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Crawling In to My Box Now, May Not Come Out Though!

IMChoo in a week!!!! I've had a fair amount of varying emotions about the race.... Fear, excitement, confidence, lack of confidence, etc. but this week takes the cake for stress and emotions and I guess I'm looking for some mojo and positive words.

Last week my Mom was diagnosed w uterine cancer. Very common/treatable if caught early (we're hoping so but won't know til, the surgery 10/2) then shell have about 6 months of chemo. I know she'll be ok but still devastating. (I'm an only child and mom is like my best friend). Also, that means the parents aren't coming to IMChoo. (Disappointing but the least of my worries!)

Then yesterday, my wife's uncle got a brain bleed which they fixed but the damage was already done so we are basically going with her family to say goodbye before they remove life support.

Sooooooo, although these recent events are taking my mind off worrying about IMChoo, I'm feeling, well, overwhelmed and lost my mojo/excitement for IMChoo. I know I have the best teammates, and I do have a friend and her kids who are coming to the race now so I'm psyched about that and I'm sure I'll get psyched once I'm in Choo, but, damn, this is hard even for a usually positive person. (My usual strategy of denial and avoidance only goes so far!)

Send any extra mojo this way, or words of wisdom/advice. Or cookies. Those might help too...


  • Kim, you've got this! I think you have an extra "one thing" now- do this for your momma! And for cookies, send me an address and they'll come your way. Though possibly not before you leave for Choo. Hotel address? Not joking.
  • I'm with Rachel. I am sure your Mom would want you to be living your life fully. I know that is probably harder than I can imagine at this moment, but please know that your team will be there to lift you up and I, for one, am looking forward to celebrating finishing the Ironman with you were we can have a toast to your Mom and to your partners uncle.
  • Kim,

    We can make "doing it for Mom" a common theme. Just a little over a year ago, my mom nearly died from complications resulting from colitis of all things. Well, technically she did die two or three times in the hospital. I had a Chattanooga tripped planned for last year's event in order to volunteer/register for this year, but really wasn't feeling up to going since my mom wasn't in the clear yet. She wasn't able to talk, but wrote on her little ink pad, "Go on your trip." I went, got registered for this year, mom is doing much better now, and as Rachel mentioned I have a special "one-thing" to fall back on now. Hopefully your mom comes through fine and perhaps you can figure a way to use this as some motivation. Seeing so much sickness/illness has made me appreciate how I'm well and healthy enough to go train even when I don't really feel like it. I definitely have a different perspective now and genuinely appreciate the days I am able to go out and do something/anything psychically. Looking forward to seeing you next week.

  • Kim- I'm sorry to hear your news. We've been going through something similar here over the past year, so I totally get it. Lots of mixed feelings and emotions, ESPECIALLY going into a big race. I don't know your mom, but I'm betting that if you asked her, she not only would want you to race your best race, but she will get strength and encouragement in you doing so. As some have already mentioned ^^^, there is no doubt that this will be on your mind many times during your 140.6 - use this as your fire on race day. It's great that you have friends coming to the race with you....your teammates will be there (physically and virtually) to cheer you on too. We've got your back! Speedy recovery to your Mom and wife's uncle.
  • Kim,

    Hugs and more hugs. Take a deep breath. Realize that your emotions are normal. Don't fight them. If you are any example of what your Mom is like then she will be burning up the internet watching you.  Your Mom needs something other than her cancer to think about. What better thing than her super daughter doing what MAKES HER HAPPY. Have a great time. Share it with your mom. I know you can take selfies. 



  • I can't really add anything other than to echo what everyone has said above. I'll be thinking on you and your family, sending love and mojo. I'll deliver a hug when I see you in town. But till then, (((((hugs))))
  • Kim, my heart goes out to both you and Sheri:-( So sorry about all of this bad news. BUT - you will have so much support down in Chattanooga and you know everyone will be routing for you - especially your Mom! She will be okay after all of this; just have to get through the tough part. We will have LOTS of time out on that bike to think and reflect and realize how damn lucky we are to have our Moms and I bet she will be thinking about how proud she is of her daughter! XOXOXO to you and Sheri.
  • I have a big hug and a present from your race captain waiting for you in choo. Whatever you need from your EN family, we are here.
  • Wow, Kim! Life has sure piled it on you in a short span of time! I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear your news... I had the pleasure of meeting your mom and dad at IMFL - they were absolutely amazing, and SO proud of what you were doing. In that brief opportunity I had to spend with them, your mom's support and her happiness for you as she watched you accomplish such an incredible goal was so evident. What better way to honor the life that she gave you - and to honor the life of Sheri's uncle - than by going out and living your life to its fullest? No doubt you'll do that on race day at IMChoo. We'll all be sending you tons of mojo and cheering along with your mom as we watch you cross the finish line from home! XOXOXO!
  • Kim - we are not going to let this be anything other than an amazing experience! You have a Higher Power and a HIGHER Spirit driving you. And you have the most AMAZING teammates who will be available to help get you thru the tough patches. Sending you all of my positive vibes -
  • Kim-I echo all the sentiments previously expressed.  Hugs and mojo coming your way.  And if you have a hotel address, I will send home baked goods too

  • Kim, agree with the comments above....I am sure she would want you to do this....race for her. Also, don't the race to serious. we all do this for fun and there will always be another one out there in the future. Do your best and your family and team will be proud.
  • Kim,
    As you can see, you have lots of folks who are thinking of you in this difficult time. In many ways the whole Ironman thing is a rehearsal ride for life. You never know what you can do until you are forced to try and then you find out that you can do amazing things that you would have never considered possible. You approach it all the same way, make your plan based on the best info that you have, change the plan as needed to adapt to the circumstances, and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Try not to get on the emotional roller coaster because every day will bring it's own highs and lows so don't get too caught up in one or the other because it will change from day to day.

    Best to you and your mom, I will keep you in my thoughts.
    I'll bet your mom is excited for you to race to give her something to get her mind off of the other stuff that is going on. I am sure that you will make her proud.
  • oh man, sorry to hear.

    on my road ID I have the words, "for those who can't". We are lucky to do such things as an IM.

    In 2012, my wife and I had to attend a funeral for a 30 something year old family member who passed away very suddenly. It was the week before IMFL. Absolutely raised the stress level. And then there was Hurricane Sandy which hit race week...I'm sure you remember that...Swim, bike, run, of the race was a welcome familiar place to be.
  • Kim - I'm very sorry about all the last minute family health crises right before your race. We all have you mom in our prayers and hope they did catch it early. Here's a suggestion, how about making her your 'one thing' for the race? Best of luck this weekend; we are all pulling for you!
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