IMFL Week 15 of 20 - C.A.M.P.
Calling All Motivated Peeps! C.A.M.P. week is here!
First, CAMP is not something that must be done this week, it just happens to be on the schedule for this week.
I highly recommend you take advantage of shocking your body with this volume bump at least once within the next 3 weeks. It can make a big difference on race day performances.
My plan is to try and fit it in this week if at all possible. I'll be solo on the long rides.
I will try to get my RR1 plan out there between today and tomorrow for others to read/critique/comment.
Have a safe / fun week all!
Way to lead. For those who can't keep up with Shaughn's volume, don't worry. Most of us can't get close to that w/o getting injured, sick, divorced and fired. I got in 12 hrs last week, but the intensity continues to be high, so TSS was right under 1,000 for the week. Entire weekend was rainy, and it's supposed to continue thru next weekend. Plus, I'm currently in the airport and traveling this week. So, it'll be a challenge. May try to get 2hrs on the trainer on Fri, another 3.5-4 on Sat, then run 17 on Sun. "Camp goal" for me is 3 straight days of 200+ TSS. Current self-assessment:
Weight: 148 - already at race weight. Not sure how this happened. Refining race nutrition plan based on this weight.
Swim: still getting fatigued shoulders at around 2,500 yards. Need to push off that fatigue to 3,500. Almost all work done a few seconds slower than TP to drop that TP 3-4 more seconds per 100yds. Got six weeks to get it done.
Bike: watts are staying up, but I expect them to drop a bit when I hit the 3 centuries starting next week. A few more 4-hr efforts at 200+ watts will have me confident that I can hold 180-85 for 5 hours and not ruin my run.
Run: right on target, with long runs in the 7:45-55 /mi and 143-47 HR ranges. I'm over 30 miles/week now, so injury avoidance is the highest priority (last time I got injured trying to run on post-camp, shelled legs in Wk 16).
Stay safe and healthy.
By Sunday I was totally shot and my Sunday ride was just garbage. Last week's stats were 182 miles on bike, 33 miles on run and 10k of swim. All a bit short but it is as much as life will allow at the moment.
This week I'm flipping Monday and Wednesday but plan on doing the rest of the week including the camp days.
Hope everyone's training is going well.
Plan on doing Camp Week, hopefully the rain won't be too bad. I've only done one other full, and am convinced that camp weekend put the training volume in me to finish.
Fri. Bike- 6 hrs. @ .7-.72= 171-176 watts and ride steady. Fairly flat course, see how far this takes me. Run- 1 hr. at pacing = 6 mi.
Sat. Repeat Fri. bike.
Sun. Run- 13-14 mi. using pacing guidelines.
Nutrician plan bike- 1-2 bottles Perform and/or Gat E, 1/2 Power bar, Power gel every hour = ~350 cal/~1000 mg Na per hour. Plan on taking some Perform to the race, the stuff just agrees with me better than Gat E. Run plan- 1 bottle Gat E, caffeinated gel, and a few Chomps per hour. I try to keep it simple, and have my Garmin alarm to keep me on track.
Always open to suggestion.
Why are you writing it as C.A.M.P? Just curious. I am still trying to figure out all the lingo and abbreviations.
Thanks for leading the way and keeping us motivated, Shaughn!
Northern New York in in the house. I've registered, albeit very late and I am committed. At least that is what my wife says I should be. Anyway, I am intending to do a camp week also.
I'm also seeing my FTP drop since I moved from short course to long course despite the ABP rides, etc. I wasn't sure if that was "normal" or a product of cumulative fatigue from which I just couldn't recover. But, the speed I get from pushing 10 watts less is somewhat surprising and close to the same speed I was doing - maybe that is me improving body composition (178 to 169 pounds).
The training has been one hell of a journey with a bike crash, IT Band Syndrome and physical therapy along with way. If I can just survive the training, I'm pretty sure I can finish the IM. Kinda sums up "where I am" right now.
Really glad to see the activity here picking up!
@ Mike - you are right on. For me anyway, volume does not make me fast, it helps me with durability during the race. I could double my volume and never get close to your swim/run on race day. Volume is also a balance with many things, injury, sickness, relationships....etc. I also like the way you think about CAMP week. For those of you that track TSS, a 3 day string of 200+ TSS days is a really good way to look at it.
@Atilla - your Sunday ride may have felt like garbage, but I assure you, with the volume you put up last week, there was a lot of benefit to be had from just getting on the saddle at that point and turning the cranks bro. Keep leading.........
@Mark - looks like you have a plan for the long weekend. I expect you will do well and learn a few things along the way (that goes for both of us). Do you know your sweat rate? How much do you lose per hour at ~75 degrees, ~80 degrees? Does your intake of sodium/liquid meet those needs? I lose about 56 ounces/hour at 80 degrees and weigh ~176 lbs. I know I need 12 ounces of full strength GE every 15 minutes and one salt tab added to each bottle based on those conditions and my sweat rate. If it gets warmer I have to accommodate accordingly. I also know I can put down 400 cal / hour easily during the first 3 - 3.5 hours on the bike. I set up my garmin to beep every 15 minutes for feeding and I have it scrolling to show specific metrics like NP every 5 miles with a reset.
@Virginia - C.A.M.P = Calling All Motivated Peeps - just a silly SS acronym for this week.
Are you considering to share a RR1 plan with the group?
@ Ed - Thank God you finally came to the call!!
Team, I raced IMLP in July with Ed, and trust me, we need him. He will make our team stronger. I encourage all to reach out and get to know him as able.
@Gordon - CAMP is overwhelming to think of for me no matter how many times I do it. I have to break it down by days, then each day by hour and I break each hour down by 15 minute increments in terms of what I need to be doing at that moment. Somehow it all works itself out......There is no bad CAMP result bro. You learn a ton, get a lot smarter, gain some great fitness and dial it all in for RR2 then for the race. Trust the coaches, the plan and most of all, your IMFL team.
Got in a 4,000M slow swim yesterday with 2 X 1,500M. Did not sleep well last night which is going to cost me today but I'll deal with that.
All, if you are planning to CAMP this week. Give yourself every opportunity to rest and absorb last week's work up front in the week. Sleep all that you can, eat well, plan well. Produce your RR1 plan and provide to this team if you want veteran feedback.
Have an IM day!
Write your RR1 plan and share with the team. Don't be like this SS:
Be like this SS - IMFL RR1 thoughts:
Swim 3,800M straight with pool buoy in 50M pool. Drink one bottle of Gatorade before swim. Swim first 400M as if racing with a good steady push and consistent stroke rate. After 400M, settle into stroke, Count strokes every other 50 and focus on form adjusting pace to maintain form as long as possible.
Thursday evening prepare bike, lay out shoes, helmet, tire pump, clothing, chamois cream, glide, sunscreen, glasses. Prepare all nutrition and re-check nutrition.
Prepare scrolling Garmin to show: (every 5 miles)
Screen 1: Lap NP, Power 3 sec avg.
Screen 2: HR, LAP distance
Screen 3: Total distance, Total Time
Ride 112+ miles
First 30 minutes @ 190 NP with HR ~135 bpm
Target 200 - 205 NP and 135 - 139 HR through Miles 60 - 70
Target 205+ NP and 140 - 145 HR Miles 65 - finish
Drink every 15 minutes half a bottle of full strength GE and one caf gel on :10s as well as 3/4 powerbar on :40s....adjust as conditions require.
Run 6 miles off the bike at LRP + :30 ~9:30 - 9:40 with HR ceiling of 145. Drink GE at miles 2 and 4.
Recover and go over day. Prepare bike, nutrition for Saturday. Focus on sleeping well Friday night.
Repeat Friday as able.
Go to track and run 6 miles at LRP with 140 HR ceiling
Run Miles 7 - ??........ @ 8:30 pace with HR 140 - 150 as able
Drink 12 ounces of GE every two miles
Find closet and assume fetal position for remainder of day............
@Shaughn- I do know my sweat rate, and I'm a heavy sweater and weigh 190#. It is suppose to be cool and rainy here, so 1-2 bottles per hr of GE or perform will be enough. The heat plan is up to low 80's 2 full bottles, and drop one of the 30' feeds. Too much CHA. Mid 80's+ add water and a Saltstick or 2. I just can't keep pumping sports drink, too many carbs, learned this the hard way! still try to keep carbs ~350 cal, and up the fluids and salt.
Camp week may turn into a challenge depending how this Atlantic storm tracks. Working on a possible contingency.
Today: swim
Thursday: Ride 6 hours - most likely this will not get me to 112 miles. I have been averaging about 16.5 mph on the bike & keeping my heart rate below 135. Last week my on my 5 hour ride I kept my HR on track at Avg 131 and my VI was 1.07, so I'm looking to improve on my VI. Nutrition: 24 oz of full strength GE an hour (could drink more if needed), alternate honey stinger & powergel with caf on the 30min mark of every hour (so 1 an hour), salt stick pill every hour. Temps should be low to mid 80's.
Run: First 6 miles at zone 1 + 30 sec = 10:29 pace with heart rate below 135. This might be hard as I will feel very slow! Nutrition: 8 oz half strength GE , 1 honey stinger around 30 min. On the long runs I have been taking 8oz half strength GE every 30mins, however I don't want to drink too much coming off the bike right away as I have a tendency to get bloated.
Question: Since I do have a tendency to get bloated & have GI issues I plan on slowing down my intake of nutrition on the bike for the last 15 mins. Typically take a gel on the 30 min mark of every hour so I would take one at 5:30 - do ya'll think this is too close to the 6:00 mark and may cause bloating? Thanks
@ Christina - I go 100% liquid with my calories on the last 1.5 - 2 hours of the bike.......this helps me with any GI issues.....
Good luck and be safe. Houston can be hot and humid training!
Happy Thursday all!
Brick workout for me yesterday, painful, 2X20s that came in at 304, 303 NP for each interval on the trainer:
Followed by 6.0 Mile run on rolling hills at 88 degrees:
Long RR1 swim today in 50M pool hopefully.
@Christina - there is another lady in the Houston area also training for IMFL and she is about your speed. Her name is Amberlyn Keller,;, 713.204.6379
Might be helpful for you two to sync up and partner on long rides.....
Good luck this weekend all!
I did my race rehearsal swim this morning. 3800m in 1:07 which for me is pretty darn good. I was expecting 1:10-1:12. I do think that I swam a bit harder than might be advisable on race day as my heart rate was 138 at the finish but I wanted to go for it since I don't have anything other than a short run on the calendar today.
Which raises the question, how hard do y'all swim? I know my heart rate and power caps for bike and my heart rate and pace caps for the run but in the water I just kinda go. How bout yall vets?
Tomorrow will be a metric IM. I want to get deeper into the run and see how much my heart rate drifts. So 2400m swim, 112k bike and a 26.2k run. Best of all I'm taking the day off from work to do it and I should be wrapped before the kids get home from school.
Yesterday's 2x20's done, a little off, came in at .94 & .93. That's a tough workout.
Looks like I have to modify my camp plans, moving it to next weekend is not an option due to family commitments. Today is going to be the best day of the next 3 or 4, so I'm going to get my long run in later, don't really want to do a 135' run on a treadmill Sunday. Friday is hard rain and high winds, so I plan to do the RR swim, then bike on the trainer. There is a remote chance to bike outdoors Sat., if so 6 hr bike 60' run, if not-more trainer/treadmill time. Sunday we might get hit w/ the hurricane, so more trainer/treadmill time. Most of the models show us getting a direct hit, safety and preparation are in order. Not what I had planned, just going to make the best of it.
RR1 swim reports coming in strong and solid!
@Jimmy - you've obviously been around MR too much throwing down swim times like that!
To your question of what effort level to swim the first leg at.......I think it depends on your swim fitness and experience. On one end of the spectrum you have SS, did not grow up swimming, cannot hold form well on a 3,800M swim, and swims about a 1:18......I have to focus and re-focus on form and swim fairly conservative while re-adjusting as my form goes. Swimming hard for me, only adds to my problem. On the other end of the spectrum you have MR, seasoned, experienced and high swim fitness able to hold form and push hard all the way through. I imagine the rest of you fit somewhere in between those two goal posts and will have to dial it in during your race rehearsals.
@Gordon, CHECK, RR1 swim complete! Well Done!
@Mark - day by day with the Hurricane unfolding. Just so you know, Ed has just logged a 4 hour plus trainer ride and brick run. That trainer, while brutal, is probably one of the best tools you have for a flat course like IMFL.
@Ed - keep leading and raising the bar!
Logged my RR1 swim at lunch:
glad to check that one speed records here.
This is a tough week for CAMP week, as if there are easy weeks for it. We have a bunch of family commitments all week so I am fitting my wko's in when and where I can. Today I went after my first long ride of the CAMP. The ride was a success. I was able to hit the watts I was looking for. However, it was a struggle to get there. I did my ride on the Trainer. Although there was no rain today, When I got up the temperature was in the low 40 degree range and there was a strong north wind. I tried my best to JRA the first 30 minutes. After that, I added around 10 watts and tried to hold a consistent cadence. I made it through the first 90 minutes before I had to head to the restroom. I grabbed another bottle of fuel and got right back at it. I rode another hour then I had another bathroom break. I grabbed a banana and a Red Bull. I knew I need more caffeine and I figured why not try a Red Bull. The experiment was ok. I had no stomach issues and I may have had a little boost. I rode the next 90 minutes without another break. The first 30 minutes went ok, but I was starting to fade. During the next 30 minutes, I added 1 minute of Standing power each ten minutes. For the last 30 minute section I added 1 minute of those every 5 minutes of ride time. When I finished hour 4, I was finished. My transition to the run was not speedy. However, I got outside and ran. I did have to put on tights, a long sleeve shirt and a hat. My run went 8:15, 8:22, 8:19, 8:23, 8:23 & 8:05. I feel pretty good about the day. I am nervous about the rest of the week.
Our pool opens at 530 so I was going to swim for a half hour. I want to get some swim in, but I also want to get going on the bike. Should I do the whole hour and just suffer one extra hour on the bike and the run at noon/1 pm ?
I plan on the 112 bike ride if I can do it timely enough. At least 100. I will follow with the hour run. If anyone lives in St. Pete, FL, that is where I do my bike. I make 20 mile loops by my car so I can refresh my bottles/supplies.
Saturday will be the follow up bike ride. I do love the brutal trainer work. I have a 4 hour Spinervals workout that is tough as nails, but awesome. Do you think spending the Saturday ride on my trainer with that DVD would be just as good?
I did my 135 minute run on Monday of this week because I work at 7 am on Sunday. That was Coach approved.
I did do a century ride two weeks ago and followed it with my long run the next day. It was hard, but sure felt like race day.
I may eat more than others it seems, but it worked for me last year. I start with a Macrobar at 30 mins and 1:30, a pbj at 2:30, back to Macrobars at 3:30 and 4:30 and another pbj. I eat half a Macrobar if I feel full. I take tailwind and nuun in my bottles.
I am off Monday and have scheduled a massage!
I would love any feedback. Great to hear what everyone is doing. Thanks for sharing!
I got the swim RR done today at lunch at my usual pokey pace but it's done:
The hurricane is coming our way so it looks like it will be a trainer/treadmill camp. Though unless it's coming down sideways I will attempt to run outside. I can do 6 hours on the trainer but the treadmill for me is just torture.
I grabbed the IMFL course file though not the new one but how different can it be and will ride that tomorrow in PerfPro on the computrainer. If the weather sucks again on Saturday I can just repeat that ride once more.
Good morning and welcome to Friday of Camp week. For most everyone this is a very big training day. This is a race execution day. Execute today like "The Fonz" Everyone be cool. Smooth and steady is the rule. For me, I am going to get in what I can. Train well!
Stupid hurricane is throwing a big wrench in my camp plans. We're expecting 4 straight days of heavy rain, flooding and high winds beginning in a few hours. Because work was optional today, I opted to run long in the rain. Did 5 laps around my neighborhood and got in 17. The wind, rain and hills made each mile unique. But I finally got in a LR with a decent pace (7:48) AND a decent avg HR (142), so I'm quite pleased how run fitness is coming along. The next several days will probably involve nothing but the trainer and maybe a pool.
@Jimmy, I do a ton of swim training right around threshold (right now, about 1:24/100yds). As I move through the build, the 400 and 500 repeats that I do near TP grow until I'm doing 8, 9 or 10 of them. Right now, my form starts to falter at 3,000yds, but I've got 4-5 weeks to push that out to 4,000. And that's how I race: right at threshold. It's not hard, but certainly not easy. It's that constant, rhythmic stroke I've got completely memorized. If form starts to falter at 3,500, I slow down. A wetsuit allows me to drop into that 1:18-20/100 pace, find some feet and save 20% energy going that same pace. If I'm in great swim shape (I'm in good, not great shape right now), then I'll typically leave behind the feet the last 1/4 of the swim as many start to slow. Yes, I burn some heart beats, but I never get even close to anaerobic. But that's just me.
@Mike, Great Run! I'm heading to the cave to get my ride in. Weather is still an issue here. It is currently a very Florida like 49 degrees.
All the riding in the garage cave this weekend.
Hurricane is missing us in South Florida! lower humidity also.
I did a 1600 meter swim this am to help me move onto the bike a little faster. I did get the 3800 meter swim in on Monday.
I am excited about my bike ride. Last year I finished my six hour ride with 80 or so miles. Today I finished at 98.5 miles! Not that fast compared to most, but pretty exciting for me. I also finished 100 miles in 6:07. That was three minutes faster than the century ride I did two weeks ago! My nutrition seemed good. I got through the run in the heat and ended with an hour and 5.85 miles. I walked through my water stops at each mile. Good day today overall. We will see what my legs say about tomorrow. Right now, they are giving me the cold shoulder
Well, I got nearly everything I needed to do around the house that was important done. I also was able to squeeze in a 2 hour ride on the computrainer and 4,000 yard in the pool. I wasn't sure the ride was going to make it that long when I started. It was tough getting the legs to hit the cadence I wanted and I'm pretty sure someone put some rocks in my seat. I did the 2 hours in sets of 30 minutes. Each set my legs started to feel stronger. The swim went well too. Again, I did not swim fast, but I was pretty steady.
@Gordon, You are right where you should be. You have been doing the work. Your FTP is important, but it is a guide at this point. If you follow the guidance for the long ride, the information you get will be very valuable. You need to be able to smoothly pour out the watts for the entire 112 miles. The longer you can stay aero, the faster you will be.Also, the smoother you ride, the better you will run. If you don't own one already, I suggest a foam roller. I use mine every day and focus on the ITB.
@Stephanie I'm with you on the trainer. Today's high was 50 and the north wind blew all day. October 1st arrived here and the temperature promptly dropped 15 degrees.
@Virginia, Great Job! That is a big bunch of work you laid down today. It is very motivating when you can see improvement. 6 hours is a long time to be on a bike and hitting a century is fantastic! Work Works!
What I failed to take in to account was weather.
2400M swim. Put the wetsuit on and hit the outdoor pool in the neighborhood. 38:xx was really fast for me. gotta love a good wetsuit especially in a 25m pool where you can push off and be 1/2 way across!Not the best swim workout but it served its purpose.
The bike went very well. Held good power over 70 miles and my HR was right where I wanted it. So far so good.
Then it was time to run. 16mi is a legit long run especially as slow as I go. I was looking for mid 9's and got low 10's. By the time I was running, it was noon and in the mid 80's. By the time I was done it was 90. I had HR caps that I had planned to run to. I stuck with them for the first 8mi. At that point it was apparent that if I stayed to plan I would be out there all day. So I let my hr drift up.
I weighed before and after and dropped 7lbs even with 6 bottles over the 70 mi ride and 3 more over the run. I was clearly too hot. Got sunburned all to hell.
This first RR of the build always seems to go sideways on me. At least I kept the bike upright!
Light days tomorrow as I have kids soccer (part of why I loaded up today). Some recovery spinning then back in the saddle for some work on sunday.
Thx for the swim guidance mike! I think that I might go a little easier than you do. Dunno. Ideally, My HR would be around 10bmp lower than my bike target. I guess I need to start checking it and grove that intensity.
In honor of IMFL, Saturday is race around day. I had time to get in a hard hour on the bike and a just about the same for a longer brick. The work is in the books and now its off to the races. Train strong everyone.