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EN Families


Greetings awesome EN athletes! We have now started an Endurance Nation Family Facebook page for your spouses. You have EN Forums and now they have a place to collaborate, commiserate and communicate! For race weekends and beyond, we want to give the whole family an opportunity to connect. 

  • Click on this link and help us with a little more family information: EN Family Excel Sheet  The document includes, names, email address, t-shirt sizes and address. Some key races will have EN*Kids activities etc and we would love to update your EN file with this information just in case. 
  • GroupMe- There will now be the opportunity to have a GroupMe separate for spouses on race weekend. This way they can help each other out spotting you on the course, get together while you are prepping and get to know each other more. An EN staffer will always be on this GroupMe if they ever have any questions or if we need to communicate anything to them. The column for GroupMe information will be in the same document as the other race day information and where you provide your information for GroupMe HERE
  • Email- On the document there is a space for their email - this is also how we will invite them to the private Facebook page 


If there are any questions, don't hesitate to drop me a line or here -- 

Thank you everyone for keeping Endurance Nation so amazing! 








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