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IMLP Team EN Charity Athlete

Hello Team, 

I've been a quiet EN member since IMCDA 2013….quiet because not much to teach, just lots to learn so thanks much to Shaughn, Al, Tim, Don, Scott, John, etc. Mann am I excited for LP though!

In case anyone is touched by or connected to multiple myeloma, a pretty rough blood cancer, I'm racing IMLP this year as part of the multiple myeloma charity team (The MMRF). Team EN should get the tri club points though, Brenda

The fundraising is going well, but no cure yet so if this is on your heart, then giddie up! And one donor will win 6 days and 7 nights free in Aspenimage The link below talks about that. Probably not of much interest to AL, but it is a block from the gondola. Anyway, I am teamed up with my good friend and multiple myeloma widow pictured below. She and her late husband were intimately involved with the MMRF so you can rest assured, the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation is a good steward of your money. To donate is easy, as per below.

Our lofty fundraising goal is $25,000, and we are halfway there with 2 weeks remaining so hope we can inspire you to helpimage

Here are some links:

Why MMRF? Rosemary has experienced, firsthand, their effectiveness and charity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma...e=youtu.be

How do I donate? http://support.themmrf.org/goto/pcaldwell ; or If you are uncomfortable with online security, you can mail a check to me made out to The MMRF, with "Ironman Lake Placid 2015/ Pen Caldwell" on the memo line. My address is 178 Woodmont Blvd, Nashville, TN 37205. I'll send it to the MMRF, log you as a donor on the fundraising page, and MMRF will send you a receipt and a thank you.

Blessings to you all!

Pen and Rosemary


  • Done. Thanks for raising money for a good cause. Good Luck in Placid!
  • Hey John - thank you so much! Your support is to a great organization, plus my friend's widow, Rosemary Bobby, is in tune to this effort and it means a ton to her. Hope to meet you sometime.
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