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Jennifer H's Microthread

Hi Coach P - I'm In Week 15 of the Beg. IM plan (Camp Week), getting ready for IM Louisville. Things have been going well so far (which is why you haven't heard from me). I was initially doing the intermediate plan but switched back down the beginner because it's a better fit for my ability and the fact that I struggle with low iron and slow recovery for some reason. This will be my 4th IM, third with EN. So here's the issue, on Sunday during a short run, I strained a groin muscle. I biked that day with no problem. I iced it that evening, and I took Monday off. Today I had my interval run scheduled, but decided to just make it an easy run to see if there was still an issue. Unfortunately, there was, and I realized running is not likely a smart thing for me right now since -- to put it simply -- it hurts. I'm pretty sure I need to heal, but I also need to train...any ideas for the best way to go about doing that. I can still bike/swim, so should I bike or swim when I should be running?  The good news is I don't think it's a horrible injury, so I'm hoping it will heal quickly. I may head to the doc to see if physical therapy could help speed the process. Anyway - let me know what you think.  It's Camp Week, and I want to make the most of it the best way I can. 



  • JH, thanks for the update and great call on the beginner. Are you dealing with the Iron thing? Many of our ladies (including Kori Martini) deal with precisely this issue...could be a great forum thread! image

    Bummer on the groin...so let's do this....you are in run jail this week....Camp Week means delayed long run (Sun) and lots of biking...so bike bike bike and add swims on those days if you can...Sunday I would swim long.

    Next Tuesday (monday off!) we can try a short run after a 30' bike warm up...just to see how it feels. Hopefully by then you'll have seen your PT? What's the timeline for that?

    ps - no running with intensity until further notice!
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