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New Mooseman half course vs. IMLP

For any peeps who've ridden the new Mooseman half course, I'm wondering about your thoughts on how the difficulty compares to the course at LP.  From what I remember riding the course last year (only 1 loop), Mooseman seemed significantly harder than anything I remember at LP.  Am I deluding myself, or would you agree?  Course profiles from MapMyRide are below


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    IMLP has nothing even close to the big hill at Mooseman in terms of duration or steepness so no worries there what so-ever.

    If you break the course up at IMLP it's:

    1) climb out of town (very easy to manage watts per execution guidelines)

    2) descent + flats through Keene

    3) Left hand turn into...total brainfart on the name, but 3 hills out of there. 1rst is the steepest, 2nd is longer but less steep and the 3rd is no big deal.

    4) out and back = mostly flat with one hill on the way back out.

    5) back stretch past Whiteface. Rollers with rollers and shorter hills.

    Nothing on the IMLP course requires you to break out of your race gears wattage wise. Moosey is a different story with the last 3/4 of the big hill. image

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    I think that the LP course is easier from an output perspective, harder b/c the "hard" stuff sneaks up on you whereas at Moose it screams OMIGODTHISISHARD at you. I would rather race LP, but I love those steady climbs at like .75....can do that all day long at like 20mph....

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