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The 2016 Endurance Nation Team Calendar -- Please Read!!

As you know, Patrick and I are committed to continuously improving everything that is Endurance Nation. 2015 was a breakthrough year for us as coaches. Between our own training, racing, personal experimentation, and doing the “coach thing” of leading training camps and supporting / observing all of you -- it’s a been a season of incredible learning and growth for us both.

This post is the first of a series of discussions coming soon, in which we’ll share with you many big picture thoughts and changes coming to Endurance Nation. For a full review of the Endurance Nation year, you can view the Team Calendar online.

The Endurance Nation Calendar is largely comprised of four elements: Key Races, Race Execution Camps, Volume Camps, and Coach Races.

#1 Key Races -- Events at which an Endurance Nation coach will be present to conduct a Four Keys talk and coach the Team. We strongly encourage you to consider racing these events, to plug into the awesomeness of a full-on TeamEN race weekend experience.

First introduced in about 2011, the Key Race concept has evolved from “spanning the US” into choosing race sites that have (1) a high quality Four Keys venue available close to the race site, and (2) are popular with the Team and broader Tri Community as demonstrated by actual registration numbers.

For the 2016 Season, the official Endurance Nation Key Races are:

Lake Placid - Patrick as Coach, Rich as Racer

Wisconsin - Rich as Coach

Chattanooga - Rich as Coach, Patrick as Racer

Hawaii / World Championships - Rich Racing!

Arizona - Patrick as Coach

#2 Regional Race Execution Camps -- Three days to build critical race fitness and expertise for your next big race.  These camps are the single most valuable tool we have to teach you how to race long course triathlon, while also giving you a significant fitness boost. For 2016, all EN athletes are encouraged to attend these Regional Race Execution Camps -- regardless of the race they are actually doing.

Originally held on a specific Ironman course to teach you how to race that course, these camps actually limited what we were able to deliver to you as participants. For 2016, Rich and Patrick will leverage our tremendous experience with nearly every IM venue in the US to create an experience that can be shared within the schedule of an improved race execution instructional curriculum.

The 2016 Endurance Nation Regional Race Execution Camps:

Lake Placid, June 9th to 12th 2016

Chattanooga, August 4th to 7th 2016

Make Your Camp Deposit Online Here!

#3 Volume Camps -- Insert some powerful cycling and training volume into your season to boost your fitness beyond the typical annual progression.  

One important lesson we’ve (re)learned this year is the race day power of strategically placed training volume, especially cycling volume. We have a proven schedule of Volume Camp opportunities to provide that opportunity for you regardless of your location, race schedule or training focus.  

The 2016 Endurance Nation Volume Camps:

January Volume Camp (Here) -- January 14th to 18th, 2016 -- All three sports.

SoCal Spring Volume Camp (TBD) -- March 17th to 21st, 2016 -- All three sports.

Blue Ridge Cycling Camp (Here) -- April 27th to May 1st, 2016 -- Cycling only.

Tour of California Camp (Here) -- Mid May, Dates TBD -- Cycling only.

Lake Placid, June 9th to 12th 2016

Chattanooga, August 4th to 7th 2016

Make Your Camp Deposit Online Here!

#4 Coach Races & Events -- It’s good for us, good for you, and good for EN when the Coaches race. Rich and Patrick have chosen our race schedules to achieve a critical mass of EN Mojo at a couple EN Key Races and to also provide ourselves with some valuable cross training, learning, and teaching opportunities. In addition to in-season races, we have also established a presence on Kona for an annual Team experience at the World Championships.

The 2016 Coach Races & Events:

Lake Placid -- Coach Rich Races!

Chattanooga -- Coach Patrick Races!

Hawaii -- Join EN for Race Week Acclimation, Taper & Learning! (Here)

2016 Is Going to Rock!
As you can see we have done our best to create a complete slate of learning and training and Team opportunities for you to be your best. Not sure if an EN camp is for you? We encourage you to reach out to your teammates in the forums and get their feedback firsthand!

If you have more questions about the calendar, please reach out to us using the red HELP tab at the bottom of the site or email us here.

Thanks for your continued support,

Rich, Patrick and the Entire EN Team!


  • Yes!! Lake Placid is a key race!! Sweet!
  • So happy Placid is a key race, woohoo!!!
  • And glad Arizona is a key race for 2016-that's the year I turn 60. And you know what that means in age group talk....
  • I'm really looking forward to plugging myself into the Lake Placid vibe next year, by attending and helping to lead the camp and then racing with everyone.

    I often feel like there's an entire half of EN I only know as email addresses and such because I haven't been out to the Right Coast to Lake Placid since 2013. 

  • I'll be online on Monday to reg for IMCHOO2016!!!
  • I wasnt sure between IMFL or IMAZ. This post convinced me which race to do =)

  • Everyone should note that IMLP, IMChat, and IMAZ will get the full on RnPnMariah Traveling Gong Show experience. We will likely need to all rent separate cars, for obvious national security reasons 

  • Is it Chattanooga 70.3? I probably know the answer ... but since I am thinking to do that one... I was hoping :-)
    It would great to add some 70.3 to the list no?

  • Posted By Andres Duarte on 23 Sep 2015 11:56 AM

    Is it Chattanooga 70.3? I probably know the answer ... but since I am thinking to do that one... I was hoping :-)

    It would great to add some 70.3 to the list no?

    Andres - you know the answer.  Note that the Training Camps precede the Ironman event.  You can still get the EN mojo at the Florida Volume Camp or the IM Chatt Training Camp.

  • Posted By Andres Duarte on 23 Sep 2015 11:56 AM

    Is it Chattanooga 70.3? I probably know the answer ... but since I am thinking to do that one... I was hoping :-)

    It would great to add some 70.3 to the list no?

    We've tried for years to make a big deal out of a few 70.3 races. They are just an entirely different animal, with athletes spending much less time on the ground before the race. This make it extremely difficult the effectively rally the team around a team dinner, etc. We do the best we can with 70.3 but they are just not suitable races for this program.

    Also, please note that between these camps and races RnPnEN dance card is full. I can't forsee a future that has us adding more races to our existing travel schedule, not unless PnI are racing a half or a full not on this list. Thanks for understanding

  • Great schedule & concept - looking forward to using to go faster in 2016!
  • It makes sense.

    Even if there is nothing officially organized, which are the favourite 70.3 races for EN members?

    Also, next year (2016) I just found that in my home country, Colombia, we are going to have the first official 1/2 Ironman race December 4th in Cartagena, one of the most amazing cities in the Caribean.   I know the people from Colombia that are helping organize the race, so I can help with tips, maybe good deals on hotels etc... just keep it in mind.

    For me at this moment it looks like it will be Boulder in June and Cartagena December


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