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My Ironcram plan for IMMT

Training has been really bad this year and my season plan got quickly derailed after about a month of the OS.  Since then, I've had a restart each month that probably only lasted 5 days, which had me cancelling my early season races.  I've resubmitted things to the coaches, but more job and family shit just kept getting in the way.  I thought about transferring out of IMMT, but there was nothing I realistically could have rescheduled, so I came up with my own plan of how I'm cramming for an Ironman.  At first I just tried to follow the IM plan, but I started on a weekend and felt like I was just so low with my FTP and vdot that I'd be resigned to just existing on the course.  I decided that with only 8 weeks to train, I'd be better off just going hard and frequent and hoping this would help me build some fitness.  I mean, I'm actually training for 6 hard weeks and tapering for 2---so those 6 weeks better be hard.  Life has still limited me from any real long bikes and I only have 1 run over 1.5 hours, but considering I ran IMMT without running for 7 weeks last year due to injury, any running would be a bonus.  All rides have been on the trainer except 1 up the Lincoln gap, which ended up being an epic fail due to a tire rubbing issue.  So with only 1 week left, my plan is to get an FTP test in outside next week and maybe ride this and next weekend outside hard to see how things might play out on race day.  I am happy to report that during these past weeks my hip issue from last year returned, but by only riding on the trainer I think I've found the reason which was switching from Look red cleats to the gray cleats---2 days of hip rest and switching back seems to have helped a ton---but is has exposed my week hips and lack of core--oh well, I guess that's next year.  I can't say I've exactly nailed this training plan for a week yet, but figure if I could build up to this, then I should be able to do something similar to last year and not just go through the motions.  I know that my legs are definitely stronger as I crushed the Thursday 5 x 5' @ 110% yesterday, even though I was mentally not motivated to even get on the bike after a painful 2 hour run on Wednesday.  Below is what I've been trying to do each week in this build, knowing that duration of the workouts would be the limiter.  I would also like to say, that being an EN member and learning so much from so many people along the way and really figuring out what my body is capable of made me think that this is possible---hell, it's only 6 weeks......even though it is somewhat incredibly stupid.  The race report should be interesting in a few weeks.....to be continued.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Bike 25' EN warm up then 30' @ 75% 25' EN warm up MS1: 2 x 15-20' (5') @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard

MS2 :3 x 5' (3') @ 110%/Low Zone5/Hard-Very Hard.
25' EN warm up 25' EN warm up MS: 5 x 5' @110% remainder 80% 25' EN warm up MS1: 10' (4') @ 95-100% 15' (4') @ 95-100%/ 10' @ 95-100%/Zone4/Hard, 10' Easy. 60' @ 80-85%; 7 x 20' (5') @ 75-80% 3 hours ABP
Run 45-60' total: 2 x 1 mile (2') Remainder z2 30' total: Run @ z2/MP/Steady out, z3/HMP/ModHard back. Finish with 4 x 30" strides. 60' or 6 miles (whichever first) @ z1/LRP/Easy, 30' @ z2/MP/Steady, 20' final push at best possible effort. 50' total: 6 to 8 x 30" strides, remainder of time @ z2/MP/Steady. 40' total: 1 x 1 mile (2') @ z4/TP/Hard. Remainder of time @ z2/MP/Steady.
Swim EN plan EN plan swim EN plan swim swim


  • If time is an issue, and it sounds like it is, take out some of those swims. I've heard a lot of confessions from folks here (myself included) that they get by in an IM on 1-2 swims a week. Way better to get in some longer bikes with that time in my opinion.
  • And one more thing I found on very subpar training for IMCDA is that biking long isn't as bad on the legs as postural fitness when you haven't logged those long hours. Make staying aero on all rides a priority, and maybe even adjust your fit to make it easier on you?
  • I agree with Rachel. If it were me, I'd replace Half the swims with runs and the other half with intense bikes. Then swim like 3x per week during your 2 weeks of taper and hope for the best.

    Gonna be fun to watch!
  • Can you bike to work? 45-60' each way? If so, drop one of those weekly bikes, and add volume/durability that way. Running to/from work might also be a consideration.

    Pay particular attention to maintaining nutrition/hydration during and after these workouts.

  • I'll try to add in an additional ride and short run. Time really isn't as much of an issue now as it was about a month ago. Just making sure I'm monitoring the condition of that hip as it feels good, but also lets me know that it's there and to be good to it.
  • I think you just need to remind yourself of what it was like with me coming up behind you on the run course and saying "Geez, I'd recognize that A-- anywhere"

     seriously though, you are smart, going after this in a smart calculated way and you know how to execute like a ninja. Build as you can without risking injury, try to get in a good long slow run, manage your expectations and build a race plan to match... You won't have the race you want, but you will have the accomplishment of an IM... 

  • Need to respect the distance through better training...... Race report to follow in a few weeks on how to mess up a bike, pay for it on the run, but get massive mojo from the team in order to finish!!!
  • @Keith - where's the RR?? Personally interested in this as I may have to fake my way through one at Choo...
  • I'll give you the short version:
    1. Swim- 1:17:01 (44 seconds slower than last year). Took it very easy, never swam hard, was inside the markers most of the time and only occasional issue was the "rogue swimmers" from the previous waves waves who would cut across you because they swam perpendicular to the course.
    T1- 7:29 (29 seconds slower than last year)
    2. Bike- 5:53:03 (53 seconds faster). I think I overcooked this a little at points, but looking at my data the NP was pretty good with a low VI at my target. The overcooking came at a few points to get out of a pack, then the Lac Superior climb. I could have used the +10 watts from last year. I also never did an FTP test and the longest ride was 70 miles (but I blew up massively on this as it was 95 degrees--me in a Wendy's for 45 minutes trying to regain a sense of my life for the remainder hour ride home). 2nd loop the sun came out and noticed I needed to keep cooling myself.
    T2 5:07 (59 seconds slower than last year)
    3. Run 5:12:28 (23:07 slower). Almost bagged it after the first loop, but sock/shoe changed helped.....along with Trevor who caught me, told me about his horrific crash and I would have felt like a major pussbag if I stopped then since he was going. I walked too much and I feel this was a lot of mental unpreparedness (is that a word). By that I mean that I just wasn't used to suffering, so I gave into it more than I needed, which meant more walking than should have happened. I also have never really figured out a nutrition plan for the run. My last mistake was trying to run by heart rate-- I feel that this led to my first walking episode on those first 4 hills in order to keep my heart rate down. I'm sure that I could have found a better initial pace if I just went by feel. I haven't trained enough where running by HR was something that I could do effectively and I think it held me back and never let me find my running stride.

    I'm in this place where I know my lack of training was an issue, but I'm pissed about the mental part and not just going out there and running. Even so, looking for a year of HIM in 2016 with no real goal except to find a good rhythm in training. Maybe a last minute change of mind for IM in 2016 if I find consistency throughout the year, but more likely looking to 2017.
  • Don't beat yourself up. Given what you gave yourself to work with, simply finishing counts as a success. Who knows what the new years will bring?

  • Thanks Al, I appreciate the comments in order to try and keep my head straight about it. At this point, while there has been improvement since finishing the first IM, there has been something that limited me the past 3 IM's and that is what I'm struggling with since I see each of these as preventable....but as you hinted above- next year.
  • @keith - really good results given what you had to work with... Helpful (and inspiring) to me as I contemplate go/not go for IM Choo... I think if you can train steady for HIM, you can easily increase to an IM... my $.02

    I had full IM fitness ready to go for LP, then a herniated disc. My back seems better, but have lingering issues in my leg from nerve damage, and i have no real ability to run.. (see strava today) - i am not going to to do an aqua bike, but also am remembering John Stark's Acqua/bike/walk of IMAZ in 2011... So... I need to decide how bad i just want another IM finish under my belt.. the thought of a mostly walking Marathon isn't sitting right with me..

  • Posted By Scott Dinhofer on 03 Sep 2015 08:17 AM

    @keith - really good results given what you had to work with... Helpful (and inspiring) to me as I contemplate go/not go for IM Choo... I think if you can train steady for HIM, you can easily increase to an IM... my $.02

    I had full IM fitness ready to go for LP, then a herniated disc. My back seems better, but have lingering issues in my leg from nerve damage, and i have no real ability to run.. (see strava today) - i am not going to to do an aqua bike, but also am remembering John Stark's Acqua/bike/walk of IMAZ in 2011... So... I need to decide how bad i just want another IM finish under my belt.. the thought of a mostly walking Marathon isn't sitting right with me..

    The thought of how long it would take me if I kept walking was so painful at times that it worked as my motivation to start running.  It was basically saying, "You want this to end?  Get your ass running!!"  In no way, shape or form could I see myself walking the entire marathon unless it was for some cause that I couldn't let down.

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