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traveling to Milan, Italy- training suggestions?

I'll be in Milan, Italy the last week of August for a conference.  Wondering if anyone has suggestions of where to run and swim.  At lesat at this time, no plans of biking while I'm there, but let me know if that is a mistake.  Suggestions of fun non-tri things to do are welcome as well!  


  • Hi Rachel - cars and mopeds are insane in Italy. Last time I was in Milano, I found a park and ran laps. There are lots of them and the paths are crushed rock, so easy on the feet. I think the one I ran in was public gardens of Montinelli or something Italian like that ;-) about a mile per loop and I just ran laps. No cars or mopeds to watch for in the parks!

    Have fun!
  • Now that's a problem I wish I had! Have fun.
  • Paul,

    Just came back from Milan last week. The running in parks as Rich mentioned was nice and traffic early morning was not horrible. Not to hilly and great stuff to see. Check out my strava entries if you want to see routes I was able to locate.

    Not sure you will have much luck on the bike and swim
  • Hey Ken - the fam is pretty partial to Northern Europe...and the long run plan has only those kind of locations for years to come. But Milan does sound nice. The closest I've been is Slovenia and it was fantastic. I'm glad some ENrs got to enjoy Italy!
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