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Sell Out Date?

Hey Folks,

Looking for some general advice. I'm working getting buy -in from my family to do IM TX in 2016. Any ideas on when it typically sells out general spots? I'm looking to earn back as many SAU's as I can before saying I really want to do TX... :-)


Thanks Folks!



  • I'm thinking I signed up in early to mid November last year, and it seems like there was still a bit more time after that before it sold out. You might try getting into the "Ironman Texas 20xx" group on Facebook and sifting through the posts there. I think I saw something recently, but I cant find it at the moment. I'll see if anyone that left the team remembers when they signed up last year, and report back.
  • I think it starts rolling pretty fast in November. I've done it every year and just sign up the day before the actual race. One of my friends always waits to the last minute for some reason. Two years ago she didn't make a December cutoff. Last year she signed up in November when she started to see the slot go pretty fast. Probably post Kona and AZ / Cozumel IMO.
  • You mean you sign up 366 days before, since you are a participant, right Tom?
  • Ask Mariah. She knows all and will tell you how many slots are left. She just can't tell you how she gets the info cause then she'd have to kill you. image

  • Thanks for all the info everyone! So it seems like I have a little time to earn some more SAU's... :-)

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