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IMWI Week 15 Thread - Race Rehearsal is in the bag

Hi Everyone!

This past weekend was your Race Rehearsal, which meant lots of Swim, Bike, and Run. How did it go? Did you go to camp in Madison or ride on your own? Share your stories, share what you learned, I am anxious to hear how everything came together for you.


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    Hi Mike - hopefully I'm not the only slacker... RR#1 is in my plan for this coming weekend (8th/9th) right?
    Just want to make sure I'm not missing something!
    Need to have a think about the logistics/kit/target pacing etc so hopefully some others are working through the same details.
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    David - Yep, I'm on the same plan as you. RR1 will be done on Friday 8/7followed by a big bike weekend.

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    Yes, a lot of folks did the RR this past weekend because that was when the camp was, but if you are just following the plan, it is this weekend!
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    Phew! Thought I entered a time warp or had my plan set 1 week behind somehow.
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    David - you're not missing anything. Camp week was this last week so a lot of folks did their RR at that.

    I did my first ever 100+ mile ride this weekend which was big in the sense that I can check that box and I felt pretty good during a short run after it, and scary in the sense that the math around finishing by the bike cutoff on a course that is more difficult than what I rode this weekend is a little too close for comfort. This was also my first long ride with aero bars so I did my best to get comfortable and stay in that position as much as possible. Funny that my arms were more tired after the ride than my legs. I think that was also really the first time since I've registered for IMWI that I questioned my sanity...like, am I supposed to look forward to running a marathon after that?!
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    I was one of the lucky campers and did my RR (twice in fact) and am now feeling the after effects. It was a great weekend with a solid volume pop that I know will help come race day. The first go round went really well though controlling my heart rate was more of a challenge because I felt better and bit too eager to go. The second day was better from that perspective but worse from a fatigue dragging me down. All in all, I feel worlds better with the course and now have to dial in for a month to make this baby happen!
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    The IMWI campers did their RR's this past weekend at the camp. Was great to dial in pacing and steady riding on these hills, and to talk about about how to put the course together. 

    Saturday night we had a great discussion on race execution, pulling together the various threads we have going in the forums: racing the run with heart rate, heat strategies, 5 hour power, etc. 

    Personally, I did 2 x full rides of the course with my low VI, racey-racey hat on, then "only" two loops on Sunday, playing around and hammering the hills, then a great run of the run course with Scott, dialing in HR, pace, and RPE. Was a great run simulation run, as my legs were totally shot. Could have used more water, but Scott and I have plans to start our own Team Sweaty Bastards within EN. Comforting to know I'm not the only one here who sweats like an absolute freak...

    Just a swim and easy spin tonight, to earn dinner, then hopefully back at it tomorrow. My legs are pretty fooked right, about to walk Riley...very slowly

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    I did the exact same thing as Rich except I couldn't see him since he was so far ahead on the bike!!! I had the exact same experience as Rich on the Sunday long run where my legs were completely shot from 290 bike miles in 3 days plus 2 brick runs on a tough course. Today I'm taking a total day off.
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    You guys are beasts. I am happy w/ my 66 & 102mi's this weekend and looking forward to making this another big week & RR#1. Would have loved to make it to the camp but looking forward to seeing everyone in September!
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    How many TSS points do I get for 13 hrs of data collection at work today? I knew with my schedule getting to the pool would be tough but I was able to sneak out for a 40 min run during the lunch break to get something in! Legs are tired from the RR but nothing ridiculous. I think it's time for new shoes though, and hoping that will help some mild shin pain.

    Hope everyone is finding their legs after the big weekend.
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    I took yesterday off completely. This morning I overslept so my run was cut short a bit. Legs felt pretty good after the big weekend. I also just ate my lunch for breakfast - first time IM training, starting to realize the struggle of always feeling hungry. Swim after work tonight.
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    Posted By Lindsay Blumenshein on 04 Aug 2015 09:37 AM

    I took yesterday off completely. This morning I overslept so my run was cut short a bit. Legs felt pretty good after the big weekend. I also just ate my lunch for breakfast - first time IM training, starting to realize the struggle of always feeling hungry. Swim after work tonight.

    Recommend you use a diet/exercise tracking app (I use LoseIt!) to track calories in vs calories out. The volume we'll all be putting up over the next 6wks, very easy to create a daily calorie deficit and lose ~1lb/wk. 

    Also, made the mistake of weighing myself after a weekend of travel and heavy training = up about 3lb. Hoping it's just water weight from inflamation, etc in legs...

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    Are people doing the 40 min run on Saturdays before the big bike ride? Just wondering.
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    @Rob, I've been doing it after the bike. With traffic and all that, I like to be on and off the roads as early as possible. My routine is long bike, run, jump in the lake!
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    Had a meeting on the southside of Chicago this morning. A good round trip 36 mile ride! Trying to get some more bike miles in this week since I'll miss Saturday's long ride for USAT AG Oly Nats on Saturday.
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    Posted By Coach Rich on 04 Aug 2015 09:51 AM

    Also, made the mistake of weighing myself after a weekend of travel and heavy training = up about 3lb. Hoping it's just water weight from inflamation, etc in legs...

    Funny you mention that. I was stable at 140lb for weeks then woke up Monday morning at 141 and today at 142.5. ANNOYING!!!

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    Posted By Robert Sabo on 04 Aug 2015 10:47 AM

    Are people doing the 40 min run on Saturdays before the big bike ride? Just wondering.

    Due to family obligations on the weekend I've been doing:

    - Saturday bike 4 hours or 5 hours, whatever the plan prescribes. I roll at dawn so home by 10am or so.

    - Sunday pre-run 30-40' then bike 3-3.5 hours depending on what the plan prescribes. On the Sundays I do the run before it gets light out so I can be wheels-up on the bike literally at the crack of dawn and DONE before 9am.

    I find the above causes massive fatigue due to the early mornings and the fact that I need to be "on" with my family the whole day, so by Monday I'm wrecked. Also I've found that pre-running makes the Sunday bike ride feel a lot harder for the first 1-1.5 hours and my power takes longer to get up to where it should be. But it's the only way I can fit it in.

    Based on my experience with the RR  bricks I really would like to do more runs post-ride to dial in my IM pacing off the bike. However, I have a lot of trouble doing this without shooting my whole Saturday morning and
    ow that the days are already starting to get shorter the pre-run in darkness may be the only way I get a run in on the weekends.

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    After the big volume in Madison last weekend I took yesterday (Monday) totally off. I was going to swim but decided to go hardcore on the recovery. Today I went for my first run, the standard z4 interval run prescribed by the plan. I have been extended these from 45' to 60' based on the suggestion in the plan although I didn't know what to expect today. I started a bit sluggish but the off day yesterday clearly helped me out and I managed 4x7'(4') targeting 6:20-6:25 and hitting 6:23, 6:15, 6:14, 6:14. Then 7' @ 6:40 to finish. Overall 62' @ 6:44 so it was a pretty solid run coming off the volume weekend. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/854841506

    Now I just have to make it through 4400 yd in the pool after work today which will be a record for me...prior longest swim is 4000 yd...
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    I had a tough work schedule last week and I had a huge build up of fatigue from over a month of going hard with no rest days. Saturday I tried to ride but just didn't have it in me. I slept 12 hours Saturday night and woke up feeling much better on Sunday. I ran 18 miles in the heat on a hilly course, I went with Gatorade Endurance and GU gels. I forgot how much better I feel when running with hydration and nutrition, I had gotten pretty lazy about that.

    I am also working on positional fitness on my tri-bike. I probably should have gotten on it sooner. This morning I made it a full hour in aero with 45' at 88% IF. I figure if I can really suffer in aero on the trainer in the garage for an hour, that has got to be equal to a longer time outside at a much easier pace?

    My big week is this weekend. I am going to attempt to ride 5 hours on Friday, 5 hours on Saturday, and then run 20 miles on Sunday. Oh boy!
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    I am with you Matt and took Monday off after debating about a swim. I am still feeling a bit sluggish and did a long swim (aren't they all at this point) today and will start to run again tomorrow. I too am curious how that will go. Also I am glad to see others had the weight spike (realtively anyway). I did too and had to talk myself off the ledge about being too heavy on race day. Sure sign the race is getting closer!
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    Did a 2 hr ABP ride this morning to fit with my jumbled schedule for the week. I was hoping to be able to get in 3 hrs but with the later sunrise and having to be at work, that was all I could fit. Realizing that at this stage in training, my legs feel like crap the first bit of every run and bike, but then I end up surprising myself and hitting the targets.
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    I had a solid start to the week, then my run on Thursday was scrapped about a mile in with shin pain that was getting worse not better as I warmed up. I've had off and on shin splints and some stress fractures (didn't know about them until I did a friend's research study a few years ago and found 4 bone calluses) since my gymnastics days. I was diligent with my self care and did AG Oly Nats in Milwaukee yesterday with only mild discomfort that subsided. I had planned to train right through this race, but the shin pain gave me a mini taper. I'll post a race report in the next day or so, but the summary is swim sucked, bike started out rough but ended up solid, and had a good run. I lost my long ride opportunity today having to take an unexpected shift at the hospital, but got a swim and short run in. So overall, not that great a week. I'm hoping to get a bit of extra volume in the next two weeks, but more importantly, stay healthy, and of course, employed. In 5 weeks we'll be at the big dance!
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    I moved my long bike to Friday and long run to Saturday due to work and family plans. The 5 hour bike went pretty well, but I did not hit as many hills as I usually try to do. Chip-sealing on area roads side-tracked my routes a couple of times, and even had to drive through a newly tar-sprayed section of road. That made a mess of my tires that caused a bit of a break for cleaning. I did get a persistent sharp pain between my shoulder blades after trying to stay aero for a majority of the ride. I had not felt it that bad before. Not sure what caused that. 

    The long run the next day was a bit of a wake up call on my fitness. I put in 2hr 22 mins and 15 miles, which averages to just a little slower than my race pace. I was fatigued, started out too fast (about 20 sec per mile faster than race pace). I slowed down by mile 3-4, but the damage was done, and the mile times significantly slowed down mile 8 to mile 12 (45-60 sec slower than race pace), then I was able to increase toward race pace again for the last 3. It was a warm day, and the shoes were a squishy mess with each step, but that could easily be race day conditions. Overall, glad no major injuries after back to back big days. Can't wait for race day to get here!

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    My week #15 finished out ok. I was unable to do ANY workouts on Thursday or Friday due to work, so for Sat / Sun had to decide between bike / bike or bike / long run. Since I've done a lot of biking I opted for biking Saturday and doing the long run on Sunday. That meant my bike total for this week was only one ride but it was a 5 hour ride, I rode hard and followed it with a brick run. Then on Sunday late morning I did 2000 yd in the pool while my kids were doing "free swim" in the next lane over and 4 hours later went out for my long run which was 18 miles in 2:09 total time. So overall I'm a bit bummed to be short on the bike workouts but starting this Friday I have another family vacation week in Michigan where I plan to do a LOT of biking and put the finishing touches on my bike fitness ahead of RR#2 and the taper.
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    I had a not so great end of the week. Cut my long run short due to other life things and poor time management. Took Fri off due to travel and a Saturday race. Raced an Oly on Saturday - which is definitely the highlight of the week, PRed by 55 minutes. Felt great the whole race and got a much needed OWS confidence boost. Sunday cut the long ride short (2.5 hrs) due to rain & then a long drive back to Chicago.

    Getting excited for race day and ready to really focus and hit the workouts for these next 3 weeks before taper begins.
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    Good week last week continuing to ramp my distances, culminating in successful RR on Sunday.
    113mi at 202NP 0.697IF 1.036VI followed by 6mi Run at 8:00/mi.
    Nutrition and hydration felt good. Run felt strong but will need to dial it back on the big day to settle in for the long haul.

    15:45 in total for the week consisting of 10.5hrs Bike, 4:15 Running, and 1 Swimming (probably need to do a bit more there).

    PS - Looks like the 2015 Athlete Guide was posted on Friday last week!
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