Prescription Swim Goggles
Hey Folks, I've been using some cheap corrective swim goggles for quite a while and they do well enough to let me sight on my OW swims. I was in a local oly this weekend though, and the buoys were, smallish, far apart, and against a background (boats, houses, landscape features, etc...) that gave me a lot of trouble seeing them at a quick glance and I had to stop and tread water to sight a few times (unless I wanted to put my trust in my neighboring swimmers.) Looking back at the GPS track, I could have taken 200 meters off my swim if I could fix the sighting problem. Also, the treading water bit didn't help my time. Also, the cheapo goggles I have are pretty uncomfortable beyond 30 minutes.
Any other prescription wearers have a recommendation for a particular type of goggle that is both comfortable and offers a large (relatively speaking) field of vision that I could either order with my prescription or get at various magnifications. On the inexpensive side would be a great bonus and I can save money for laser surgery I'm sure I could just google this but hoping the wisdom of the experienced will save me some from having to test multiple options.
Thanks in Advance...
I race in contacts. I had problems with chronic dry eyes back in the day of "semi-rigid" (which is a totally ridiculous official name for HARD contacts) lenses, but with the newer ones I do fine for a day or two with disposables (which I use over and over because I don't wear them except partial days on weekends and for races).
I wear glasses to work and 95% of the time, including when I go to swim after work. I got some $20 prescription goggles a few months ago online (don't recall from whom) and figured they would suck but it was only $20 so worth a shot. I love them and it is the best $20 I've spent on tri crap. I'm a -3.0 and -3.5 and I just ordered -3.0 and they're fine for the pool. I could probably race in them, but haven't tried it.
As I finish typing this, I now realize it is totally not helpful and does not answer your question! Sorry! Best I can do tonight....
Thanks team!