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IM MD - Week 16 / 20 - 5 to go

Happy Monday IM MD peeps!  How's everyone feeling after Race / Camp weekend?  I'm happy, although it didn't always go well, but... I certainly learned some lessons, and that's what RR #1 is all about! Whew... I'm looking at this week, and it's big too... especially if you "only" did a race rehearsal and not full-blown camp.  2.5 hour run on Thu and lots of weekend on the wheels, plus more swims, some optional for recovery! Peak weeks ahead... remember to hydrate, sleep, minimize distractions, and THANK your supporters!

Also, please visit the official EN Race Page, find IM Maryland in the tabs at the bottom, and enter your information. Click here IM MD Athlete Info.


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    I am recovered from IMMT and ready to get in a couple good weeks of training before IMMD. No RR for me last week, but I did get in a few good workouts. Yesterday was a nice six mile run (not in the plan but I am trying to keep up my run volume without having any one run over two hours). The plan for today is a run this morning and a swim tonight.

    I have been following the IMMD threads and am impressed by all the hard work. I look forward to seeing all of you at IMMD.
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    I'm pretty happy with how my long ride/run went today, even though it wasn't the speediest and I had some trouble it seems holding watts (although I could swear that during the ride I was doing a better job). Anyway, the big win was gaining a bit more confidence in the bike. At the start of my ride winds were 10-15mph and by 3 hours into the ride they had climbed to 15-20mph with gusts up to 25. I got tossed around a bit towards the end with those gusts, but I held on fine with my 404 zipps on the bike and managed to stay mentally strong the whole time. It certainly helped that I had company for 2 hours in the middle of the ride- but I made sure I was on the front the whole time so I was pushing my own wind.

    I'm also doing a better job controlling my run by monitoring the HR instead of monitoring pace. I'm thinking that on race day I'm going to change the Garmin to just display HR, distance, and time on the first screen- leaving pace out of view.

    Tomorrow and Monday are forcast to be craptastic around here with more wind and scattered showers. Bummed because I had hoped for a good holiday weekend of OWSing- but with the red flags flying- that's out! Hope you all are having better weather and enjoying the last weekend of summer!
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