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Thoughts on Calgary?

Hi Folks,

I have a great job opportunity in Calgary, Alberta (is that even how you write it- this Canadian stuff is new to me!).  Obviously the fit of the job is the first criteria, but curious if anyone has any thoughts on Calgary, both as a city in general, and since this triathlon thing is how I spend the majority of my free time, the tri scene/training as well.  Being near the mountains would definitely be a big change from Chicago!  So much for moving somewhere where I wouldn't need to use my trainer...  



  • Rachel,

    The last time I was in Calgary was as a Boy Scout in 1983, so I can't really speak to the tri scene....

    What I can talk about is living in different places. Since I left home for college, I have lived in Colorado, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Korea, Germany, Italy, (back to) Arizona, Florida, Georgia, and now Virginia. Each and every place has had its positives and negatives. I firmly believe my life has been richer due to living in different locales and would not change a thing.

    Bottom line -- if the job is something you will enjoy, then go for it.
  • Rachel wowzer Calgary EH, gotta say I love that city. Brenda and I lived there in the late 80's when I was in the military. I know it's been a few years since I've been there but it's a beautiful vibrant athletic city. Ask away on the questions and looking at the foothill/Rockies everyday is not a bad way to wake up. Do your homework to see if the city fits into your lifestyle !
  • Doesn't it snow there? image
  • I've never lived in Calgary but as a Canadian who has spent time there I can provide some insight. More importantly I can contrast it with what it is like to live in Chicago where you do, which is VERY DIFFERENT. Shoot me an email. It's been a while since we caught up. Cheers, Matt.
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