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The 2016 OutSeason: Run Accountability Project (Plus Tracker)

What is the OutSeason® Run Accountability Project?

This project is  designed specifically to help ensure maximum compliance with our baseline training goals for the season: An incredibly strong run platform. Over the last several years, we have noticed that athletes struggle with two specific items. The first is with returning from time off. The second is recovering from an injury. Either way, the friction lies with the run.

Our goal here is to give you a manageable, yet effective, running protocol that builds your fitness with an eye towards your entire season instead of just this one part of your plan.

By tracking these workouts our hope is that you will do a better job of completing them all.

Total Runs per Plan of the OutSeason®

In addition to creating a log to track your runs, we have also created different levels of accomplishment as another set of targets for you to hit. Each level of competition is based on a certain percentage of total runs completed. Here's a chart for you to understand the different levels:

The Levels of Accomplishment

Platinum Club = 100%+ Runs Completed

  • ADV: 78+ runs

  • INT: 69+ runs

  • BEG: 57+ runs

Gold Club = 90%+ Runs Completed

  • ADV: 70+ runs

  • INT: 62+ runs

  • BEG: 51+ runs

Silver Club = 80%+ Runs Completed

  • ADV: 62+ runs

  • INT: 55+ runs

  • BEG: 45+ runs

BronzeClub = 70%+ Runs Completed

  • ADV: 54+ runs

  • INT: 48+ runs

  • BEG: 40+ runs

Do’s and Don’ts During the R.A.P.

While we want you to get really good at running, and running frequently, we don't want you to train yourself into a brick wall. With that in mind, please do not chase the arbitrary run goal simply for achieving the goal itself. The goal is nothing more than a means to ensure improved compliance. If you need rest, you should take it. You have the rest of your season to get fit!

You can take days off.

You can do days with more than one run (if required).

You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every stride.

Listen to your body if you need to take a day off…don’t get too sucked into what the other trigeeks on the ‘standings’ are doing.

By all means, use the overall standing as a motivator to push you up a level, but don’t put yourself in the injury/hurt locker in the middle of winter.

Don't sprint out of the gate in the first 3 weeks…by definition the plan is designed to ramp you up.

Finally, If you make it through the first 10 weeks, pour it on in the final month when your body and mind can take it.

Here is the tracking log: http://bit.ly/2016OSRAP

Here is the explanation video on the official wiki page: http://bit.ly/1MEtIzD

This will live in the sidebar of your OutSeason® plan online, so you can easily click over to update your information.

Questions? Please ask them below!


  • can i enter KM since im a Canadian and get higher numbers ??

    Good idea Coach !
  • I need this so thank you! One quick thought/reco... Can some guidance be provided in the plans re weekly mileage? If one were to just do the main set only, they might get all the runs done but with very little mileage. (I know, I have a "friend" who has done this. Wink wink). I know the OS is focused on the quality and time but Having a minimum target per week would be awesome.
  • I am in and I need this!!

  • I'm in...great plan..i do the work for the most but accountability goes a long way with the peers


  • On the spreadsheet! Bring it on!
  • QUESTION:  I'm on the spreadsheet but not scheduled to begin OS until week 2.  I imagine I can start there and you will figure out the difference?  Or, maybe better would be to begin run frequency earlier starting next week?

  • This is a great idea to keep the mojo rollin' all 14 weeks. So easy to get bogged down later on.


  • Great idea! I can relate to coming back off from an injury or two. Hoping for good success on the run.
  • I'm in with my "baby steps return to running plan" prescribed by my PT guy. I am now learning to run with a better cadence and proper arm swing. Mileage will be low but frequency will be high.

  • Posted By David Ambrose on 26 Oct 2015 06:08 PM


    Wait! What?  Ambrose is in the house?  AWESOME!!!

    Channeling Kristen.  I ran 1 whole mile this morning.  Gotta start someplace.

  • @Kim, every monday of the OS has a "run target" for you. Coach Rich was all about doing this right the first time!!!  image

  • @CoachP,

    For Week 1 on Nov OS (Beginner), we had a run test on Wed, and then have 60 min runs on Sat and Sun.

    Noob question that I think you've answered above, but I'll ask you to clarify; for run durability, is that the entire prescription, or should we aim to supplement additional runs in on the other days?  The reason that I have the question is that Coach R really talked about running as much as possible -- almost every day during his season learnings.  That said, I'd be more than happy to follow the Training Plan prescriptively!


  • Marc, great Noob question and I am curious as well. With the targeted miles of 24 miles with 190 minutes of running (adv OS) for this week it seems like it will be very hard based on even very solid paces (8min/miles) to make such a number. Should we be trying to supplement this with additional frequency or longer times outside of the OS plan? Also, the next week we have 60 more minutes of scheduled runs in the plan but the same mileage target as this week.
  • Glad for this accountability. Less than a week into it and the outseason is officially my favorite EN plan...
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