Rob's Micro thread transition from GF to IM
Coach P
I just finished GF intermediate plan today. Tomorrow I start week 10 of IM intermediate plan. I couldn't help to notice that in week 9 of the IM plan the long ride has a 1 hour indoor sweat test. That seems pretty important. Should I add that to one of the rides in week 10?
If you had asked me last Thursday how my training was coming along- I would have told you I was in the best shape since college. At 6'2" I had my weight down to 175. My FTP was continuing to climb, my 5k time starting to drop again after rehabbing my Spring hamstring injury (left leg) and I was really feeling my long distance stroke kick in (I was a sprinter in college). Then I left for a family vacation the next day and apparently left my will power back home with my bike. I had planned to focus on the runs and swims in the IM plan. Furthermore with the family we were to surf, kayak, and SUP along the southern coast of Maine after first spending the weekend in Times Square. Well I can tell you NYC really is the city that doesn't sleep. It wasn't until Sunday AM that I was able to make it to the hotel gym. Not feeling very energetic or hydrated I made sure I did a comprehensive warm-up and just to be careful I hit the treadmill with the plan to put in a long z1 session. Instead of the z4 work in my plan. 10minutes in I felt my vastus lateralis start to cramp in my right leg. I tried walking until the cramp went away but it returned shortly after starting to run again. I repeated this several times with the same result but gave up to avoid injury. We drove to York Harbor in Maine and the next day I tried OWS. After hitting a big patch of kelp and seaweed I retired to the pool. Although I finished a straight 1000 faster than my T pace I was pulled away by my family. I tried running again today but the same cramp in my right quad starts 10 minutes in.
I feel like I've gained 10'lbs, have no motivation, and really bumbed about my right quadriceps repeatedly cramping. My plan at this point is to try to swim if the weather improves tomorrow, start saying no to all the good food at the restaurants "salad for me thank you" and start drinking water without the hops and barley. Do the elliptical in place of the run until safely back home at the end of the week. Hopefully I can pick back the IM plan on schedule. If I can't get running on the plan soon , I might consider switching my race entry to Aquavelo division (Half IM Sept 12 and Full IM Oct 17).
I think you should reach out to Leigh at Tell her I sent you and that this is a really vexing issue...esp the part about cramping right away. There has to be some kind of imbalance we can start working on...she's super good at getting folks back on track....even me!
Yes to week 11, much better...go big!!!
Background - after 2 years of sprints/Olys and 1st Half IM, I chose 2015 to be my year for 1st Full IM. I decided on late season race to avoid heat/humidity (I sweat an incredible amount per hour, probably culprit to cramps mentioned in early posts) and I wanted a race I could drive to. That narrowed my choice to 2 races - IMMD and B2B. IMMD sold out before I could sign-up. I did the B2B half last year, so I am at least familiar with the course. Unfortunately, it appears, I am the sole EN athlete racing B2B this year. So no one to commiserate with while grinding through the training. Furthermore, life (work+family) have been hard to juggle. Many of the longer wko have been cut short primarily because of time (classic examples - 80 miles into my ride 2 weekends ago my wife called to let me know I was due to cover the ICU in 15 min!!!! 1.5 hours into my 3 hour run, my wife calls to remind it was my turn to pick up son from football practice....). At least I've made several of the 2.4+ miles straight swims and at least 1 of the century rides. That brings me to week 18. I've got my last race rehearsal (last chance to get it right) and I have a great wko planned (Sunday instead of Saturday to avoid family/work commitments). OWS in the James River at the site of my earlier Olympic Tri. I will have my bike in the parking lot of the park and ready to go following the swim onto the brand new Colonial bike trail from Williamsburg to Richmond. I will run on the same course as my earlier Olympic Tri. The only problem is that Tropical Storm/Hurricane Joaquin is expected to hit this weekend!!! If so, I will do my best to move swim indoors (if the pools are open), perform ride on turbo trainer in the pain cave (6 hours on stationary trainer ?!?!@#$) and then run in the rain. Any advice/words of encouragement? I am low on the group EN mojo.
As for your training, sounds like you could use some serious planning ahead "hey, what do I have to do this weekend," he asks on Monday night?
For this weekend, if weather conspires against you (due to hit RI on Tuesday Afternoon so hopefully later to you than Sunday AM), but if you can get any of it done outside, then do it there. If you need to go on the trainer, yes, it's a 6 hour slog fest for sure...but after which you will be a monster on race day b/c you'll have no mental fear. I personally make 3 x 2 hour (or "1" movie) blocks, get the movies lined up, plan a change of clothes between them for sanitary purposes and work in some serious standing climbing intervals to break things up...I go like 25' TT, then 5' standing in a bigger gear, etc.
I wish I had more for you...good luck this weekend!!!