Joe Hallatschek - SC Week #18
RnP - I am starting week #17. This week ends with a rehearsal sprint triathlon on Saturday. For week #18, I travel on Monday and come back on Friday. While I am there, I will have access to a hotel indoor pool and will be able to run outside or at least on a treadmill. So, here is my plan and questions by day:
Sunday (week #17) - before I leave, I think I should bike. Maybe a 2-2.5hr bike with 2 X 20'(4') @ Z4?
Monday - probably can get in a 30' swim with my pongee cord in the indoor pool if I can break free and not scare the moms and kids in the pool.
Tuesday -Friday - what should I do? I leave Friday afternoon and expect that I can get a workout in the morning.
Sat and Sunday - go back on schedule
Friday I'd go, travel and be 100% ready for the final weekend!