Bibs are up!
I'm 549. And not the top of the alphabetical list...a rare thing indeed...hopefully that is a good luck sign!!!
My AG features 9 AWA Gold athletes, including our very own John Withrow (who on a Fat Bike doesn't seem much of an AG threat!!). Of course AWA is hardly the right yardstick to measure the competitive intensity...maybe just to measure the WTC loyalty!!
571 signing in!
Please record your bib here.
I guess I was too late to RSVP for the party. I thought I'd at least be the Reserve aid people up front. Oh well. I am listed with our club for club competition.
568!! I am looking forward to having a bike rack closer to the exit. #1392 back in 2010 was a serious hike.
Translation: "Well if someone as slow as JW can be AWA Gold, it MUST not be a barometer of whether somebody is actually fast/competitive..."
This is my bad Rob and I'm sorry. By the time I filled all of our slots, it was too late to be seated at the "Cool kids table".
571 for me. Right next to 572, which is Coach Rich I believe!