Rich W.'s Micro Thread
I'm on week 18 of the advanced marathon plan [Balanced] and I hitting a point with work and family that I need to move the workouts around to make them fit. I will still be able to get all of the planned workouts in, its just a matter of shuffling them based on time. Will shuffling the workouts around during the week have any adverse effects on my training? The long build runs would still take place on the weekends, so its really just about shuffling the workouts during the work week.
Thanks again for the chat last week! It really helped to talk things through and enforced the approach to the race.
I've put together my race plan for IM Louisville. Would you be able to take a look at it when you get a chance? Here is the link to it in Google Drive:
One thing of note is that the wattages for the bike are best case scenario wattages. I'm guessing I will be staying beneath them throughout race day, so it is more of an approximate target/wattage cap.
Thursday: No during day, run just before dinner.
Friday: Short bike of 30' to stay sane. Save run before dinner.
Sat as planned.
Race Day:
+ your sweet potato pouch has 12g of Fat....might be hard to eat just before the race? Unless you've trained with it? Might be better with just a power bar (same calories, only 4g Fat).
+ Not sure about "arm coolers over wrists (if cooler)" -- do you mean arm coolers or warmers? Sort that out...
+ Goal #1 on bike is to get your HR down to normal long ride levels. Whatever that takes. F power until then. For me that's 125 to 130bpms...our of T1 I will see I have 15 minutes of soft pedaling and cheesiness to get settled....then it's time to go to work with power numbers.
+ NO ADVIL. Tylenol only please.
+ You will want RaceSaver™ Bag or at minimum a ziplock bag to hold ice from aid stations.
Looking good!!!
~ Coach P
Thanks for the feedback Coach! I think you're right about the Clif sweet potatoes and substituting a power bar. I have found myself starting to get a little tired of the taste anyway, so one less pouch wouldn't really disappoint me too much
I also ordered a replacement race belt with gel holders last night, so I can carry them on my person on the run vs. in my hand like my last IM (which was kind of a pain). I also ordered a RaceSaver - It seems like a brilliant idea!
I'll be sure to keep the HR in check out of T1 - I think this is what hurt me earlier at Steelhead this year. I never brought the HR back from the 150's from T1.
Thanks for the feedback! I'm ready to rock this race!
~ Coach P
Hey Coach,
I've made some adjustments to my power goals, based upon the last two race rehearsal rides. Could you take a look and let me know your thoughts? I lowered my FTP in BestBikeSplit from 333W to 300W, since that would put my power output closer to what I have been riding (and feeling good off the bike). The race rehearsal rides were with my training partner, were at efforts that are slightly lower than my race day effort, and were on courses that are similar to the terrain at Louisville. I am concerned that I may over ride the course and pay for it on the run, if I'm not a little conservative. Here are the links to my last two race rehearsal rides on Strava and the BestBikeSplit links:
Wattage Adjustments:
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Goal 1 is to run well of your bike.
To achieve Goal 1 we start bike by getting HR DOWN to long ride levels out of T1. That means sub-130. Soft pedal, coast, eat, drink until happy you can't get any lower. Then start to work. You HR should build, then settle in...and rise all day over your steady effort. It seems your HR likes mid 145s on the bike (you tell me!) so as long as your "race watts" keep you in that happy HR place you should be good. Even as your too easy ride you are doing anything more is fantastic.
Of couse, I don't know what your race day goals are...
Let me know,
~ Coach P
I'll definitely be taking it easy out of T1, until the HR gets low again. Bucket of chicken, right?
I totally forgot to include the link to my pre-ride of the IM Louisville bike course over Labor Day. I never looked at HR/power the entire time, since I was just had the map up and was riding pretty conservatively throughout: or
As far as goals for the day, I'm taking whatever I get out the swim - based on recent tests, probably around a 1:10 - 1:15 (if it's wetsuit legal). I'm not looking at the clock out of the water, since it's my weakest discipline and doesn't matter much in the day's big picture. It's just a way to get to the bike and run. My "could" ride time would be a sub-5:10, but I was thinking my "should" ride time we be in the 5:20-5:25 range. The goal for the run is ultimately a sub-4:00, with a stretch goal closer to a 3:45-3:50 (if HR, nutrition, etc... all stays in check). My public goal is sub-11:00, but if everything goes right, I'm hoping for ~10:30-10:40.
Of course, that is all best case scenario in ideal conditions. If something comes up (and it will...its an Ironman), I'll shift my goals based on what I can actually control.
I definitely want to run well of the bike, so maybe HR/RPE would probably be a better guide. Then I would just use wattage as more of a way to keep me in check from spiking power on the hills/going too hard on the flats/trying to chase someone down (bad habits that I've been working on since joining EN.
Sorry about the constant stream of little tweaks. The taper crazies are really starting to settle in
Same with the early run...if you can manage the bike exit / run start you'll be on point!!!