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Ironman Florida 2016 Guaranteed Slot Lottery


As two-time winners of Ironman's Triathlon Club Competition, we've been award 5 guaranteed registration slots to Ironman Florida 2016

Go here to enter a chance to win a guaranteed Ironman Florida 2016 Registration Slot

Registration, and the link to this form, will be turned off at 9pm EST on Monday, October 26th.


  • What does "guaranteed" mean?

    The slot is not free!!

    If you win, we give your deets to WTC and they contact you with double top secret, back door, skip the registration craziness instructions.

  • Racing Ironman Florida this year and thinking of racing it again next year? 

    Please do not submit your name to this lottery process. Remember that you’ll have an opportunity to register via the registered participants onsite opportunity on Saturday. 

  • Already have firm plans to go to the race, volunteer or spectate, and claim a slot on Monday via onsite registration?

    Thanks for volunteering and cheering on your Endurance Nation teammates! However, please don’t submit your name to this lottery process. In our more than significant experience with Ironman race weekends, if you are in “a” line Monday morning, WTC WILL take your money and you WILL be registered for 2015!

  • Kinda sorta interested in racing Ironman Flordia so, what the hell, I’ll enter my deets and see what happens? 

    Please understand that if you win a registration opportunity, and don’t take advantage of it, that guaranteed registration is lost to the team!

Thanks and we’ll be back next Tuesday, 10/27/15, to announce the winners!


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