at last week's workouts!  So, how were the FTP and 5k tests for those of you who were already in the plan last week?

For the rest of us just getting started, we have a breather til week 12.  This week we have an indoor sweat test on Saturday - long outdoor ride with the final hour on the trainer... that's kinda cool!  One thing I noticed hopping from the 1/2 IM to full IM plan is lots of running, which I certainly need after yesterday... I wilted at Vineman (simply not enough running over the last couple months.)  I'll definitely get the running in this week (tho with a modified effort as I recover.)  Might not get all the rides/swims in, as we're headed to Tahoe for a long family weekend, so I want to be more mommy/wife than triathlete this weekend.

Have a great week, all, and share your thoughts, successes, failures, whatever!


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    GULP!!!! Looking at this week I'm already a little overwhelmed trying to figure out how to get it all done! That Swim & Bike on Tuesdays was hard to manage for the HIM plans, but the swim distances for the IM plans take a huge jump! Time to put on my big girl pants and make it happen!

    I did the test/rest week last week as my final "Get Faster" plan. The Swim TT and the Bike TT went really well (another 5 little baby watts- yippeeee) but the 5K was a bit flat. I'm chalking much of that up to the heat/humidity- but it is what it is.

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    Lots of anxiety when I went from Get Fast to IM week 9.. I did my test last week in a Sprint.(.Patrick's suggestion).

    It certainly feels like its getting REAL...


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    Only on day 2 and I'm already realizing I'll need to juggle the schedule a little. There's just no way for me to fit in a run with Threshold intervals and a hard 3500-4000 meter swim in the morning before work- no matter how early I get up. Aside from the fact that at my pace that swim will take more like 75-80 minutes, the bigger problem is the intensity and my form falling apart. If it were just easy swim & run it wouldn't be too bad, but doing them back to back- one of them is going to suffer.

    Sooooo- next week I'm going to plan to do the Tuesday morning run on Monday evening. That gives me lots of recovery time before the Wed workout (moving it to Tuesday night would be risky) and due to my pool schedule, swimming has to happen in the morning.

    How is everyone else doing so far?
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    I got nothing yet... still too tired (and a little blistered) from last weekend's 1/2!  But, I certainly share everyone's angst over getting it all in!  To be honest, I rarely do, and I constantly move things around due to the other stresses/commitments of the day!  I also  always prioritize sleep over workouts.  I do love the workout ratings, so you know which ones to really focus on.  Woo hoo... fun times!!

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    Another thing... be sure to listen to the weekly podcasts and check out the informative links located at the upper right of your weekly training plan. I always find them helpful and pick up informative tidbits. One of this week's messages is "you are now training for IM", and CoachR gives us permission to wake up every morning thinking about it. ... gulp! Have a great week all!
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    I got off to a bit of a rough start yesterday - forgot my swimsuit at home so didn't get that done. However, I did get the run intervals in which were hard but they are done. I am committed to take Sundays off for both my own mental and physical health as well as making sure that I have a weekend day where being a mom to my 6 year old can be my priority. Patrick kindly helped me shuffle things around to make that happen - it means doubles most every day and long efforts on Wednesday and Thursday - we will see how it goes. My week will look like Mon:run/swim Tues: swim/bike Wed: long run Thurs: long bike and brick run, Friday: long swim, Saturday: run and long bike Sunday: REST image. I am definitely overwhelmed by the volume but I am trying not to look too far ahead and just focus on what is right in front of me. I keep telling myself it is 12 sets of 1 week!

    Good luck everyone!
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    Swam today and then biked FTP intervals. I am going to have to work up to the swim volume over the next few weeks as I am really working to improve my form/efficiency so that feels a little overwhelming. Bike on the other hand is going great relative to back in the winter/spring. Planning 90 min run in the am and then I have about 30 hours of rest until the long bike/brick run - yeah!!
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    Sarah- that sounds like a tough schedule! But if you can manage it, worth the trade-off to have one complete "off" day. Let us know how it works out.

    I did the Brick this morning. The run part was no problem, but the shiny new FTP made the bike intervals pretty tough. I got the FTP stuff done, but the VO2 sets were just not happening today.
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    Progressive Long run today! I gotta tell you, that felt a hell of a lot easier than the Thursday long runs we were doing for the Half IM plan! Maybe it was the lower humidity- but ahhhhhh, that felt good!
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    OUCH- that hurt. I got the run & 2.5 hour ride with FTP sets done this morning, but coudln't turn the pedals when on the trainer for that last hour to do the sweat test. I'm gonna try getting that done tomorrow as the last hour of the ABP ride instead. I rode with some friends today and did a few extra intervals that I think trashed me.

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    Hellooooo? Where is everyone? How did your sweat tests go this week? I was VERY thankful for TDF video during that last hour on the trainer. It really helped since going inside to ride on such a nice day really felt like a rip off.

    Anyway- I ended up moving the sweat test to the Sunday ride because I failed at it on Saturday. My legs were just trashed after the first 2.5 hours and I couldn't turn over the pedals anymore. Take 2 went much better and the good news is I seem to have my hydration pretty well dialed in.
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    Nemo, you get the gold star for this week! Great posts, and I so love hearing how we all balance and improvise (sometimes successfully and sometimes not so, ie, me this week) to get it done! I have not contributed, because, well... I didn't workout at all this week! That's right - zippo! I was kinda toasted after last weekend's 1/2, had some blistered feet, plus the family had a Wed-Sun "summer vacation" up in Tahoe. I guess I just opted to be total mom and wife and let no triathlon "stuff" enter (although I must say IM Lake Tahoe is a lot more tempting to me... it is simply stunning up there!) Daughter (only child) is home for another 2 weeks, then back to college. It will be a lot easier to get away for those 4 - 6 hour training sessions very soon. I promise and commit to do much better this next week.

    Thanks, Nemo, for kicking us off so well!
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