An Assortment of Random Pre-IM Questions..
OK, some of these may be newbie questions but it has been 3 years since my last IM so I forgot some of the finer details...
1) I know it is a good idea to "test" the kit you're racing in prior to race day but would you do this on your final RR? I typically wear bike shorts for long rides and not sure I'd want to wear tri shorts for that long til race day in order to save "delicate parts" any unnecessary pain and suffering...
2) Where do you put your bike computer? Do you put it on the bike on race morning when you go to pump your tires, or is it in your T1 bag?
What about your bike bottles?
For Kit on RR. I think a lot of folks wear whatever they need to in order to get it done. Extra bottle cages, cycling jersey with extra pockets, etc.. I generally wear tri shorts for all my long rides as I actually find them more comfortable than bike shorts (go figure).
bike computer and bottles go with you in the morning and get placed on the bike before the race starts. Don't put these items on your bike the day before. do it race morning. Pump up tires, bottles on bike, any other nutrition on bike, computer on bike (I also always delete previous ride just in case my joule had turned on at some point).
Kim - if you haven;t already seen this, check out the new 10 page checklist for IM prep Coach P finalized this June:
Regarding the kit: if chamois butter or other lubricant I use Aquaphor) is not sufficient to let you wear it on the RR, make sure you do at least one ride in the weeks before the race in your full outfit, to identify any issues you may not be aware of.
Computers (Joule 2.0 & Garmin 500) both on aerobars - same as all TT rides, any length. Nothing to change for race day.
Like Nate said for bottle and computers - on race day while pumping tires etc.
definitely get some time in the shorts even if not the full race simulation.
I like to minimize moving parts. I don't understand why folks have to do anything to their bike race morning. I check in my bike the morning before with EVERYTHING ready to go. computer in place - will not be stolen. tires overpumped so no pumping in the am - the tubes blowing up in the heat myth is just that. nutrition and fluids loaded - will not go bad overnight regardless of the heat. proven system that has worked in over 10 ironmans. makes for very low stress race morning with minimal brain space used.
I only add a thought to say I never speak in absolutes* - X number of Ironman transitions - 1 stolen Garmin Edge 500. It happens.
*pun intended - however, the stolen Garmin is true.
I usually get on my bike and when I'm in a safe spot I quickly look down and hit the joule to come on and synch up with my PM.
-computer charged overnight and put on bike on race morning with bottles (gels are taped on bike the day before)