Rob H (UK)
Hi Patrick
Thanks for the chat. As discussed on the call, I already have a sort of weekly schedule that works for me, the family, babysitter, friends who can support me on cycle rides/runs etc.
Monday: Evening - 1 hr swimming followed by 1 hr pilates.
Tuesday: Evening - 1 hr karate
Weds: Morning - Run
Thurs: Morning Swimming (normally in the spring) + Evening Karate or Cycle
Friday: Nothing
Saturday: Morning Karate
Sunday: Morning Long Cycle
Can you please have a look at how the proposed schedule could accommodate this as much as possible please? It would just make it sooo much easier to fit it in around what already works.
I'm moving this post over to the Micro Forum so Patrick will see it.
I've got home from Chicago now and have my P1 pedals attached to my bike. I haven't done any testing yet for either the run or bike as I didn't have a PM and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to.
Should I take take the opportunity to complete the tests this coming weekend in place of the Run Durability sessions that are scheduled?
Running was going well but I hyper extended my big toe at karate on Tuesday evening. I've not ran since. I've had it strapped, iced and taking brufen.
Would you recommend laying off for the beginning of OS next week or to test it out on a run if it eases off a bit? It's less painful than yesterday for sure.
EDIT - just realised that I was supposed to start OS this week!! I was wondering why I was seeing the others starting and I thought I was starting next week for some reason (I think because my initial run durability was 4 weeks long - it didn't twig that I was only doing 3! )
So what do I now Coach P? test Monday and Weds next week and then follow the rest of next weeks plan? Or try bike test tomorrow with run test on Sunday if toe is OK?
Sorry man, if you need a reply faster than 24 hours you should send me a message – 617-513-3830. I'd rather the rest that so, and put more time in the bike right now. If anything, I like your first few runs back to be just boring runs before we find out whether or not the total was a real issue. Give me an update today on how things and we'll see what's next...
I didn't do any training at all. The toe feels better but it's still sore so don't want to put anything through it. That and I had to do a house move 300 miles away added up to 4 days written off.
I'll continue with a day off today and then try the bike test tomorrow with some fresh strapping on.
I will be working flat out on the Saturday and Sunday but very flexible for the rest of the time away. How can I try to make up for the non existent start to OS and this additional travelling please?
I can potentially hire a road bike whilst there or utilise the hotel gym equipment and pool.
I recommend that you try the following to account for travel:
Fri - OFF
Sat - Bike as planned.
Sun - 45' aerobic bike, followed by a short run to test out the toe
Mon - Tuesday Bike workout.
Tues - Day off Travel
Wed - Hotel Bike / Spin Class to replace Thu workout.
Thu - Swim if possible, or do aerobic time in gym (Elliptial, Stairmaster).
Fri - Aerobic time in gym (Elliptial, Stairmaster).
Sat - WORK
Sun - WORK
Mon - Travel
Tues - back on the OS plan...
I need a complete reassessment please. I've basically done very little due to work and a bit of illness - that Vegas week long trip plus 2 separate trips to India before Xmas has completely screwed up my plan and so I need to understand whether I should start from scratch or whether you can recommend some rescheduling to get me back into training as to pick up on the plan as is without doing the base might demotivate me a bit?
Schedule wise it's been a complete disaster but work has got in the way
I'd really like to know what I should be doing as of tomorrow please as I'd like to turn this around ASAP so I can start training properly.
So for this week, I'd just get out and be active. Nothing special, but make sure you are in a good rhythm and loose before things kick off in the OS (and it gets serious). If you need some thoughts, I'd head over to the Run Challenge Forum and run with the Team (information on the Dashboard). Most folks are staying active to the tune of 60' a day, with some flavor of that being running.
I would like you to please submit your Triathlon Season RoadMap™ to Coach Rich here:
This is partly for your planning, but also so we have a map for you that both Rich and I can refer to as we help you out in the future.
Also, if you have other conflicts or work / travel coming up, please feel free to let me know here. Thanks!
~ Coach P
I have a local half marathon booked for Sunday 3rd April which is a week before the end of Jan OS but it was the best I could do. How should I change up next week to accommodate it?
Mon - Rest
Tues - Usual FTP ride, yes to brick run.
Wed - Modify the FTP run to 2 x 1 mile at Zone 4 with LOTs of rest.
Thu - Usual VO2 Ride (no brick run)
Fri - Steady Bike Ride (trainer?) for 60 to 80 minutes. Nothing hard...just dial in Zone 2.
Sat - OFF
Sun - RACE the 13.1 ...check out the pacing guidance here:
Then rest up for Monday / Tuesday...and get loose on Wed for a Thursday bike test...
Thanks for the advice Coach P.
@ take and that henna tattoo to show them who was boss! Of course they subsequently went out the next night and smashed it
I didn't follow much of your advice for last week (but I had good reason!). On Weds I went to a local running club that I've joined which has really helped to get me off the sofa and complete my long midweek EN run. It was race night to celebrate the clocks changing whereby 50 odd members raced over a 4 mile course.
I was delighted with my 10th place (yes I have been unbearable about that too
) as I'm still 105 KGs (coming down), 6ft 3 with no running background competing against people who have been running a long time and some are skinny as hell. It's a good mix of abilities and ages and it's really helped me improve. I got a new vDot of 41.5 with 30.29 for my 4 miles. I am not built for running as I tell everyone....
Anyway, I came down with a really heavy cold on Thursday (and also a bit of a hangover following vDot celebrations) so quit my Thurs bike ride almost immediately and had fish and chips instead... I did nothing else until Sunday's half marathon and still felt shocking and pitied the people who would be running behind me (emptying nose constantly!).
I followed the half marathon pacing advice and had an amended vDot target of 1:55. My pacing was really solid but I ended up with the last 2 miles at 9:00 min pace and just couldn't push any more after trying to raise it at mile 10 (heart rate was maxed out too). I finished with 1:56:21 which with my cold (and it was surprisingly hot) I was chuffed with that. Hopefully, it bodes well for the next set of training and upcoming races.
~ Coach P
2 Things:
1, Looking ahead to the Full IM workouts starting from next week. Is it OK to switch the Weds bike and the Thurs run sessions with each other? Run club is on Weds and cycling with the lads is on Thurs so it would work much better that way round. I would generally swim Monday PM, Thursday AM and Friday PM instead of how they are too. But that would be swapped a little to go open water prep too as and when.
2, On a recent webinar/call Coach Rich was really quite negative on me/anyone doing the Half IM at the point that mine is in relation to my full Ironman (5 weeks prior to my A race). It would have a negative impact on my training during the most important training weeks supposedly. What are your thoughts? I've got race rehearsals etc built into my schedule. I could always let it go and eat the £loss. My focus is on completing the Full IM, I entered the half only to guarantee the entry for the full IM as UK IM normally sells out fast.
Great to hear from you again! I hope that spring has truly sprung in England.
Swapping the Wednesday and Thursday workouts is okay however your bike might suffer a bit as you could be a little tired. Do your best to keep the Tuesday and "new" Wednesday runs as far apart as possible. Ideally 24 hours between them. That should do the trick.
As for your voice five weeks out from your Ironman, it is not ideal. That said, you have to understand that coach Rich is very black-and-white. Things are either good or they are bad.
So here’s the rub: if you can adjust your schedule in order to get the bigger week done one week earlier in your schedule done but we are okay. By that I mean you would literally do week 13, then week 14, then week 16 (to get that volume in), then race, then do weeks 17, 18, 19 and 20. (So you would miss week 15 in this example, but note I made those numbers up).
The reason we are against racing at that point in time is how people approach the race. Most folks want to taper for good performance. Then they will need to recover afterwards. So incorporating the race means you also need to set aside your expectations for a high performance based off of a special taper and recovery. This will be "just" a race you do before the big one.
Thanks for that. Fitting the training in around actual work and family etc will get much more challenging looking at how the volume builds up moving towards the full IM.
I'm inclined to not mess around too much with it and will likely not do the half as it sounds like it does complicate matters unnecessarily. The half marathon I did at the end of OS meant something but the 1/2 IM doesn't really mean anything to me and was just a means to an end.
~ Coach P
Due to work and family commitments I'm looking to swap the Thurs-Sunday of this week with next week. There's just no way I can fit in the swim, bike run this weekend as we are away for a family celebration.
Is that OK to do?
I've not even considered the half IM since our discussions. We decided against my friend doing it. My wife has her entry still (she's also doing the IM) and she still seems to be doing it. She's following a women's IM book plan or at least she reads the book every night and then doesn't do what she's supposed to
Looking at week 15, which is when this half occurs, I really have enough on my plate with camp week as it is. I'll just follow my EN plan and then go and support her/look after the kids if she decides to do it. I've told her that I'll likely not be doing it but she's an animal. Plus it might help me to beat her in the IM!
One thing to clear up please, how/when do I work out my bike pace? Am I missing something really obvious? I have HR and a power meter.
We live 45 mins from it so we will definitely ride it a couple of times before the race but it's also very hilly where we live so I cannot avoid hills when I am running and cycling even if I wanted to. I know that a local hill is very similar to Sheephouse Lane which is the big grind on the IM course so I go up that a lot in training.
2) Bike pacing is off of a bike test. You can read about it here: (in the wiki under Bike)
3) Hilly courses are your friend. Crush yourself in training on them; it's incredible work. BUT, you have to learn how flatten / smooth out the hills for race day (and final 6 weeks of your training). Here's a quick article for you on it:
And yes, plan to ride the course a lot. The more familiar you are with it (don't just TT it every time) the better off you'll be!
Thanks Coach P.
Just another point please. I hate the trainer. My FTP via the 20 min test on Trainer Rd using the trainer is 245 Watts yet when I am outside, with air flowing, something else to focus on, people to compete with my latest Garmin 20 min average power going up and down hills etc is 343 Watts (and I wasn't focusing on hitting higher numbers or battering myself).
How do these 2 figures correlate? Can average Watts on a hill session be useful to determine FTP? When on my trainer, I just cannot get near the numbers I regularly see outside even on my longer rides. The weather has improved here now and so the motivation to be on the trainer is almost nil. I just don't want to waste the benefits of training with power but 245 Watts is not relevant outside.
As I said above, we live in a hilly area (on the edge of Peak District). Maybe I should ask this in the general forums?
(1) The difference between indoor and outdoor FTP...usually 10%. So if I am 275 outside I am 250 inside.
(2) Hills inflate your FTP. So if I am 275 outside on the hills, I am probably closer to 250 inside.
Connecting 1 and 2 above, it's more likely that your 330 on hills, which puts you closer to 3o0 flats...and 275 inside. That sounds fairly reasonable to me for someone who hates the trainer. That said, go ahead and crush yourself on the hills...just plan on riding STEADY on the Saturday sessions so you get time to practice what it means to flatten a hill (smooth power effort).
Here is an article on the flattening approach:
Since we are in season, your outdoor numbers rule the roost. Keep up the good work!
Thanks for the above info, others on the forum have also been helpful.
I now have to go to Barcelona and then Nuremburg from Weds-Sat inclusive during my week 15 (Camp Week) which for me starts week commencing June 6. I will be able to run but not bike during the travels. How can I re-jig these important sessions before and after to ensure that I minimise the disruption.
My schedule is basically open until that travel so we can rearrange anything/everything to minimise the downside from that trip.