PSA on garmin HR strap
Many if not most may already know this, but thought I'd post it none-the-less.
Had been having problems with getting HR readings on both my Garmin devices...on/off, then eventually would go out. Changed the battery only to have same problem return. In desperation actually got the manual out and found out that contrary to what I had thought, the strap should actually be washed every 7 times it's used!!
I had mistakenly thought that machine washing it would ruin it....again, reading the directions is usually a last resort for me. Well suffice to say everything works well now
Thanks again
Not mention there is no telling what might come out of that thing on his face.....
Quick question. I had actually bought another monitor/strap combo, but did the wash thing mentioned above before it came. So the question is, can the monitor part simply be snapped into the other/new strap and it work?
Whaaaaaatt?!?!?!?! Just wash it? I have been having the same exact problem lately. But I have the polar strap with the Garmin housing. The Polar is softer and less chaffing.
Now I'm kind of interested in the new ones that will track your HR when swimming....
Now I'm kind of interested in the new ones that will track your HR when swimming....
Well the polar strap works like a charm as far as transmitting, and NO chaffing.....I'm a happy camper, thanks Ralph!!