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ClubEN Relaunch for 2016, special pricing ends May 18th!

Edited 5/3/16 for 2016 Relaunch




Patrick and I are writing you today to announce the 2016 relaunch of ClubEN, another step in the evolution of Endurance Nation. Our vision is that this new venture will project EN deeper into the triathlon space and significantly improve your TeamEN experience.


For many years Endurance Nation has been considered exclusively a community of Ironman or long-course triathletes. Our membership and content focus reflects this. As we have evolved over the last eight years it has become very clear that if Endurance Nation is going to continue to thrive, we need to recruit and cultivate athletes who are (1) beginning their triathlon journey or (2) have decided to focus on the short course distance in the near term.

In addition, the strength of the Team has allowed us to develop strong industry relationships, creating many opportunities that create value for a wide range of triathletes -- not just long course athletes.

Finally, more than a few TeamEN athletes bounce back and forth regularly between short and long course racing. We have a larger contingent of short course athletes on the Team than most folks believe.

Presenting ClubEN

ClubEN is a new level of Endurance Nation access designed to recruit and support athletes who are focused exclusively on short course racing.

Athletes who join ClubEN will have access to a very specific set of Short Course resources -- including our Short Course plans and supporting resources for those plans. Access to this reduced set of plans (and significantly lower level of service and resources than TeamEN athletes, like you, receive), but at a lower recurring monthly fee.  

Regularly $79/mo, ClubEN members who signup before May 18th, 2016 during this special relaunch pay only $49/mo, a savings of over $350 per year!

Please carefully review the table here to see what Club*EN athletes will and won’t receive compared to TeamEN athletes. 

Athletes who are members of ClubEN are still a part of Endurance Nation, they are simply not involved -- as a function of access to training plans, resources, the coaches and community -- at the level of the typical TeamEN athlete.

Our goal is to expand Endurance Nation into the Short Course space through this membership focus, and ultimately to transition these athletes from ClubEN to TeamEN.

What This Means for You

First, be assured that we remain 100% committed to supporting you, our TeamEN athlete. As you review the table of ClubEN vs TeamEN benefits here, please note the significant number of blank spaces in the ClubEN column. We are very clear on where the value of TeamEN lies and have excluded those items from the ClubEN list.

Second, as ClubEN grows so too grows TeamEN and the Endurance Nation brand. This creates more opportunities for us within the triathlon and race directing industries to save you money on gear, race purchases, and more.

Finally, ClubEN will serve as a farm team. Consider ClubEN a place where short course athletes can learn and implement the “EN Way” at sprint- and olympic-distance training and racing, before then moving up to long course triathlon within the TeamEN system. This will create a cadre of smart, focused athletes to add to the already very high quality TeamEN ranks.

If you know anyone who might be interested in ClubEN, please encourage them to signup for a FREE 30-day trial ClubEN membership here: 



If you try to open ^that^ signup link while signed into your TeamEN account, you'll receive an error message. We toggled some switches to prevent TeamEN members from accidentally signing up for ClubEN, in addition to their TeamEN membership. 

Thanks again for your support and continued membership!

Rich and Patrick


  • Awesome! That's cool, man. I have a lot friends racing short course and this is something they are looking for.
  • Will people be able to jump between Club and Team memberships when a particular race is over and training priorities change?  Team to Club and Club to Team?

  • Wondering the same thing Chris. Would you have to pay that initial fee if coming from Team to Club? And from Club back to Team, would you still be locked in at your prior rate or would it be the current monthly rate?
  • Awesome stuff. Lots of athletes in my town that do not belong to a club (we only have two in town) that may be looking for just this fit.
  • I must not understand... You're going to recruit members to the EN brand by selling a portion of what full members have... at 250% of the price?
  • Coaches, ClubEN is a very good idea. I like the focus on short course.

    I do have a suggestion, however. Although it's well understood that short course is the entry gateway for those new to triathlons, I have experienced a number of older athletes like myself who are less interested in long course challenges either because of the strain it puts on the body or their schedules (or both), and are opting to do short course in order to still do triathlons (as opposed to quitting outright). These are very talented people - not the least bit beginners.

    I would suggest that there is also consideration and a pathway for those who wish to "speed up" instead of "volume up" to transition from ClubEN to TeamEN - instead of assuming that TeamEN is just for volume gurus. This would retain a category of athlete that seems to be gaining importance and possibly subject to less burnout - at least from my completely personal and highly unscientific point of view!
  • @Chris K and Rachel: yes, TeamEN members will be able to "downgrade" from TE to CE then go back up again to TE (you would do so at your original TE rate). Of course, you'll lose all of the benefits of being a TE member (see the table of differences between the two) but you'll pay less...but you probably already realized that :-) Rachel, we would waive that $249 upfront fee for a TE athlete going to CE. However, as I write that, I could see a situation where someone joins TE for like a month or so, then downgrades to CE, essentially bypassing that upfront fee...and now it gets complicated....

    Anyway, yes, we can do ^this^ stuff but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that seemingly simple things like this require $$$$ coding gymnastics behind the curtain, so this might be a manual process vs "click here" button-simple for a while.

    @Ed -- not sure where you're getting that math. Please explain.While I'm very sure your 250% isn't correct, what is correct is that we haven't made CE stupid cheap, for many reasons. One of which is that TE is an incredible value and if putting CE next to TE does a better job of highlighting the value of TE, that's a good thing. And I think discussions like this are valuable as an opportunity to lay out everything that a TE member gets for their monthly fee.

    @Brian -- I think I understand what you're saying. CE members will have access to the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced training plans and the resources associated with those. And, per the TE vs CE comparison table I shared here, we will do some flavor of monthly webinar / coach-led discussion for them. I'm sure it's possible that across all of these resources someone like yourself could self-coach themselves, using these tools, to the performance place (?) you're aiming for, if that makes sense?

    @Dino -- great discussion last night during our bike ride. Yes, I definitely want to put this to PTC in some manner to get them on board with this, I think it will be a great fit.

    @Everyone -- thanks for reading and let us know if you have any additional comments or feedback for us.
  • Good way to extend the EN brand and leverage the knowledge for short course athletes.

    I do have a question on pricing...the numbers in the comparison were quoted for 4 week periods. is this a change? Currently we pay monthly, so this would be an additional payment each year if indeed the case but perhaps the comparison is just using 4 weeks as a surrogate for 'month'
  • @Rich - Have you thought about extending ClubEN through fitness clubs, LBS, Bike teams, local tri team?? I was recruited into triathlon through a getting started program at LifeTime Fitness. Seems like a lot of these organizations have already generated interest, have outreach programs in place, but don't have the depth of knowledge/experience to grow their programs. Could be a win-win.
  • Just out of curiosity, since this is a way to recruit more people to eventually join the full on TeamEN, do you have a cap of how many athletes you think you can have on the Team and still provide all the services? I know only a fraction of paying members really participate on the boards and require your help through micro/macro, but there's got to be a point where you'd be overtaxed and unable to respond as timely.
  • @Jeremy -- thanks, we think this will be successful. Billing for EN has been @ 4wks vs @ monthly for a few years now.

    @ Rich -- yes, that's the direction we're thinking, in about phase 3 or 4 of the development of this tier.

    @ Rachel -- I suppose, would be a great problem to have, but we're not close to that point right now.
  • Rich... Sorry... When I looked at your comparison chart I saw the $249 and thought that was a monthly charge. I see that's an initiation fee I guess... E
  • Daiquiris included ?       includes boarding on a tropical island ?
  • The road map is basically the planning of when I need to do what getting up to race day. What to do from one race day to the next, to improve. Between job, studying, and training volume, I don't want to spend more time on a laptop studying the breakdown of training. It's one of the main reasons I sign with a coach, but It looks like that will be taken out of the equation unless I go with the increased TE option? Am I understanding this right?
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