Hardbeck's Macro
Hey Rich.
getting ready to get ready for 2016. No 'big' triathlons booked. Will be ready and willing to race on a few weeks notice any local/convenient sprint or oly's just for kicks.
Goals for the year....
continue working with the local swim coach (Dynamo, Maria Thrash. If anyone on the team ever asks). Continue to work on Run Durability another year, slowly upping the mileage as much as I can tolerate without sabotaging my only 'A' event.
'A' event, and only event I'm putting crosshairs on, is 6 Gap Century. 100+ miles with 12k climbing. And, I want to do it FAST. I've done it once, took 6:45, and that's considered a solid time. Good riders go sub 7. Great riders go 6 to 6:30. Sub 6 (and some close to 5:15) are reserved for our clubs and domestic pro's that do a pretty pro job of working together.
Without injury or life train wreck, 4+ w/kg will be legit. Also, we plan on having about 5-7 very experienced/similar ability riders going up there together and working together. Even 'practicing' together on the climbs on several weekends. Stashing coolers at strategic places to avoid the masses at the aid stations at the top of each climb.
Sent in the Season Planning Survey today.
Just wanted to put this in your head and see if you had any thoughts.
Thanks for the help!
EDIT: need to add that there will be a big family vacay in Mid July that I should use as recovery or little runs at most. I know it's pretty close to that last weekend in September 6Gap but it is what it is.
Hope you had a great trip out here to see the family. Too much fam stuff going on around here to even consider that EN get together.
I'll try to run into you and the crew one day over the Chatt camp, hopefully.
Enjoy the rest of the Holiday season b4 you start putting those crosshairs on Kona!
Thanks! I'll be back in ATL 12/21-25, leaving on the 26th. I'm good for 3-4 days max at my sister's place
put some thoughts down in the forums and I also wanted to get your feedback.
posted in the Jan OS '16 intro thread...
got a question for you guys....
Spent Oct-Dec free stylin'. Ready to get serious in January for a season that will focus on
1) a spring and a fall epic bike day. Assault on Mt Mitchell in May just for volume but 6 Gap in Sept that will be treated like a race.
2) an oly in Chatt in late June and, if the planets align, a Nov IM (this would be a 'C' event, believe it or not, depends on how I feel in Sep)
3) build bigger/badder run engine. Think Run Durability over the course of the year and adding lots of volume the second half of 2016.
4) continue working with my swim coach over the course of the year. means most swim wkos are drill focused with volume pops right before my tris.
With that being said, Rich had me with a Nov OS and Jan/Feb Get Faster. I didn't stick to the Nov OS plan. Work/Life really force audibles over those weeks and most of my weeks are built around very short & purposeful wko's that fit into my hectic schedule.
Anyhow, I'm trying to decide if I am going to jump into this Jan OS and end it when Rich had the GF plan ending. I feel they are very similar plans and I'd expect similar progress.
Do you guys know if there would be any particular reason to NOT put JanOS in place of Get Faster until the end of Feb?
Thanks for the feedback.
Hope you had a good Xmas at sis's and your Old Fashions were topped off nicely by your nephew!
let's get something done in '16!
gonna stay with the GF plan and just set up base camp in Jan OS forums to get some team mojo for those indoor months.
and....Happy New Year, Rich. Here's to a strong '16!
The GF plan is our default go-to solution when you're not training specifically for anything. If it were me, I'd just schedule a 3-3.5hr long ride on the weekends and follow the rest of the plan as is. Good luck!
Like a few of the others around here, yourself included, my last few months have been crazy. Many things going on at one time, higher priorities than perfectly executing anything that resembles a training schedule. These things aren't going anywhere this year. I am going to continue to 'work out' with SBR moreso than 'train'. I don't have any big IM's or HIM's so it's all just local bragging rights around here anyhow. Will still be knocking out some big centuries, a couple of short tri's, and working on my swim & run along the way. The Locals Tuesday World Championships will be the most competitive thing I do this year, week in, week out, work hours permitting.
So, I'm going to drop into EN's very cool Maintenance Mode. It's perfect for this scenario. I have too much crazy going on to live with the (self-imposed) pressure of sticking to my schedule. I love the idea of staying locked in at my current rate for when I return. And, I will. I'm very confident that I have many more long course races in my masters days. And, I want to be part of this team when I do them. This is a break to just let me step away for a bit while the dust clears.
Good luck with the big changes you have going on and if you come to ATL and want to ride sometime or get a bite to eat, just give me a holler and hopefully we can make something work.